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Dear Doctor
Thank you for your advice & helping me out, i will continue the medicine.
as per your instruction i did try the lying down on my back and press the thumb on my belly button but couldn't feel any throbbing.
the entire area is sensitive & feels pain inside & sometimes burning sensations too specially right now.
Itching like feeling on belly button & around it & above..& also as if something is pulling & stretching feeling.
so please advise.
thank you
Thank you for your advice & helping me out, i will continue the medicine.
as per your instruction i did try the lying down on my back and press the thumb on my belly button but couldn't feel any throbbing.
the entire area is sensitive & feels pain inside & sometimes burning sensations too specially right now.
Itching like feeling on belly button & around it & above..& also as if something is pulling & stretching feeling.
so please advise.
thank you
manaal 6 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 6 years ago
Dear Doctor
Regarding pulling sensation, as if there is something pulling upwards or folding going on inside then i have to stretch my self to sit straight, hard to explain. sometimes bloating is there after eating.little better today. but any time it causes sharp pointed pain & that time i use heating pad to get some relief.
Secondly we did try to press bellybutton & unfortunately couldn't feel throbbing. may be not doing correctly i guess.
Regarding the eye , in the morning there was dry crust & sticky too. for how long i have to take medicine for eye. little better now.
Thank you
Regarding pulling sensation, as if there is something pulling upwards or folding going on inside then i have to stretch my self to sit straight, hard to explain. sometimes bloating is there after eating.little better today. but any time it causes sharp pointed pain & that time i use heating pad to get some relief.
Secondly we did try to press bellybutton & unfortunately couldn't feel throbbing. may be not doing correctly i guess.
Regarding the eye , in the morning there was dry crust & sticky too. for how long i have to take medicine for eye. little better now.
Thank you
manaal 6 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 6 years ago
manaal 6 years ago
Dear Doctor
Feedback after 4 days
Eye pain is much better, but continuous working on laptop or on phone feels sometimes pressure & pain, now days at night when using laptop or phone discharge of water from the eyes & sometimes stickiness.
Regarding the stomach , its also much better, but still feels while standing & sitting some stretching & pulling on & around belly button sometimes little more above the belly button & right side too, feels like itching too as mentioned before, but as compared to before relief in pain.
so whats your advise.
Thank you
Feedback after 4 days
Eye pain is much better, but continuous working on laptop or on phone feels sometimes pressure & pain, now days at night when using laptop or phone discharge of water from the eyes & sometimes stickiness.
Regarding the stomach , its also much better, but still feels while standing & sitting some stretching & pulling on & around belly button sometimes little more above the belly button & right side too, feels like itching too as mentioned before, but as compared to before relief in pain.
so whats your advise.
Thank you
manaal 6 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 6 years ago
Dear Doctor
Thank you for helping me. Regarding
silicea 6x (5tabs) has to be taken 3 times a day,
same as natmur 6x?
Euphrasia 200 (5drops) once a day daily
Please correct me if i am wrong about the doses..
Thank you
Thank you for helping me. Regarding
silicea 6x (5tabs) has to be taken 3 times a day,
same as natmur 6x?
Euphrasia 200 (5drops) once a day daily
Please correct me if i am wrong about the doses..
Thank you
manaal 6 years ago
Dear Doctor
Thank you for your help,
Regarding eye pain ,its almost gone. it hurts only when working too much on laptop or phone or watching tv. otherwise its fine.
Regarding stomach , no pain now a days, only there is tightness & itching sometimes on & around belly button including stretching & pulling like feelings. otherwise all is well.
Thank you once again for your help & guidance.
Thank you for your help,
Regarding eye pain ,its almost gone. it hurts only when working too much on laptop or phone or watching tv. otherwise its fine.
Regarding stomach , no pain now a days, only there is tightness & itching sometimes on & around belly button including stretching & pulling like feelings. otherwise all is well.
Thank you once again for your help & guidance.
manaal 6 years ago
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