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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Argentum Nitricum 10M


78 days after I took Argentum Nitricum 10M i still feel anxiety, palpitations, panick attacks, lack of confidence ...

In last month of July I was prescribed Argentum Nitricum 30ch, the dose acted for about 30 days then I felt better. Because I was not completely confident and had still a bit of all symptoms of the remedy, my doctor has recommanded me to take 10M potency.

I trust him, he’s a good homeopath.

He told me a 10M potency effects can act for about 3 to 4 months.

So, is it normal that i feel anxious because the dose acts deeper ? And is it true that the time before improvement can be longer with a 10M than with a 30ch ?

Thank you for answers ... i’m exhausted and don’t want to use anxiolytics anymore....!

  Creapif on 2017-12-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The remedy has not acted at all.
Zady101 7 years ago
Thank you for answer.
How can the remedy hasn’t acted at all ? How can is it possible ?
Creapif 7 years ago

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