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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

After years of treatment - constitutional remedy

This is just a general question. Asking those experienced with chronic treatment.

After years of treatment (for many chronic illnesses, some injuries and some congenital based, and layer upon layer) do you find that when getting near the end of treatment, that one requires their constitutional remedy often? Obviously this is for those that don't believe the constitutional is the only remedy needed.


Nevermind, I seem to have found my own answer from one writeup: "Chronic cases are usually layer upon layer of caked on, hard to remove junk that gives the homeopath a headache; treating the worst symptoms one layer upon another, and so on, until you finally get to the bottom which is where the constitutional layer may be"
[Edited by Joyner on 2017-08-22 12:37:41]
  Joyner on 2017-08-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You are lucky you found the answer yourself. Yes archives here hold answers for a lot of queries.

It's likely that a polycrest or a nosode is the last layer that will remain after peeling of layers.

Theoretically this is true, but practically there could be any number of layers before you could arrive at this and at times this could remain elusive. Another insight some homeopaths use is to collate information from what the person was like as a child and call the constitutional remedy as a child or the first constitutional remedy as genetic similimum.
maheeru 7 years ago
healthyguy70 7 years ago
It's funny that I'm back here looking up the same question, only to find my own post. 2 years later, and about 6 years into starting homeopathy, I have truly finally hit the constitutional layer.

Just thought I'd post for those who want to give up with homeopathy. I have used perhaps up to a hundred remedies, single doses at a time because I am sensitive, and I have actually proved some remedies with just a single dose. There have been times where I had all but given up. I thought I must be one of those "hopeless cases" what a homeopath would call "annoying" or a "headache". But I'm glad I didn't.

I have suffered from:
Depression for decades (kept well hidden)
3 concussions, the first when I was 12 yo/car accident and the last about 10 yr ago which lead to adrenal issues, including insufficiency
Pituitary tumor (all but shrunken - not from homeo though)
Genetic clotting disorder
Back problems (sciatica, mild spina bifida, pilonidal disease, herniated discs, annular tear)
Right sided symptoms for a decade
Biting fatigue - which was in my estimation the most life altering of all symptoms

I started out with one dose of Sulphur years ago, and brought on a storm that thereafter I was forever trying to quiet. It led to layers upon layers of buried infection from having pilonidal disease from the age of 16. I really had no choice but to continue on what I had started. One remedy led to another set of disasterous symptoms or infection. These infections were'nt pretty - they affected my adrenal function. An online homeopath told me that sulphur should have left nothing to unbury at that point - he was WRONG. This went on for years.

I am happy to say that as of last year, sulphur no longer brings up any infection. I am finally through that.

And after taking many doses of Lycopodium through the years, as well as other right sided remedies, it was the POTENCY that I hit on. Because I dilute one or two dilutions up every time I take a remedy. I've got a whole drawer full of tincture bottles.

So it was Lycopodium, that brought my mind & spirit back to the place it was decades ago before depression hit. And hit the right sided symptoms finally at a particular potency.

I had thought for years I was a calc. I was a shy child, with teeth that came out in the wrong areas of my mouth. Thyroid symptoms, but not on lab tests. But I should have known the shyness was a form of cowardliness. Running from confrontation. My mother has always been the same way. Like mother, like child. Sometimes we inherit our parents constitution...or so I've heard.

Just wanted to say on here that it can take years to clear out the layers of chronic disease. If you are lucky and can afford it, a homeopath can help you do it faster. Unfortunately, there were just no homeopaths near me, and driving a long distance was out of the question. And the amt of work I needed to do (decades of illness) with a homeopath would have been very expensive.

It was thanks to this forum, another forum, and lots of studying that I learned so much. I just want to say to all - don't give up!!! Never give up...be patient. When mainstream medicine has nothing to offer you, you can get there with homeopathy. It can't fix everything, but at minimum, it can fix your broken spirit.


P.S. If you are sensitive or a prover like me - SPLIT DOSE it - seriously, it works! Do not put pellets directly in your mouth! Do not take multiple doses for days! Use water dilutions. I've found though when split dosing, sometimes it takes a little longer for the remedy to act. That is my experience anyway. And I also find it frightening that anyone would take a 200c or 1M potency remedy without testing their sensitivity to homeopathy. Also please don't ever take a 200c potency of sulphur if you have any BURIED INFECTION in your body. Or if you have NEVER tried homeopathy. I wish homeopaths would follow this rule: SPLIT DOSE SULPHUR 30c to open a chronic case. This is a different world now than back in Hanneman's day. Trust me on this. Slow and steady wins the race.
Joyner 5 years ago
Thanks Joyner for your exhaustive and helpful post from your own experience giving out your insights.

Glad that this forum was of some help in your learning.
[Edited by maheeru on 2019-04-25 19:19:17]
maheeru 5 years ago

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