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LibidoLow Libido



Posts about Libido, Low Libido

Female Low Libido3Great results of lycopodium 200 for erection and libido3ED with Loss of Libido1Heavy head, weakness, week digestion and low libido6Please help -- anxiety, depression, cognitive impairment, loss of libido3Low libido6Low Libido1DR. Sharma? Menopause, Insomnia, Eczema, fatigue, NO libido1low libido3Why every lady wants to decrease her libido1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Very Serious ,Low Libido , Low serum testosterone , 28 Years .

Hello . this is my first ever post to any forum,

i am a business man and sportsman facing low testosterone for past 1 year, ( With depression too . Not enjoying life very much.)

i did my testosterone level checked because i was facing Low Libido/desire and my volume was low, and they were less than the Normal value , 225 While the Normal are around 280 ng/dl ,

also my cholesterol level is around 190 ,

i have never taken any Steroids or anything ,
i used to have a high libido 2-3 years ago and everything was perfect ,

My age is 28 . Un-Married , there has been PE / ED .
i do a little Business and ofcourse there are Tension and Anxieties ,

Please let me have your expert opinion to counter this ,

NO LIBIDO / Very FEW Erections / PE .

Your response will be Highly Appreciated ,

Marriage is coming so , need by vitality back ,

Thanks in Advance ,
  Rocky5 on 2017-08-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Lycopodium 200 twice a day for 3 days and see how that affects over 15 days.

One dose means 2 pills.
kadwa 7 years ago

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