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Need direction on homeopathy
Hi all, new here...I am doing a lot of research trying to find a homeopathic remedy for my 75 year old dad. He has pleural effusion around his lungs, a possible collapsed lung, shortness of breath, acid reflux/heart burn, tired a lot, a hernia surgery a year ago with complications since then (belly button has been draining a fluid, feeling of pins and needles around it, a hard "knot" below belly button, a "knot" at the laparoscopic incision site, the belly button area makes him feel full too quick and he will throw up if he eats too much (which isn't much to begin with). Has lost weight due to not being able to eat much. The medical field has been of no help and has been very confusing and we have been given conflicting information. So we are turning to homeopathic for help.
I gave him Bryonia 30C (four doses?) and then the next day I gave him Bryonia again in 6C but have been plussing it. It will be a week doing that on this Friday. He had a dramatic improvement the very next day but still having problems with the belly button area and short of breath. The improvement was in his not complaining when he ate, kept food down and seemed more alive. But four days into plussing the Bryonia he appears to be going back the other way. This is where I am confused and don't know what to do. Do I have the wrong remedy? Do I need to increase the strength? Do I need to give it dry? Should I choose another remedy? Or is it possible, it is working and what is happening is normal?
What remedy is best for pleural effusion, collapsed lung, possible infection? Something to stop weight loss/wasting?
Please help me, I am very stressed and want so bad to help him and get him back on his feet. I find remedies that might work but then don't know about the strength and method to give it. Kali nitricum 200C is one I was considering, Myristica???
Suggestions, help, guidance is all appreciated as I continue to study and try to find answers. Thanks!
springflower on 2018-05-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If Bryonia 30c has helped him, then you should stay with it until it does not work anymore.
I would suggest Bryonia 30c, just twice a day for 3 -4 days and see how he does.
And you would probably need to find other remedies for his lungs.
I would suggest Bryonia 30c, just twice a day for 3 -4 days and see how he does.
And you would probably need to find other remedies for his lungs.
♡ Tui 6 years ago
Thank you for your reply. The four doses I gave him originally was in dry form. Great response the next day but I started plussing it that day and he started going back to his symptoms four days in of plussing. I don't know if I should have left out the plussing or not. Are your thoughts on the Bryonia twice a day in dry form?
springflower 6 years ago
When I feel the person has a mid-high susceptibility to a homeopathic remedy, I usually tell them to dissolve a few pills in half a glass of water, then take 1 teaspoon ( as 1 dose) from there.
People who have been using lots of allopathic medicines and suppressed diseases tent to have a low sceceptibility so in this case, I just tell them to take a pill form, unless their pathology is degenerative, then I may use LM potency.
I do not know your father's background and what he has been taking or doing for his condition so it is hard to suggest any remedy but I just thought that if Bryonia 30c has helped, then go back to it, repeat again for a few days and wait for a week - 10 days. If you used a pill form of Bryonia 30, then you give him a pill form again and see how he will react this time. If you don't see any improvement after 2 weeks you would probably need another remedy to cover the remaining symptoms.
People who have been using lots of allopathic medicines and suppressed diseases tent to have a low sceceptibility so in this case, I just tell them to take a pill form, unless their pathology is degenerative, then I may use LM potency.
I do not know your father's background and what he has been taking or doing for his condition so it is hard to suggest any remedy but I just thought that if Bryonia 30c has helped, then go back to it, repeat again for a few days and wait for a week - 10 days. If you used a pill form of Bryonia 30, then you give him a pill form again and see how he will react this time. If you don't see any improvement after 2 weeks you would probably need another remedy to cover the remaining symptoms.
♡ Tui 6 years ago
Ok, I will try him on the Bryonia 30c again and see how he does. He has multiple things going on (feeling full to quickly which results in not able to eat much and if he does he vomits from the built up pressure). I need to help him in that area as well. Any thoughts? Do you know of any other homeopathic medicines for the lungs that pertain to fluid around it that I can research and see if it matches him? Thank you for your time.
springflower 6 years ago
If you or your father can answer the following questions, I'll find and suggest you a groups of remedies.
Homeopaths usually need to know about the person in order to find the most appropriate remedy so please answer the following questions as much as you can. I will get back to you as soon as possible.
1. Chief complaints (Diagnosis) – Please explain your main symptoms.
a. Diagnosis (name of disease)
b. Exact location ( affected organs)
c. Sensation ( eg. sharp pain, stubbing, dull, throbbing, etc)
d. Causation
2. When did it all start?
3. Are there any changes in your mental /emotional state since your illness?
4. What are the things which aggravate your symptoms?
5. What are the things which ameliorate your symptoms?
6. What other physical / mental symptoms do you have?
7. What time of the day do you feel the worst in general?
8. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
9. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
10. How is your thirst; Less, Normal or Excessive?
11. How is your hunger; Less, Normal or Excessive?
12. How well do you sleep?
13. Are you generally feel hot or cold?
14. What medications have you been taking to treat the disease?
15. Please describe your history of illness ( and medications if any).
Homeopaths usually need to know about the person in order to find the most appropriate remedy so please answer the following questions as much as you can. I will get back to you as soon as possible.
