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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

frequent urination only problem

I've been tested for different things from my doctor which is a urologist but they all come up normal. The only symptom I have is frequent urination every 2 to 3 hours and I don't drink a lot of water. No pain No nothing just peeing. We are all puzzled.I'm losing sleep over it because I wake up in the middle of the night to go. NO leaking at all. Please help what can I take?
  missata83 on 2006-03-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Arnica 30c in the liquid dose made by inserting 3 globules of the remedy into a 500ml bottle of spring water which is succussed by shaking it to ensure bubbling has helped cases like yours.

A dose is a teaspoonful which is sipped thrice daily for the first few weeks till your condition stabilizes when it can be reduce to twice daily with the last dose taken just before sleep.

Relief is usually noticed after the second dose when the time between visits to the toilet are lengthened.

You do not state how old you are and
I presume that your Uro has checked your Prostate and found that it is not enlarged. I also hope that he has ruled out Prostatitis. Both these conditions can precipitate frequent urination.

Please post response the day after you use this therapy.
Joe De Livera last decade
After Arnica,try causticum 30c,thrice daily.

sajjadakram635 last decade
I'm a 21 year old female
missata83 last decade
Can I take Arnica 30c in a non liquid form If can how many pellets
missata83 last decade
I note that you are a 21 year old female and this alters the picture.

You state that you have consulted a urologist who cannot find anything wrong. I presume that you have done the usual tests for infection in your bladder with no positive result.

There is a remote chance that you may be having Diabetes Insipidus which can fit your symptoms but at your age I would doubt it. Also you state that you do not drink a lot of water. Diabetes Insipidus patients usualy drink a lot of water and the specific gravity of their urine is lower than normal.

Quite frankly I cannot think of any remedy for your ailment but you may take the Arnica 30c in the globules dose 2 globules 3 times daily and report response in a few days.

Please note that this remedy is suggested empirically and we can await results.
Joe De Livera last decade
what is globules? and when I order the liquid Arnica montana ow much am I ordering 5mL,30ml,60ml,125ml,250ml,?
missata83 last decade
If you live in India or Pakistan you can ask for either the globules which are little pellets of lactose or in the original liquid form where the remedy is suspended in Ethanol. This latter form will be perhaps too complicated for you and you should ask for the globules which are available in any Homeopathic Pharmacy.

In the US, the UK or the EUR you will invariably get the globules in plastic vials containing about 100.
Joe De Livera last decade
also try Arg.nit 30 5-5 drops 4 timse daily
aviji12 last decade
What is 5-5 drops? and I appreicate your help thanks to everyone helping the causticum 30c is'nt really working for me I've been takin it for 5 days now with no results
missata83 last decade

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