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High potency 10m : duration of action ? 2study on Duration of action of Homoeopathic remedies in context of Drug Proving, Potency and Nature of Disease.. 2


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Duration of action 10M potency


I have been prescribed Argentum Nitricum 10M by my homeopath (very good one) and i’d like to know how long will i feel the effects of the remedy ?

It’s 65 days i took the remedy and still always feel bads reactions although it’s better than the first weeks. The improvements alternate with more difficult moments, such as panic attacks.

I first used to take Argentum Nitricum 30C, i felt the effects of the remedy for 3-4 weeks before improvement.

I thought i heard 10M potency can acts for 3 to 4 months... could you tell me more ?

Thank you so much for your answers,

Best regards

  Creapif on 2017-12-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It's duration is 30 days .. now you can calculate
healer21 7 years ago
What's your method to calculate ?

30C = 30 Days
10M = ?
Creapif 7 years ago
No. During drug proving and clinical observations doctors and drug provers calculate these things.
healer21 7 years ago
Thank you Healer21

As i told you i took argentum nitricum 10M, 74 days ago, and still feel anxiety, panic attack, sweating, anticipation, agoraphobia etc ....

- does it mean that the remedy is still acting ?
- does it mean i’ll probably need an other one later in the same potency or higher (LMK ?) ?

Or do i just still have to wait for few weeks before total improvement ?

Thank you !
Creapif 7 years ago
Then ... i’m suffering with neuralgia cervico brachial for 10 days ... my homeopath told me about « empty blood » (TCM), due to Argentum ....
I can turn my head, my neck is painful but i’ve irradiation in nerves, left arm and hand...
I took Bryonia and Arnica, but feel like trying Hypericum ... what do you think about it ? And what dilution ?

Creapif 7 years ago

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Homeopathic medicines are the safest medicines known.
Patient name, age, from ? profession, how long patient got married, if married how many children, patient daily routine ? Any sleep disorders or foul breath now ? Any thick yellow discharges , boils , open infections .. now ? how long patient suffering from this problem ? Any fever or coughing now ? what kind of pain (symptoms, sensations) patient have ? Any cold or congestion feeling in head, watery discharges, Sun sensitivity or cold sores now ?? When symptoms / suffering / pains etc aggravates and when ameliorates ? do you have swollen hands or feet , foul smelling gasses ? Any light sensitivity ? Sweaty hands or feet ? Do you feel pronounced weakness in body ?? Thick yellow discharges, changing symptoms now ?

What you like in food and what not ? Do you feel thirsty mostly ?? or do you like water ? Choose one condition either thirsty or towards more thirst less ?? Any cramping, shooting pains, hiccough, spasms now ? Acne blackheads, greasy or brittle hairs ? Do you feel cold in body ? or hot ? Choose one condition .. Do you like to be warped in a blanket even in summer ? Or feel hot in body mostly and dislike hot weather etc .. no normal words etc .. what you like in food The most = sweets or salts ? Do you have any other problem beside these ? Describe in details.
E-mail me any reports .. Click my name for email. Tell doctors opinion regarding your problem as well ..

What medicines you used in the past ? Name and potency ? Are you dibetic or suffering from high blood pressure ? Or any other chronic disease .. ??
healer21 7 years ago
Romain, french single, 40 years old

primary concern:
- anticipation anxiety, panic attacks
- agoraphobia
- claustrophobia
- aggravated by heat (hives)
- very sensitive, artist's soul
- my job : plantar reflexology practitioner applied to traditional Chinese medicine, shiatsu, massages
- sociable, easy going, good food alimentation g
- beginning of anxiety problems: pulsatilla prescribed by an incompetent doctor (7ch, 9ch, 12ch, 15ch, 30 ch, 1000k on 6 days) : therefore reaction of an old tuberculin problematic = insecurity and lack of love.

- argentum nitricum 10M taken 74 days ago
Always feel: anxiety, lack of confidence, difficulty staying alone, anticipation, palpitation, insecurity ...
- cervical brachial left neuralgia (cervical 6) with irradiation in the arm and hand, tingling, numbness.

- 10M silverum still works for a few weeks?
Can Hypericum Alleviate or Eliminate Neural Pain?

thank you very much for your attention
best regards
Creapif 7 years ago
Silvericum.... i meant argentum nitricum
Creapif 7 years ago
Answer all my questions please. You skipped many.
healer21 7 years ago
Romain, 40 years old, french from Paris, France, single
Work as feet reflexology practitioner apply to traditionnal chinese medecine, shiatsu, massages
Sleep well
No more appetite for sugar since i took argentum nitricum. Good natural food with vegetables. No milk, no salt.
Aggravated by heat (urticaria / hives)

- cough and mucositis in the throat
- Left lateral cervico-neuralgia since 15 days, throbbing pain in the cervical C6, with peripheral irradiation along the arm and some numbness and tingling in the hand.I can turn the head on both sides, improved the head bent forward, aggravated the head leaning back. Current treatment for a few days: anti-inflammatory cortisone. Tension in the pectoral muscle
-  2010: cervical disc herniation operated with C5-C6 arthrodesis
- sweating from armpits, improved since argentum nitricum

Like drinking water, green tea
Dry skin, brown hair with sometimes drandruff because of stress dealing with argentum 10M

No more other problems.
I just stopped to practice sport for 2 years, because my 1rst homeopath had totally  killed me by giving me pulsatilla after lycopodium, in high dilution, so I started having horrible anxieties and indescribable panic attacks, and huge urticaria (sun, heat). The 2nd homeopath told me that the 1st triggered a reactivation of an old tuberculin problem: insecurity and lack of love: because "lycopodium is the adaptation (adult) of the pulsatilla (if) child. That’s why he first prescribed me Argentum Nitricum 30ch in july then argentum nitricum 10M 75 days ago.

My desire :
Stop cortisone that doesn’t really help for neuralgia cervico brachial ...
Actea racemosa (cimicifuga) used to help me more before I’ve been precribed cortisone by a rhumatolog !!!

My wish :
is to find a good remedy to relieve the inflammatory focus of my back-neck, taking into account the tingling in the hand, irradiations in the arm (sometimes in eclair) but which remain bearable. I do not suffer the martyr dom but I would like to be able to "straighten the head" and not to feel the pain of the nerves.
Hypericum, Kalmia could help ?

Thank you very much for attention,
Best regards

Creapif 7 years ago
Sorry I can't suggest anything for you. Please make a new separate post. Maybe someone can help better.

healer21 7 years ago

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