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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Heavy menses and left sided migraine


I am looking for something natural to help reduce my menstrual flow, about every 25-28 days, very heavy for 2 to 3 days
Also l have left sided strong headaches, into my neck and back of head. Better when pressure is applied there
Look forward to your suggestions. I have looked at Lady's Mantle and Nat Mur, dosage? Or other suggestions appreciated

Kind regards

  RainbowGoddess on 2018-07-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
When do u feel headache before menses, during, after or ,anytime or not related to menses
KR 5 years ago
Usually a few days before and sometimes during
RainbowGoddess 5 years ago

ferrum metallicum 30c 2 drops in a cup of water 3
times a day for 5 days .

Do not take anything 20 min prior and after medicine
Avoid perfume garlic camphor mint products coffee
[Edited by DrKR on 2018-07-28 12:53:51]
KR 5 years ago
Ok thanks
Great it can sort both out!
RainbowGoddess 5 years ago
Do reply after menses about the changes both negative and positive..

After that we can decide about preceedings
KR 5 years ago
Yes it can sort out both
KR 5 years ago

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