The ABC Homeopathy Forum
is there any cure of ADHD in homeopathy. I am mentally paralyzed
Hi, I am a 29 years old female.I have been struggling with this problem for long. I don't know what to do, I simply feel paralyzed.
My problem is "I can't work"
Actually, I am a freelance designer. I am good at my job. I get projects easily as my clients really like my work. But the problem is that when i get a project, I can't work on it. If a client gives me something to design and I have 5 days to work on it, will delay the work first or my mind wanders and when the deadline comes nearer I just give up.
I sit on my chair at 7 am in the morning and till 6 pm in the evening I sit on my chair. This is a lot of time to accomplish any big task but I simply can't work. I can't get my mind to think, my mind refuses to do any effort. I watch videos, and do random stuff other than "work" I feel paralyzed. I can't explain as anyone who will read this will think come on this is lame, Just get yourself working, but for me it is getting very very hard day by day.
Another thing I want to mention is that I need money for survival and the only way of survival is this freelance work. I know I can earn a good amount of money, but I can't work.
I went to a psychiatrist and she prescribed a Depression medicine. I started using it and after 2 days i had severe headache continuously so I stopped the medicine.
I also think about doing job in a company but I am afraid that I will not be productive there.
I have 2 projects with deadlines approaching but I am not able to work on any of them. I sit all day staring on the screen.
I started taking Modafinil 100mg once daily. I felt some change and clarity in my thoughts but it also didn't work for me. I know the medicine is not a magic that will get me to work, I have to do the real effort.
Anyone who is getting my problem please please help me.. I am feeling myself useless.
I am feeling that my memory is also fading, I feel it difficult to remember and memorize words and stuff. Feels like my mind is blocked.
I am not good at managing things, there is always a mess in my room, store room on my desk, I don't even want to take bath.
My hair are also turning white, the hair on my forehead are 50% white and it really feels embarrassing as people judge my age with the color of my hair. I had been a chronic thinker in past and have had depression but that was cured.
Right now I don't think that I have depression as I am not a negative person at all. I always take life positively. I have many goals and I want to achieve a lot in my life. But when it comes to actually doing it, I am paralyzed.
Please anyone help me. I am
B3auty on 2018-01-28
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Homeopathic medicines are the safest medicines known.
Patient name, age, from ? profession, how long patient got married, if married how many children, patient daily routine ? Any sleep disorders or foul breath now ? Any thick yellow discharges , boils , open infections .. now ? how long patient suffering from this problem ? Any fever or coughing now ? what kind of pain (symptoms, sensations) patient have ? Any cold or congestion feeling in head, watery discharges, Sun sensitivity or cold sores now ?? When symptoms / suffering / pains etc aggravates and when ameliorates ? do you have swollen hands or feet , foul smelling gasses ? Any light sensitivity ? Sweaty hands or feet ? Do you feel pronounced weakness in body ?? Thick yellow discharges, changing symptoms now ?
What you like in food and what not ? Do you feel thirsty mostly ?? or do you like water ? Choose one condition either thirsty or towards more thirst less ?? Any cramping, shooting pains, hiccough, spasms now ? Acne blackheads, greasy or brittle hairs ? Do you feel cold in body ? or hot ? Choose one condition .. Do you like to be warped in a blanket even in summer ? Or feel hot in body mostly and dislike hot weather etc .. no normal words etc .. what you like in food The most = sweets or salts ? Do you have any other problem beside these ? Describe in details. Do patient have any habit of tobacco or viskey etc or meat etc ?
Please select only one option from below "WHICH SUITS THE PATIENT MAXIMUM" how you, your family, friends see the patient :
1- indecisiveness .. 2- apathy .. 3- laziness ..
4- isolation .. 5- nervous tension .. 6- scary dreams .. 7- impulsiveness .. 8- shyness, hypersensitivity .. 10- depression ..
11- low self-esteem ... 12- depression from wet weather.
Furthermore please tell which condition is dominate mostly , from below: select only one option.
Anger - greed - sex - pride - fear ?
E-mail me any reports .. Click my name for email. Tell doctors opinion regarding your problem as well ..
What medicines you used in the past ? Name and potency ? Are you dibetic or suffering from high blood pressure ? Or any other chronic disease .. ??
Folks can only give views on your case if you reply in time as directed after two days or so etc
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you can click any ones name for email to remind them.
Homeopathic medicines are the safest medicines known.
Patient name, age, from ? profession, how long patient got married, if married how many children, patient daily routine ? Any sleep disorders or foul breath now ? Any thick yellow discharges , boils , open infections .. now ? how long patient suffering from this problem ? Any fever or coughing now ? what kind of pain (symptoms, sensations) patient have ? Any cold or congestion feeling in head, watery discharges, Sun sensitivity or cold sores now ?? When symptoms / suffering / pains etc aggravates and when ameliorates ? do you have swollen hands or feet , foul smelling gasses ? Any light sensitivity ? Sweaty hands or feet ? Do you feel pronounced weakness in body ?? Thick yellow discharges, changing symptoms now ?
What you like in food and what not ? Do you feel thirsty mostly ?? or do you like water ? Choose one condition either thirsty or towards more thirst less ?? Any cramping, shooting pains, hiccough, spasms now ? Acne blackheads, greasy or brittle hairs ? Do you feel cold in body ? or hot ? Choose one condition .. Do you like to be warped in a blanket even in summer ? Or feel hot in body mostly and dislike hot weather etc .. no normal words etc .. what you like in food The most = sweets or salts ? Do you have any other problem beside these ? Describe in details. Do patient have any habit of tobacco or viskey etc or meat etc ?
Please select only one option from below "WHICH SUITS THE PATIENT MAXIMUM" how you, your family, friends see the patient :
1- indecisiveness .. 2- apathy .. 3- laziness ..
4- isolation .. 5- nervous tension .. 6- scary dreams .. 7- impulsiveness .. 8- shyness, hypersensitivity .. 10- depression ..
11- low self-esteem ... 12- depression from wet weather.
Furthermore please tell which condition is dominate mostly , from below: select only one option.
Anger - greed - sex - pride - fear ?
E-mail me any reports .. Click my name for email. Tell doctors opinion regarding your problem as well ..
What medicines you used in the past ? Name and potency ? Are you dibetic or suffering from high blood pressure ? Or any other chronic disease .. ??
♡ healer21 7 years ago
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