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9 mo baby doesn't sleep well

Hi .. my 9month boy wakes up every 2hrs at night .. typically sleeps at 11am.. then wakes up crying at 1..3..5.30... then 7 ... we feed him formula about two times in the night .. he seems gassy n burps sometimes at night.. he has 5 teeth already.. could it be teething or gas pains .. heard a lot about chamomilla.. I have chamomilla 30 in liquid form..how many drops I need to give in how much water .. and how many doses for how many days ? Will it make him sleep better ?? Please help
  Ieffous on 2017-02-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
PL give her
1. Calc Carb-30 4 pills twice a day
2. Chamomilla-30 4 pills twice a day
Pl give this treatment for 10 days and then come back
homeo helper
homeo_helper 8 years ago
This is too many doses and one should not take 2 remedies at same time.

Give a dose of chamomila and then observe reaction. Report the next day. Dosing can be figured out depending on reaction to the dose.

Getting some new teeth can cause all of this. Too many doses of chamomila will trigger more irritation and upset.
simone717 8 years ago
Thanks so much homeo helper.. I don't have pills with me .. only the German made liquid drops .. can I administer that with water and give ? And if yes then how many drops in how much water??
Thanks so much
Ieffous 8 years ago
Oh.. thanks Simone..so chamomilla for 10 days is safe?
[message edited by Ieffous on Mon, 06 Feb 2017 19:01:05 UTC]
Ieffous 8 years ago
You do not take remedies without seeing what the effect is after a dose or two.

Each person will react differently.
If one dose works well, then you wait to see when the issue comes back to take another dose. Otherwise you overdose and what the remedy can
Cure it can cause.

So instead of feeling relaxed and calm - too much will make a person angry and irritated. That is why you take a dose and then monitor the

Two drops mixed in two tablespoons of water is a dose.
[message edited by simone717 on Mon, 06 Feb 2017 22:11:24 UTC]
simone717 8 years ago
Hello Simon.. gave one dose of chamomilla.. no changes in sleep pattern.. has stopped putting hands in mouth so much though.. shrill screaming still continues whole day, mostly when resisting eating solid foods
Ieffous 8 years ago
Baby still wakes up screaming and crying .. then I rock him on my lap for 5-10 mins .. when I put him to bed again , he tosses and turns about , then wakes up crying.. then I rock him again on my lap for a bit longer .. repeat the process till he sleeps .. this cycle happens about 3-4 times in the night apart from the two times he wakes up for a feed ( feeds in gap of 2-3 hrs ).. please help im very exhausted., I have another twin girl .. but thankfully she wakes up only twice in the night..but between the two of them I'm really exhausted even when I have a night maid who helps ...
Ieffous 8 years ago
Dr quest just gave a prescription for teething baby using cell salts.
I use cell salts often on family, and I think you should try this.

Get Cal Flourica, kali phos, ferrum phos and cal phos. All 6x potency.
Dissolve one tab of each in a couple tablespoons of water and give as a dose 2x a day before feeding. Give a tsp out of the mix and make a new mix each day.

Report after a day on effect.
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 20:35:44 UTC]
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 08 Feb 2017 20:39:32 UTC]
simone717 8 years ago
Kindly note , give for two weeks only. Take a weeks or two break before continuing. Cell salts cannot be given continously.
Drquest 8 years ago
Thanks dr quest.
simone717 8 years ago
Thanks so much drquest and Simone! I will procure these medicines from market and try asap
Ieffous 8 years ago
Hi .. a quick update about last night .. baby just woke up once for milk.. and slept in total of 8 hours total with only one break ... should I still start with the cells?? Thanks
Ieffous 8 years ago
Wait another day and report status.
simone717 8 years ago
Ok..should I give chamomilla again before sleeping?
Ieffous 8 years ago
Another update .. he has been screaming and crying whole day .. seems to be burping and farting and getting some relief.. totally refusing solids.. gave him colic drops .. slightly at ease
Ieffous 8 years ago
sart the chamomilaa again as given previously.

Give at Lunch time. When bio chemi come you can give that morning and evening.
Drquest 8 years ago
Thanks so much .. will give him chamomilla right away .. is this the symptoms getting worse before it gets better?? Ordered the cell salts, should be here in a day or two
Ieffous 8 years ago
Thats wonderfull , is he strarting to teeth , please confirm.
Drquest 8 years ago
Hello drquest.. yes he has got 5 teeth by now ...
Ieffous 8 years ago
Then proceed with the salts. God willing they will help your baby.
Drquest 8 years ago
Hi drquest.. update about last night .. slept from 11-1pm, then woke up at 1, 2, 3, 4 am , then fully awake at 6.30 am.. woke up crying and moving arms.. fed 2 times at night.. he got runny nose also yesterday, n lil bit cough too.. waiting for cell salts to arrive
Ieffous 8 years ago
Lets wait for the medicine , meanwhile try to keep the baby awake in the morning. How many hours does he/ she sleep?
Drquest 8 years ago
Excuse my intervention.
Are you giving the baby drinking water?
I feel that the kid is getting thirsty and dehydrated. These days docs. are very specific as to not give any water or less water which in my opinion is a very wrong thing to do.
Dehydration can also be the reason for the stomach upset & discomfort and sudden waking up from sleep.
I being in your place i would give at least three cups full of drinking water and certainly some on waking up in night.
I do not accept patients who refuse to give water to their infants because their docs. do not allow them.
daktersaab 8 years ago
I meant three cup of water in 24 hrs time. And as much as he likes on sudden waking up. Please also note that milk or breast feed is NOT the substitute to drinking water.
daktersaab 8 years ago
Thanks so much daaktersaab.. my son drinks water in between meals .. so basically not much .. I would love to give them water but they just don't accept it .. how to force them to drink water?
Ieffous 8 years ago

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