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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

humphrey's 11

I took Humphrey's 11 because I thought my period was just late but I just found out that I am pregnant and I need to know will this harm my unborn child or cause any problems with me or the baby
  msluv on 2004-07-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
not likely.
if i am not mistaken, humphry's 11 is homeopathic?
In this case, - just to be dounle-safe - you might want to antidote it. You can sniff on a bottle campher / menthol oil or teetree oil

humphry's 11 - if i remeber right - is to bring the period on when it's late. it won't bring the period on in you, that's for sure :-)
itsme last decade
My menstrual is currently about 3-4 days late. I was told to take Humphrey's 11 every 2 hours until I all of the pills are gone. I was told that my menstrual will definitely come.
alana26 last decade
does these pills make your period come on if your pregnant?
lovepain last decade
Dear all anxious women, no you will not lose your child and it will not be harmed in development.

It may or may not cause periods to begin...There are no guarentees, no magic pills.

There are only one or two homeopathic remedies that are avoided in case of pregnancy and these are not them.

This is why we all suggest only one remedy at the time, so we all know which did the job. Yes, I have suggested more than one, but not as a rule.

When you run out and purchase something and then take it without advice, and then you get upset, this is not logical or wise.

It is not wise to buy a bunch of regular over the counter herbs (brown with dropper) when you do not really know what it is for or how much to take. They are not as safe as homeopathy.

This is the same if you had a friend with some left over antibiotics and you have a sore throat and decide to take her pills and AFTER they are in your stomach you get scared.

Come on people, wake up, find out how to develop some common sense and when you are unsure, ask FIRST.

NOW--homeopathy is not harmful. A child could get into a kit of bottles and sample a bunch and (may) show some symptoms of what was taken that will subside very quickly with no harm.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
does this pill make your period come down even if your pregnant?
meskinde last decade

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