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Cant sweat on face, Sjogrens patient 1


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I cant sweat


I am 32 yr old male. I have a problem where most of my body doesn’t sweat. This started when I was 20. Until then I used to go out into sun to play sports all the time. Now I cannot tolerate heat and my feet burn when I walk. I lose energy if I go out into the sun and you can feel my body heating up. I have to sit in cold place to recover. Please help me as this is affecting my health. I cannot even run or exercise indoors without feeling like I cannot breathe and I gasp for air. I have to wait 30 min to feel normal again..
  Uewiorz on 2018-09-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please answer,


• Living place

• Occupation

• Describe your whole present complaints in decreasing order, Complaint for which you are more anxious about mention first

• Major past medical/surgical history

• Major medical history in paternal or
maternal family

• Hows your thirst

• Which drink you crave more

• Which type of drink you like more hot or

• Do u drink often but large quantity of
water at a time or small quantity more

• Hows your appetite

• Which food you crave more

• Which Food u Dislike

• Which Food/drink Causes discomfort

• Reaction towards fasting

• Need stimulants like tea coffee alcohol etc ?

• Flatulance

• Do u feel comfort after eructation

• Hows your sleep

• which are more frequent dreams

• Do you feel fresh after sleep

• Time when you feel more sleepy

• Sweating ?

If excessive then which part?

• Feel uncomfortable or relieved after

• Stool

• Urination

• Reaction towards
noise, crowd, odour, food odour, sun
heat, darkness, alone, on going some new
place, meeting new people

• Fears

• Reaction when you get angry

• Do like to be consoled
Do you like company
Can you stay alone
Can you stay in dark alone
Do you cry easily
Most favourite hobby
Which weather you like most

• Thing which you love most

• Which thing you hate most

• How do you look at your future

• How are your family relationships

• Things which bother you

• How many friends do you have

• How your friends describe you

• Which thing makes you different from

• Memory

• What is your dominant mood

• What you like to do in your free time
Mister4 6 years ago
Age: 32

Living place: USA

Occupation: Information Technology

Describe your whole present complaints in decreasing order, Complaint for which you are more anxious about mention first
1. Most of the body doesnot sweat. Only small patches of sweat on one side of body
2. Cannot tolerate heat
3. my feet burn when I walk. Very dry skin on feet
4. I lose energy if I go out into the sun and you can feel my body heating up. I have to sit in cold place to recover.
5. I cannot even run or exercise indoors without feeling like I cannot breathe and I gasp for air. I have to wait 30 min to feel normal again
6. Severe gas and stomach pain. Had ulcer 3 yrs ago which went away after controlling with food
7. Severe Hand nerve pain that started last 2-3 yrs.
8. Chicken skin on arms and torso since I was in mid 20s.
9. Headache since I was around 18.
10. Hypertension.
11. Eyes very dry. No tears.

Major past medical/surgical history
At age 20 I got nose surgery to remove overgrowth of bone which was blocking my nose channel. This was because I suffered from major headaches and they found it might be due to something in nose. My headache got better but now they returned again and doctor said the nasal bone started growing again.

I also got lasik eye surgery.

Major medical history in paternal or
maternal family

Father: diabetes and brain stroke
Maternal grand mother: died from throat c a n c e r
Paternal aunt: died from c a n c e r
Hows your thirst
Very thirsty in summer

Which drink you crave more

Which type of drink you like more hot or
Hot coffee and cold coke

Do u drink often but large quantity of
water at a time or small quantity more

Drink large quantities of water at a time but not frequently

Hows your appetite
I need to eat on time otherwise I get severe gas and pain in stomach

Which food you crave more
Mediterranean food - chicken shawarma n hummus

Which Food u Dislike
Bittergourd, papaya, beer, cardamom, fish, bitter tasting food

Which Food/drink Causes discomfort
Wheat based food, indian dal

Reaction towards fasting
Gets very weak

Need stimulants like tea coffee alcohol etc ?

Lot. Always have gas and stomach discomfort

Yes get headaches bc of gas

Do u feel comfort after eructation

Hows your sleep
Very hard to fall asleep and stay asleep

which are more frequent dreams
Whatever i argue with my wife

Do you feel fresh after sleep

Time when you feel more sleepy
After 3 AM in the morning

Sweating ?
Very little. No sweat on most of body

If excessive then which part?

Feel uncomfortable or relieved after


Very very dark yellow

Reaction towards
noise, crowd, odour, food odour, sun
heat, darkness, alone, on going some new
place, meeting new people
I cannot bear sun heat

Being alone, being in closed space

• Reaction when you get angry
Cannot control anger. Very severe headache. Gets very emotional. Shuts off from everyone

• Do like to be consoled
Do you like company
Can you stay alone
Yes but i prefer being among people
Can you stay in dark alone
Do you cry easily
Most favourite hobby
Watching movies

Which weather you like most
Not hot and not cool

• Thing which you love most
• Which thing you hate most
When people say no

• How do you look at your future

• How are your family relationships
My mom cries easily so I give in
I argue with my wife on non trivial things
My inlaws dont talk to me

• Things which bother you

• How many friends do you have
I had lots in college now only few close ones

• How your friends describe you
That i am good person to be around. Miser. Fickle mind. Very emotional

• Which thing makes you different from
I am adamant and feel proud of it

• Memory
For the past 5 yrs I slowly began to not remember things easily like at work. But I remember everything like if someone did something bad to me etc

• What is your dominant mood
Carefree but when if i dont like what other people are saying i get really really mad very easily n get severe headaches

• What you like to do in your free time
Watch Youtube n movies
[Edited by Uewiorz on 2018-09-06 17:31:53]
Uewiorz 6 years ago
Take single dose of lachesis 200c

(2 drops or 4 globules directly on tongue)

Reply after 3 days

Avoid camphor, coffee, garlic, mint, perfumes..
Do not take any other homoeopathic medicine along with this.
Please do not take anything 20 min before and after the medicine.
Mister4 6 years ago
Hi no improvement on the main symptoms. Infact my hand pain was severe today and the nerves were very swollen
[Edited by Uewiorz on 2018-09-13 02:36:26]
Uewiorz 6 years ago
How many dose you have taken?
Mister4 6 years ago
1 dose 3 days ago.
Uewiorz 6 years ago
Repeat one more dose of
lachesis 200c
And from next day or whenever available start taking
natrum carbonicum 30c 3 times a day
(1 dose is 2 drops or 4 globules directly on tongue)

Tell me after 5 days of natrum carb 30c

Follow general rules of homeopathy..
[Edited by Mister4 on 2018-09-13 02:59:01]
Mister4 6 years ago

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.