The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Sir,I am 52 years old lady and housewife. I am a diabetic patient and it has detected in the month of August 2016 (just 5 months ago).
But near about a year ago I have detected 3 watts just in-front of my anus. At that time I also took some Homeopathy Medicine as per advised some Homeopathy Doctor. But I can not write here the name of the medicine which he has been given me. He did not give me the prescription.
Sometimes during stool bleeding was also come out due to CRACK there.
After that I was cured but 3 watts became small but not fully remove.
Now again I am getting problem due to those 3 watts and again sometime bleeding is also persist during hard stool and THEN I GOT PAIN ALSO.
So please give me your valuable advise.
please note that can I take BC 17 for this problem because at that time I took BC 17 also.
nandamitra65 on 2017-01-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl take
1. Nitric Acid-200 6 pills twice a day
2. Clac Fluorica-200 6 pills twice a day
Pl keep 30-40 minutes gap between 1 and 2
Pl take this treatment for 15 days and then give feedback
homeo helper
1. Nitric Acid-200 6 pills twice a day
2. Clac Fluorica-200 6 pills twice a day
Pl keep 30-40 minutes gap between 1 and 2
Pl take this treatment for 15 days and then give feedback
homeo helper
♡ homeo_helper 8 years ago
I bought your prescribed medicine in globules form.
If you don't mind then please let me know, during this medicine period (15 days) is there any effect as I am a diabetic patient.
I bought your prescribed medicine in globules form.
If you don't mind then please let me know, during this medicine period (15 days) is there any effect as I am a diabetic patient.
nandamitra65 8 years ago
Please do not worry. There will no adverse effect of medicines even if you take for 15 days
homeo helper
homeo helper
♡ homeo_helper 8 years ago
I have started your prescribed medicine but I could not continue till end. because during these I was suffering form COLD & COUGH with light fever.
So I have to start Antibiotic Medicines with cough syrup. But after complete these course still I have problem for COLD AND COUGH.
From today I start "BRYONIA 200" in liquid form.
Now I would request you to kindly give me some advised for curing this problem.
I have started your prescribed medicine but I could not continue till end. because during these I was suffering form COLD & COUGH with light fever.
So I have to start Antibiotic Medicines with cough syrup. But after complete these course still I have problem for COLD AND COUGH.
From today I start "BRYONIA 200" in liquid form.
Now I would request you to kindly give me some advised for curing this problem.
nandamitra65 8 years ago
for bleedind take"arnica200 & nitric acid200 (two drops alternate day and for contipation collinsonia 3x(two drops 4time a day.for pilesaesculus hip30 (two drops 4 time a day.)also take sulphur30 (one dose in morning)and 'nux vomica30" in evening.and inform me after a week.
HDr.Shaikh Waseem 8 years ago
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