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Dr. Kalwa need help for frequent urination please

Hello Doctor,

I hope you are doing well, I had a UTI in March beginning that got treated but I am suffering from frequent urination since then .

I also have a lower abdomen pain and pressure, pressure is worse when bladder seems full or I want to pass stool .

Following is the list of my symptoms,

1. Frequent urge to urinate
2. Bloated lower abdomen and pressure feeling
3. Pressurising pain in pubic area
4. Pain near vagina on pressing the skin near
5. Frequent urination like feeling like going every 30 mins
6. When bladder is full then it empties in two to three times
7. Before sleeping have to utinate 3-4 times
8. Stool - once in two days, thin snake like dark yellow orange coloured, sits at bottom of the pot
9. Pain in left feet, increases with constant sitting
10. Week urine flow, not like it used to be, night times especially slow and dribble , not much comes out

Tests done : urine culture thrice : negative with very few(2-4) epthilial cells and puss cell
KUB USG : twice , first time pre void : 480ml (painful) post void (once) 200 post void after voiding twice (nil)
Second time , pre void : 580 (less pain) and post : insignificant

The two tests were done in a 11 days gap

First set were prescribed by GP and second by URo

Docs say : nothing wrong, give antihistamine , which work very little(all I can sleep)

Age : 28, female, married, married in March .

Problem started after rough fingering by husband .

Not cures still, please help, desperate . Thank you please
  Ishabing on 2017-07-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hello Doctor Kadwa, please help me. I am writing to you with high hopes. Thank you in advance .
Ishabing 7 years ago
Hello Ishabing

In march you have got treated for UTI, did you use allopathic medicines or Homeopathic medicines? If homeopathic medicine, which were the ones?

You seemed to have had honeymoon cystitis in march, if you had taken the right homeopathic medicine, then i believe things would have got resolved.
maheeru 7 years ago
Hello Mehru,

Thank you for reply , I took allopathy. I am new to homeopathy . I don't have infection any more, just frequent urination and bladder discomfort . I have had three cultures after that nothing really showed anything . Can you please help with my current problems ?

Do you think they can be treated ?
Ishabing 7 years ago
Please help me . Thank you
Ishabing 7 years ago


Please get a remedy Staphysagria in 30c potency. Take one pill or drop as a dose. One dose in the morning and another dose in the evening. This way continue for four days 4x2=total eight doses.

Report changes in a week.

We are not getting thread alerts nowadays so bookmark this link and if there is a big delay in getting my response, do send me this link after reporting.
maheeru 7 years ago
Thank you Dr. Maheeru for your reply . I will do as said . May god bless you !
Ishabing 7 years ago
Hi DOctor MAheeru,

I took the medicine as adviced. No relief .

I began having more symptoms,

Terrible yeast infection
Terrible itching down there(vagiana area and urinaty area)
Burning with urination
Little coming out
Mucous in potty

Please help me ! Thank you
Ishabing 6 years ago
Hello Doc,

Please provide me with next step of treatment . Thank you !
Ishabing 6 years ago
Have you had yeast infection before?

About urination: do you have frequent urges? only little urine output? or urges and urine both are less?

How many doses did you complete?

Was there aggravation after a particular dose or it's just like that it happened with the first dose itself?

And the pain and itching you mention--when do these symptoms happen?

Any other bettering or worsening factors? Any other symptoms ?

(Homeopathy sometimes require finer details)
[Edited by maheeru on 2017-07-28 23:13:33]
maheeru 6 years ago
Hello Doctor ,

Yes only once before . I took Diflucan. It got resolved . Also, this time my yeast is resistant to Diflucan .


I have urges and frequency . Urges like something Pinchy on urethra saying now you have to go. Urination output is not much .

The burning is after urination and slight on skin around. The itching starts anytime . I don't know if it aggravated after which dose. I started treatment from 22nd and 24th I had a yeast infection with terrible itching and pain.

Along with this,

I have anal burning also and yeast in my stool. Is it all interrelated ?

Thank you !
Ishabing 6 years ago
May be they are interconnected may be not. But homeopathy needs to check if they are interconnected because it's individual oriented treatment method.

And yeast is somewhat a tenacious problem. Apart from the medicine you can apply baking soda mixed with water if itching/burning is severe.

Get a medicine called Sepia 30c. Take one pill or drop as a dose in the evening. Three such doses on consecutive days.

If any dose produces marked aggravation or betterment notify me.
maheeru 6 years ago
Thanks Doctor Maheeru, will do as said . Regards,

Ishabing 6 years ago
Dear Isabing..

Carry on the medicines . And if u r not relieved I have a very diffrrent but 100% guaranteed curable formula to help u ....

By the way for how long r u suffering ...

According to me aloepathy and homeopathy r the both sides of the same coin...They dont have complete cure for chronic diseases .

I suffered from urinary disorders for a period of 1 and half before getting completely cured .
Akash Sinha 6 years ago
Dear Aakash,

I am really interested, I am suffering since mid March. You think you can help, I would be truly great full.