1. Chief complaints (Diagnosis) – Please explain your main symptoms.
a. Diagnosis (name of disease)
b. Exact location ( affected organs)
c. Sensation ( eg. sharp pain, stubbing, dull, throbbing, etc)
d. Causation
2. When did it all start?
3. Are there any changes in your mental /emotional state since your illness?
4. What are the things which aggravate your symptoms?
5. What are the things which ameliorate your symptoms?
6. What other physical / mental symptoms do you have?
7. What time of the day do you feel the worst in general?
8. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
9. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
10. How is your thirst; Less, Normal or Excessive?
11. How is your hunger; Less, Normal or Excessive?
12. How well do you sleep?
13. Are you generally feel hot or cold?
14. What medications have you been taking to treat the disease?
15. Please describe your history of illness ( and medications if any).
♡ Tui 6 years ago
So here is what I could get from him:
1. pain in abdomen just under belly button (there is a firm, hard knot that doesn't move and hasn't grown in size). Constant discharge from the belly button (fairly clear to off white in color).
Knot on far left abdomen (hard, solid and doesn't move). Gets sharp shooting pains now and then through it.
Shortness of breath/heavy breathing
a) Pleural effusion on right lung only
Abdomen-no diagnosis though was treated for infection
b) lungs and abdomen (belly button area and far left abdomen)
c) abdomen: throbbing, sharp, soreness, pins and needles
lungs: quick shooting pain at times
2. abdomen-a year ago
lung area-6 months ago?
3. No
4. lungs-any activity
abdomen-eating (feels like abdomen swells which then
causes a restriction in breathing. Plus, fills up too
quick. If eats more, he vomits. Says it feels it is
filling up like a drinking glass up his chest
5. lungs-lay and rest
abdomen-eat small quantities far apart and rest
6. fatigue, sleepy, no energy, overall puny feeling
7. meal times
8. cool weather
9. crave fresh fruit (b/c it is cold and wet), cold water
aversion: sometimes mayo, cheese but mostly just no
10. normal though craves water & can only take a sip
11. less
12. good usually (except when having heart burn)
13. comfortable (cold hands and feet)
14. antibiotics for abdominal infection (three rounds). It
did relieve some pain in the groin and a little in
in abdomen but basically didn't help much.
15. Had hernia (double inguinal) surgery a year ago and developed the knots on left at laparoscopic incision site and under the belly button at laparoscopic incision site. The belly button has shown signs of infection with what looked to be pus and fluid. Also it looks like granulation or proud flesh has grown and closing off belly button.
About six months ago developed shortness of breath and a small cough each time he stood up. He took three x-rays about three weeks ago and is showed clear lungs. Took CT scan two weeks ago and it showed fluid around right lung with possible partially collapsed right lung. Radiologist says it is collapsed, doctor says it isn't. Left lung fine. Test results inconclusive.
One doctor says maybe he is allergic to the hernia hardware used. Our thoughts, has the infection spread?
Need any clarification, let me know. Thanks!!
1. pain in abdomen just under belly button (there is a firm, hard knot that doesn't move and hasn't grown in size). Constant discharge from the belly button (fairly clear to off white in color).
Knot on far left abdomen (hard, solid and doesn't move). Gets sharp shooting pains now and then through it.
Shortness of breath/heavy breathing
a) Pleural effusion on right lung only
Abdomen-no diagnosis though was treated for infection
b) lungs and abdomen (belly button area and far left abdomen)
c) abdomen: throbbing, sharp, soreness, pins and needles
lungs: quick shooting pain at times
2. abdomen-a year ago
lung area-6 months ago?
3. No
4. lungs-any activity
abdomen-eating (feels like abdomen swells which then
causes a restriction in breathing. Plus, fills up too
quick. If eats more, he vomits. Says it feels it is
filling up like a drinking glass up his chest
5. lungs-lay and rest
abdomen-eat small quantities far apart and rest
6. fatigue, sleepy, no energy, overall puny feeling
7. meal times
8. cool weather
9. crave fresh fruit (b/c it is cold and wet), cold water
aversion: sometimes mayo, cheese but mostly just no
10. normal though craves water & can only take a sip
11. less
12. good usually (except when having heart burn)
13. comfortable (cold hands and feet)
14. antibiotics for abdominal infection (three rounds). It
did relieve some pain in the groin and a little in
in abdomen but basically didn't help much.
15. Had hernia (double inguinal) surgery a year ago and developed the knots on left at laparoscopic incision site and under the belly button at laparoscopic incision site. The belly button has shown signs of infection with what looked to be pus and fluid. Also it looks like granulation or proud flesh has grown and closing off belly button.
About six months ago developed shortness of breath and a small cough each time he stood up. He took three x-rays about three weeks ago and is showed clear lungs. Took CT scan two weeks ago and it showed fluid around right lung with possible partially collapsed right lung. Radiologist says it is collapsed, doctor says it isn't. Left lung fine. Test results inconclusive.
One doctor says maybe he is allergic to the hernia hardware used. Our thoughts, has the infection spread?
Need any clarification, let me know. Thanks!!
springflower 6 years ago
Lycopodium came up pretty strongly so I would like to suggest 30c, twice a day for 3 - 4 days and see how he feels in a few weeks.
And Gunpowder is a very good remedy for any kind of infection.
[Edited by Tui on 2018-05-06 04:24:17]
And Gunpowder is a very good remedy for any kind of infection.
[Edited by Tui on 2018-05-06 04:24:17]
♡ Tui 6 years ago
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