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speech regression in 3 year old Page 5 of 5

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Ok observe for a week more. Notice if there is any betterment.

What was the dose given? 200c? how many pills?
maheeru 5 years ago
Yes 200c . 2 drops
Umeedalam 5 years ago
Ok next dose will have to be fine-tuned.
maheeru 5 years ago
The effect of the medicine seems to have worn off ..what should we do now ??
Umeedalam 5 years ago
Prepare a solution of 250ml of water--let three pills or drops of Ars. alb 200 dissove in it. From this solution pour out 90% of the solution out and add fresh drinking water to the remaining 10%. Turn the bottle upside down a few times to let the solution mix, again pour out 90% of the solution out and add fresh quality drinking water to the remaining 10%. Now the medicinal solution has been made.

Shake the bottle gently for four times just before the dose. After shaking, give a teaspoon of the solution as a dose. In this manner, you can give one dose per week. Report changes after two or three more doses.

Preserve the bottle away from sunlight and moisture.
maheeru 5 years ago
Dear doctor
Sorry for responding so late .. i gave her the dose twice and each time she was too upset and with second dose she became insomniacs for a week .. so we did nkt give her anymore doses.
But we tried this spiritual healing thing... i dont know what your feelings are about this thats why i was reluctant to mention it here.
In last 3 weeks we have seen drastic changes
1. She does not hold the poop in anymore.
2. 60% increase in eye contact.
3. Responds 5 out of 10 times.
Umeedalam 5 years ago
Your earlier post seemed to suggest that it was working---you said 'effects seem to have worn off' that's why I asked you to continue, if things did not get better, you could have reported that.

Spiritual healing is fine. And that too you say there has been good improvement. But I do not know what you mean by spiritual healing though. There are various forms like e.g energy transfer, prayers, meditative prayers.

Which layer is getting improved? The layer she moved into after she witnessed her parents' argument? or the overall picture?

If you are ok, we can proceed with another medicine for issues arising out of parental arguments---if that has improved, a fresh look can be taken of current picture.
maheeru 5 years ago
It was an argument between two relatives not parents. Mentioning because they are not even an important part of her life.
After the bad effect of ars alb. We as her parents completely lost faith in her ever getting better.
We were introduced to the faith healer by my mother in law .. we went skeptically to be honest.. i dont know his methods but whatever it is her over all condition has gotten better not just the depressive phanse. Everything is better
Sshe is sleeping peacefully for the first time in over 3 years.
I was thinking to restart her treatment with you
[Edited by Umeedalam on 2020-02-06 17:48:11]
Umeedalam 5 years ago
Umeedalam said I gave her a dose on 23 and on 25 her father and i had a fight .. it was nothing major neither it is something frequent but we have had disagreement in the past like anyother couple but when she woke up on 26th she was clenching her fists and her lips were pressed she stopped eating pooping is walking weird is not sleeping properly looks depressed. Gave her another dose on 27. She is still the same walking around with clenched fist ALL THE TIME Intensity may have decreased maybe 10% after severe efforts and going out of our ways.
I was if depression can be treated in homeopathy and is there an alternative of cbd oil in homeopathy ???

See this post content. Based on this post of yours three months ago, I presumed it's parental argument. You said you and her father had a fight. And later in the post you talked about having disagreement like any other normal couple. From all this it's naturally deduced that you and the child's father were a couple ---Mother/Father. My presumption was not without reason!

Now you say the people involved in arguments were not significant part of child's life. It's a bit confusing can you throw some light? Are you not the mother of the child?

If this is clarified, then the theme of parental conflict would not even arise and treatment would have taken a different path.

Please clarify the above thing and if you want to resume you can put the new symptom picture afresh.
[Edited by maheeru on 2020-02-06 18:18:40]
maheeru 5 years ago
I am the mother of the child.
The argument was between 2 relatives. My mother and brother. Who dont visit us that often.
I am sorry if i was not clear enough.
She started screaming and crying then became silent after they left her father n i had a disagreement he thought i should i should have stopped them from argueig and i thought it was beyond my control ..
We did not raise our voices but there was a lot of back n forth. During which she again startred crying.
then What i meant to say was we have had disagreements in front of her in the past NOT frequently but she never went in to depression
Umeedalam 5 years ago
I discover your case.

Is your child still craving for chalk or other strange food ?

Do you suspect that a vaccination could have triggered the autism symptons of your child ?
Dynamis 5 years ago
Yes and yes
Umeedalam 5 years ago
Thanks for the clarification Umeedalam.

Please post symptoms[current picture] of the child afresh.

The poster Dynamis who earlier posted is not the same person as I'm.

Unless you want to go with another member in which case I'd step aside, I'm on this.
maheeru 5 years ago
Dear maheeru,

Sorry, I am new on this Forum (I have registered yesterday) and I surely don't want to take you place in the follow up of this case which is close to 2 years old !

The desire to eat chalk seems to me to have been present from the beginning in this child and this constancy may suggest the presence of a Calcarea Carbonica stratum on his Vital Force that could be investigated (active miasm, constitution and other signs of this remedy ...).

In line with Calcarea I see a child who is calm and who is easily afraid according to the description made by her mother.
[Edited by Dynamis on 2020-02-09 12:20:05]
Dynamis 5 years ago

You probably wanted to address your post to me. Umeedalam is the mother of the child.

I respect your opinion on Calc. carb. My roadmap has been different based on my general and repertorial analysis(I did not give the PICA aspect as much weightage as you did I considered other mental aspects dominant at the time). If at any time I feel like advicing Calc. sure would do.

We have had a few breaks in between as well ---long one from my side another one now from child's mother's side.

I saw your post on Corona Virus--liked it :)

I'm waiting for her to post current picture. If she expresses a desire to try Calc. or my analysis points to Calc. it'd be the next remedy :)
[Edited by maheeru on 2020-03-12 02:21:54]
maheeru 5 years ago
There do appear to be some symptoms of lack of calc absorption, but without learning more on "constitution",the child cannot be classified as CalcCarb-child.
As for eating chalk, dust etc there are specific remedies available in Literature.
vishnu4 5 years ago
Responding to dr maheeru .. her PICA has returned recently after gap of almost a year .. we have observed her peeling paint off of walls.
Major issues:
1. Does not talk.
2. Poor at taking commands.
3. Reluctant to try new things.
Umeedalam 5 years ago
Its been 5 days i have not heard from you ??
Umeedalam 5 years ago
Was occupied so could not respond earlier. Please add if any other symptoms are there or if there is any unusual symptom apart from the brief note you have given already.
maheeru 5 years ago
There arent any really .. there used to be like stimming no eye contact poop holding in .. anxiety .. disturbed sleep .. melt downs etc etc
But they have all cleared out ..
Now if there are any issues they arise from the above mentioned 3 issues.
For example .. if she wants me to understand something and i dont coz she is not usinf words she gets frustrated.
Or if she is getting bored and her father is not home i ask her lets go to a park she would go out of the door but would only take the route to a grocery store that we took 6 months ago and no amount of persuasion can make her go or the Fact that although she loves reading abcs even writes with her fingers but i cant get her to hold a pencil .. thirdly faliure to take commands as in when one tells a child to do this or come here she behaves as if she cant understand ..
Umeedalam 5 years ago

Give her Thuja 200c one dose every 7 to 10 days. We have already given 30c. Now we are moving to next strength. Probably this one created ground for the psychic healing and also augments it.

Same dosage one pill or drop per dose.
maheeru 5 years ago

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