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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Antidote to Sulphur 6X

What's the best way to antidote Sulphur 6X?

This was not the right remedy for me, and I want to reverse it's effects. I had intestinal gas, and instead of resolving it, the gas is just trapped now. I feel like it just suppressed it. Lycopodium 30c is working well overall for me, but I feel like sulphur is still interfering specifically with the blocked intestinal gas, so I would like to reverse its effects. I would like to reverse the effects of Sulphur 6X. How do I do that? Thank you :)
[Edited by Mark9591 on 2017-06-13 14:16:52]
  Mark9591 on 2017-06-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Nux Vomica 30 twice a day for 3 days and see how that affects over a week.
If this doesn't work take Kali Carb 30 in the same way.
kadwa 7 years ago
Thank you. Do you mean 30C for both? Thanks for your help :)

I'm going to go ahead and take 30c because I think that's what you mean.

34 years.

Tall, thin, with belly. Dark brown hair, brown eyes.

Thank you for your help. Here are some additional symptoms that I forgot to mention. Like I said, there is much trapped gas after the sulphur 6x.

The original problem was that I had excessive and almost constant flatulence for 9 days, along with loose stool. This seemed to begin after I had some cheerios oat cereal, which was said to be gluten free, but I believe it was not. Anyway, after 9 days, the symptoms were not lessening in severity, so I identified lycopodium in a homeopathy book as being possibly helpful. I also read the complete description of it on this website and it resonated very strongly with me. Not being able to find it in my medicine drawer, I took sulphur 6x, which just trapped and suppressed the gas, like I described before. This made me very upset, and almost to a state of extreme panic and despair, as these symptoms are very distracting and make it hard for me to relax. I have also been suffering from exhaustion for a long time as well, so this difficulty certainly added to my problems, as I did not have a very high tolerance for a stressful situation like this in the first place. I have since taken the lycopodium 30c 3 times over the last week, and it has been somewhat helpful opening up the gas, but has not completely resolved the problem. I am also more constipated since taking the sulphur 10 days ago. I was going once a day, in the morning for about a month before I took it (this was an improvement), and now, over the last 10 days, I've only been going once every 2-3 days. This has not improved since taking the lycopodium 30c 3 times over the last week. I also have not been eating as much in that time because of how exhausting this is, so that may be a factor in the constipation as well. I still think lycopodium would be a good remedy for me at some point after remove this interference from the sulphur and other things.

Other symptoms I've had for a long time:

I also have constant burping that is often hard to get out through the esophagus (this is a symptom I've had for a long time). Also have a hard time swallowing food when I haven't eaten for a while. Also difficulty coughing up things from my lungs-hard to get it out. There is a difficulty with drainage in general, whether it is coughing, blowing my nose, insufficient sweating, or incomplete and unsatisfying bowel movements. I've also been told I have a low grade TB which has caused shrinking of the intestines, which makes it harder to fully empty during bowel movements.

There is a great feeling of anxiety in the thyroid area. I'm told I have lots of yeast, viruses, and bacteria and that this is an autoimmune disorder which is causing my body to attack itself. I have lots of environmental allergies as well, along with some food allergies.

There is a lot more I could share. Please let me know if you need any more specific or general information. Thank you so much for your help.
[Edited by Mark9591 on 2017-06-15 14:31:13]
Mark9591 7 years ago
Please go ahead with Nux Vomica and Kali Carb as suggested earlier.
kadwa 7 years ago

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