The ABC Homeopathy Forum
I have been experiencing digestion problems for long time and a homeopath told me that there is wound in your intestines. I didnt care for it much and went on eating a lot of junk food and meat etc. Now my situation has worsened a lot. Whatever I eat seems to remain in stomach and undigested food feels to be present in stomach and also esophagus (it doesn't come up like reflux but it seems as if esophagus is also somewhat filled with undigested food). Also i burp long and loud and it only comes up when i sit upright not in any other position. Same is the case for flatulence, if i have to pass gas i have to open up my hips with hands to create a space to pass gas. As far as constipation is concerned, its very irregular. Sometimes i pass stool well but most of the times i have to put in a lot of effort but the stool is scarce although its soft. Kindly suggest me some medicineThanks
uday1 on 2017-02-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ mnaari 8 years ago
sorry i wasnt able to read my posts for a long time. Actually i tried natrum mur6x as i wasnt able to open my helped me a lot and now i am quite alright. I want to discuss another problem that i have been noticing for the last few months i.e whenever i get stressed or anxious i feel discomfort in upper abdominal region both right and left (right below and beneath the lowest ribs). Also during anxiety i burp long and loud otherwise i am fine.This discomfort remains for most of the time but it aggravates during stress and anxiety.
uday1 8 years ago
i am concerned if there is some problem with my liver or stomach because the discomfort is just below the ribs on both sides. Also in december 2015 my liver test value were found a only a bit raised but in May 2016 liver tests were fine.
And anxiety is my problem i become over anxious if there is a lot of work to do. i want to do everything quickly. while doing one work all the next tasks keep running in my mind that increases anxiety. also if someone scolds me or shouts at me i cant say much to him but after that i keep on thinking about that thing for hours with anger in my mind about him/her. This anxiety is mainly due to the work overload in the past few years.
And anxiety is my problem i become over anxious if there is a lot of work to do. i want to do everything quickly. while doing one work all the next tasks keep running in my mind that increases anxiety. also if someone scolds me or shouts at me i cant say much to him but after that i keep on thinking about that thing for hours with anger in my mind about him/her. This anxiety is mainly due to the work overload in the past few years.
uday1 8 years ago
Take A dose of ignatia 1m
Silicea 6x
Natrum mur 6x
Kali phos 6x
2,2 tablets each three times a day report after a week
Silicea 6x
Natrum mur 6x
Kali phos 6x
2,2 tablets each three times a day report after a week
♡ mnaari 8 years ago
Hi-per owner posts on here are not from medical professionals. Anyone,
Can suggest , with little experience.
Please do not take ignatia 1m.
You can try the cell salts.
In homeopathy there is something
Called "obstacle to cure"
This can be life situations that keep triggering the problem. A remedy is not going to fix this as the real problem has to be handled.
In Chinese medicine the liver is the organ that reacts to anger and stores anger. Your work load is causing anxiety and anger and totally natural to feel this if people are shouting at you. Solution- change jobs. The anger means something has to change- your tests are ok and you are having a stress response that is
Appropriate to your work environment
Can suggest , with little experience.
Please do not take ignatia 1m.
You can try the cell salts.
In homeopathy there is something
Called "obstacle to cure"
This can be life situations that keep triggering the problem. A remedy is not going to fix this as the real problem has to be handled.
In Chinese medicine the liver is the organ that reacts to anger and stores anger. Your work load is causing anxiety and anger and totally natural to feel this if people are shouting at you. Solution- change jobs. The anger means something has to change- your tests are ok and you are having a stress response that is
Appropriate to your work environment
♡ simone717 8 years ago
uday1 8 years ago
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