The ABC Homeopathy Forum
160/90 blood pressure pls help
I went for regular yearly psychical exam today and also having periods. Age 50 years. doctor said my bP was high 160/90.Please suggest homeopathic remedy. also does the BP rise during periods as I do feel dizzy esp past 3 months during periods.
dneil on 2018-08-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Madam,
It seems you are suffering from High BP due to aging, if there is no other complications with your health.
And as we have no specific drug to control High BP ,I would like to suggest you to follow alopath.
It seems you are suffering from High BP due to aging, if there is no other complications with your health.
And as we have no specific drug to control High BP ,I would like to suggest you to follow alopath.
♡ Dr R Basu 6 years ago
Please take Rauwolphia Q 10drops with water twice daily and Lachesis 30,5-6pills twice daily in empty stomach.Please inform after 7days
♡ Urepierk 6 years ago
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