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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Frequent urination

Hi all. I have been having a problem with frequent urination for about a year now. I am a 21 year old female who is generally healthy. One day I counted and I had urinated about 30 times! It's ridiculous. I will go to the bathroom, think my bladder is emptied, and 5 minutes later I will go again. Sometimes it is a small amount and sometimes it is regular. I have been to my doctor recently and he said it's probably nothing to worry about. He insinuated that it might be because of constipation. Other than that, he, of course, wanted to write me a prescription. I don't want to take conventional drugs. I would much rather a natural approach to this. I have been checked for a bladder infection, and that is not it. This problem makes it very difficult for me to even work because every 10-15 minutes I am in the bathroom. Can anyone suggest any good, natural remedies for this problem? Thanks a billion!!
  LouisianaLady on 2006-03-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear louisianalady,
you are adivise to take causticum 6 three times in a day of 2 drops or 4 to 6 pills. if it fails then report to me.
dr.deoshlok Sharma
deoshlok last decade

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