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9 mo baby doesn't sleep well Page 2 of 2
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Thanks so much daaktersaab.. my son drinks water in between meals .. so basically not much .. I would love to give them water but they just don't accept it .. how to force them to drink water?
Ieffous 8 years ago
Hello drquest .. got the medicines today .. will start them tomorrow.. my kids sleep about an hour between 9am to 10am.. then 2 hrs 1-3pm .. then about half hour at 5pm..n about half hour again at 7.30pm approx ., they only sleep when they get tired in the day
Ieffous 8 years ago
Hello Jeffous,
Add some sugar or sugar candy or any fruit syrup to drinking water which will give some taste and they will drink.
You may also add some Woodworth's grippe water a teaspoonful to a cup full of water. This will help in digestion also.
Now a word to drquest & Simone,
In my experience I had quite a bit of successes in such cases with Chamomilla in higher potencies of 200 & 1M especially when kids create tantrums during teething & also disturbed sleep. Higher potency bcos it is more a mental symptoms rather than physical. You may please consider. Also excuse to intervene.
Add some sugar or sugar candy or any fruit syrup to drinking water which will give some taste and they will drink.
You may also add some Woodworth's grippe water a teaspoonful to a cup full of water. This will help in digestion also.
Now a word to drquest & Simone,
In my experience I had quite a bit of successes in such cases with Chamomilla in higher potencies of 200 & 1M especially when kids create tantrums during teething & also disturbed sleep. Higher potency bcos it is more a mental symptoms rather than physical. You may please consider. Also excuse to intervene.
daktersaab 8 years ago
Continue the medicines as prescribed , the tissue salts and the chemomilla.Get the bach rescue remedy for yourself.
Try to order chamomilla 200 , may help as doctor sahib suggested. I wouldnt want to go for 1m as i usually dont prescribe higher potencies. Try to give them water as sugested by doctor sahib and lastly dont let them sleep in the day time if possible. See also if thier stomach is hard when they are restless , may be gas. Can prescribe medicine for that but gripe water is the best.
Try to order chamomilla 200 , may help as doctor sahib suggested. I wouldnt want to go for 1m as i usually dont prescribe higher potencies. Try to give them water as sugested by doctor sahib and lastly dont let them sleep in the day time if possible. See also if thier stomach is hard when they are restless , may be gas. Can prescribe medicine for that but gripe water is the best.
Drquest 8 years ago
Doctor sahib your intervention and advice is highly appriciated. Lets try to give cure to the patient , ofcourse with Gods insha . As the founder of our system has told us , in my own words , the primary object is to cure the patient , method etc does not matter. As God is the curer , we just have to try. And there is no disease which does not have a cure.
[message edited by Drquest on Mon, 13 Feb 2017 06:42:26 UTC]
[message edited by Drquest on Mon, 13 Feb 2017 06:42:26 UTC]
Drquest 8 years ago
Thank u drquest and daakter Saab.. how many doses of chamomilla and for how many days?
Ieffous 8 years ago
The Chamomilla 30 can be given half an hour before or after the bio chemi salts in the evening. 3 globule i water , give a tea spoon of that. Stir the solution well with a spoon. When the 200 comes , you can substitute it with the 200. Give for two weeks, Should be enough.
All will be well, God Willing. God is the curer.
All will be well, God Willing. God is the curer.
Drquest 8 years ago
Thanks so much for your inputs .. I see some improvements already.. I will update you regularly on this âº
Ieffous 8 years ago
Dear Drquest,
Thank you sir, for your kind words.
My warm regards to you.
Hi leffous,
When chamo.200 comes and still the kid is not fully recovered then i suggest just give a single dose only once about 30 minutes before bedtime and watch for at least five to six days for improvement. You may not require second dose.
Thank you sir, for your kind words.
My warm regards to you.
Hi leffous,
When chamo.200 comes and still the kid is not fully recovered then i suggest just give a single dose only once about 30 minutes before bedtime and watch for at least five to six days for improvement. You may not require second dose.
daktersaab 8 years ago
Hi .. now I also need help with my 9 month twin daughter.. I was consulting for my son before .,she typically wakes up only 2 times .. but suddenly since few days she wakes up and plays for 2 hours !!! She doesn't have any teeth as of now ., always chewing her fingers..loves to crawl on floor.. starts crying when you take her toy or anything from her .. throws her head back in a fit till it is given to her ...have given her chamomilla 30 few times in past week .. but no difference ..please help ! Also she has started waking my son who is getting better with his sleep now
Ieffous 8 years ago
Give her Cypripidium 30c 2 pills twice a day M &E. For only 3 days & stop.
Report improvement after a week.
Report improvement after a week.
daktersaab 8 years ago
Drquest 8 years ago
Started day 1 of cell salts today with my son.. god willing we should get some good results⺠now ordered cypripedium for daughter, they don't have in stock , will get in 2-3 days
Ieffous 8 years ago
Another thing about my daughter.. when she wakes up in night .. she is a lil sweaty at the back of her neck n forehead hair line..maybe the air from fan doesn't reach the cot.. also tonight when she woke up, she wanted to play .. but when I tried to put her to sleep, she got very irritable, started screaming , pulling my hair, scratching my face ., she struggled for half hour.. n then got tired n slept .. please help .. waiting for my medicine.. but it will take 3 days :(
Ieffous 8 years ago
I've tried at every shop.. cypredium is not available even after waiting .. is there any other alternative?? Though I've ordered it online , it will take one more week ..
Ieffous 8 years ago
Very sorry. In homeopathic it is not possible to have replacements.
In your kid's case it is soo well indicated that I would not suggest any alternative. Please excuse & wait for the medicine.
In your kid's case it is soo well indicated that I would not suggest any alternative. Please excuse & wait for the medicine.
daktersaab 8 years ago
Hello dr quest .. it's been 10 days of giving those cell salts to my son(except missed it one day).. my son still wakes up 2-3 times in the night., sometimes crying n sometimes playful .,,what to do ?
Hello dr Saab., still waiting for cypredium from online website for my daughter.. will update soon
Hello dr Saab., still waiting for cypredium from online website for my daughter.. will update soon
Ieffous 8 years ago
Are you still giving him Chemomila 30 addition in to the salts ? And check if he has colic? Does he sleep in the day time?
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[message edited by Drquest on Wed, 22 Feb 2017 20:32:22 UTC]
Drquest 8 years ago
Not giving chamomilla along with cell salts.. takes about 2-3 naps in the day .. doesn't seem colic .. but ya bit of gas issue of many burps n farting sometimes
Ieffous 8 years ago
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