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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

my 3 year old son cries in sleep

my 3 year old son cries in his sleep almost every day or 3 to 4 time a week its like some took some thing most of the time his brother stuff like that is there any thing for this kind of problems.
please help thanks
  imran655 on 2017-02-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl give him
Chamomilla-30 4 pills twice a day for one week and then give feedback
homeo helper
homeo_helper 8 years ago
Give him one dose and watch how it effects. Depending what result, you can then decide future doses.

Too much of this remedy will cause anger and tantrums.
simone717 8 years ago
Hello Imran,
In every child’s case time from birth to 6 years of age is extremely important & formative years in which the child develops self image. And that could be either positive or negative.
This development depends upon how the child perceives the world & its behavior towards him/her., especially the behavior of the parent figures.
Apart from giving the recommended medicine you & your spouse both need to explore your parenting style. A style with too much of discipline and harsh treatment or too much of loneliness (due to your own occupancy) are likely to create a feeling of fear & insecurity in the child & when we as parents do not allow them to express their true feelings when they are awake the chances are that they express that fear in sub-conscious state (when sleeping) by crying, fearful dreams etc.
Too many “should” “musts” Dos & don'ts” tarnish the self image of the child & they grow to be submissive & timid.
I request you to kindly examine this aspect& do the needful modification ( if required) & then the medicine also will work & child will also gain lot of self confidence.
I wish you for a very happy & loving family.
daktersaab 8 years ago
thanks daktersaab
thanks for the advice i love my son so much and we listen to him all the time when he go to shopping with us he always gets what he want i do try to discipline him some time i discipline his older brother more then him so he may see that coming too may be thats affect him or may be he is getting evry thing even form his brother thing too he is spoiled not sure but thanks for you concern. i am still waiting for his med
imran655 8 years ago
this took me while to get his med but its seams like working
imran655 7 years ago
PL continue Chamomila-30 for next one week and then give feedback
homeo helper
homeo_helper 7 years ago

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