Dear Doctor Maheeru,

Sorry for late response, I tried Sepia and it didn't help much with discharge, the pressure feeling in abdomen was slightly better (50%) but frequency because of irritation remained. No change in stomach symptoms .

Thanks for all your help, you amazing people here.
Ishabing 6 years ago
Akash Sinha said Dear Isabing..

Carry on the medicines . And if u r not relieved I have a very diffrrent but 100% guaranteed curable formula to help u ....

By the way for how long r u suffering ...

According to me aloepathy and homeopathy r the both sides of the same coin...They dont have complete cure for chronic diseases .

I suffered from urinary disorders for a period of 1 and half before getting completely cured .⚠Please tick why you are reporting this post:Duplicate postArgumentative / Attack on another memberContains explicit or inappropriate contentPrescriber requesting offline contactPost is trying to sell somethingPosted under a false (duplicate) user name.Off topic for this thread.   Report Post     👍Endorsing posts shows your approval of this forum member and this particular post. We're not yet displaying this information but plan to when we have sufficient endorsements.Endorse Post  

Please advise me with your cure, what did you do? Thank you in advance!
Ishabing 6 years ago
Hi Akash,

Will you please help me?

Thank you!
Ishabing 6 years ago
Ok Isha continue three more doses of sepia 30c the same way. Also get Sepia 200c.

Note: I do not agree with Akash sinha's assessment that urinary disorders can not be cured by homeopathy. On this forum itself i have helped urinary disorder cases with homeopathy. There may be a few cases that did not respond to medicines but that won't make a norm.

If the formula is harmless then there is nothing to worry. Otherwise you need to be cautious.
maheeru 6 years ago
Dear Isabing ...

Can u share any of ur mail id please bcoz as this is a homeopathy forum...I think my opinion can cause discomfort or attack to certain panel members..If u do not want to give ur personal id ..thein its OK..Atleast u can create one id in gmail with a different name and provide the sam eto me .. and provide the same to me ..
Akash Sinha 6 years ago
Dear Doctor Maheeru ,

I am very sorry if my comments have hurt you.
But I personally am a sufferer of trying out homeopathic medicines for over six months but it did not help .

Well, Doctor please dont mind I just want to put forward a question to you. Can u please show a single post in this forum ..where the patient claimed that he/she has been completely cured or atleast
80% recovered .

Yes I do support ur statement that homeopathy creates positive effect for certain patients whereas it doesnt work for some .But to be precise I feel that this kind of urinary disorders are treatable but not curable by homeopathy ..
Akash Sinha 6 years ago
Dear Dr. Maheeru,

I will get the higher dose and administer it as said.

Dear Akash,

catch.ritika21 at the rate gmail dot com ,you can send me your remedy on this id. I am eagerly waiting. Thank you!
I am sorry to write like this but the email id posting is not allowed on this forum.

you can see email i mentioned in my profile, if unclear

Ishabing 6 years ago
Dear Akash,

Please tell me your cure, I request you!
Ishabing 6 years ago

If i start to let opinions hurt, then i will not have time to help people or do productive work :).

I saw your sweeping general statement which is misleading that's why i gave a response, i have a responsibility towards my readers.

With every therapy, there will be some people who will be dissatisfied and also not have been cured for multiple of reasons. This does not negate the majority of those who do get relief from these therapies. So we can not make general sweeping statements like this will or will not work.

A lot of people say 'this will work' 'that will work' without revealing the actual thing and when patients contact them they either turn out to be phony or just scamsters motivated by money. But we can not slot everyone in that category.

If you want to help out people put your formula out here i'm not close minded to oppose it blindly, but if i think i can spot some concerns i will flag them.

As for the cases if you have time and patience, please go through the archives a lot of cases have been done successfully, i too have helped a couple cases. Off forum too i have helped honeymoon cystitis with STAPHY, Summer UTIs with cantharis and general UTIs with Thuja etc.

And here is the recent poster who said his urinary disorder got cured with sepia 30c but eight years later, there are different issues that they could attribute with sepia use. However the bottomline is SEPIA cured his urinary disorder.

maheeru 6 years ago

Keep me posted about what you are doing.
maheeru 6 years ago
Doctor Maheeru,

I want to ask a question, Could it be that my problem be Interstitial cystits? I oly have frequency symptom and feel that my bladder is not emptying properly. My vaginal yeast is under control.

But my frequency and bladder pressure(no pain) is making my life really hard. I hope homeopathy cures it. Thank you!

I am taking doses of Sepia 30 c, still one to take(today), i will follow up with you tmrw.

One question, i hear homeopathy takes time, is that true? I am okay with that but i just want to get cured . I dont think so its UTI any more, because the last three cultures i took came back negative. thank you!

Ishabing 6 years ago
yes definately mam ..... it will be great pleasure if I can help people out in this forum ....

I don't know whether many knows about it . but I myself got 100 % result by it.
and all details about how to it is mentioned in dr filanovs book .. or else Anna yakubu school of healing through dry fasting articles on net .
Akash Sinha 6 years ago

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