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Dr Reva, acute case of spleen. Page 2 of 2

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How long will this last, spleen problem , all life again and again?

Isn't there a remedy to resolve it forever, for good?
syria 6 years ago
On the same spot where I had reactive arthritis (left foot bunion) I also had a genetic type of arthritis called idiopathic arthritis causing stiff left big toe.

The stiffness worsens with time as bone spurs occur inside and cartilage hets destroyed.

What if this time, it's not reactive arthritis but idiopathic arthritis (hallux rigidus) worsening?

Isn't there anything to avoid bone spurs and destroyment of joint because of bone spurs?
syria 6 years ago
bone spur is simpler to treat in Homeopathy. You can follow up with Tui or any local Homeopath.
Reva V 6 years ago
Tui has left the forum...

Local homeopaths in France are not good. They are basically generalist doctors who have a 1 year degree in homeopathy.

They work with low potencies (from 3ch to 15) and sometimes but very rarely go up to 30. Never above 30, as pharmacies do not sell 30+ potencies.

Do you think it's okay to only work with potencies from 3 to 30?

If not, apart from Tui, whom would you advise?

Calcarea Fluorica 6x (Calc-fluor) tissue one pill three times daily for 2 - 3 months. For bone spur, is it a good protocol?

Or Hekla lava 30c, twice daily, and Calcarea fluorica 6X, once daily, over the course of a number of months.

Or Calcarea Fluor 1m one single dose.

Which protocol is better?
[Edited by syria on 2019-02-11 09:48:10]
syria 6 years ago
Dr Reva,

As you advised, I asked another homeopath for bone spurs/reactive arthritis etc.

He first asked me to fix the oversleepiness problem and dreams problem .
He asked to takr Aconite 1000 once a week for 3 weeks.

After each dose of Aconite 1000, the next day, the left foot's bunion hurt and started to swell...

The homeopath did nto ask me anything, no questionnaires, if I'm hot/cold etc.

I doubt his abilities.

Do you think Aconite can aggravate my symptoms
syria 6 years ago
Hello Dr Reva..

The reactive arthritis is back in full action.

Left bunion hurts a lot when touched or moved.

Back oain in the middle of thz back near the spinal cord hurts a lot in the morning.

Extreme fatigue and sleepiness.

I had to take allopathic antiinflamamtories.

2 days ago, I started Phosphorus 30c one dose anf yesterday i took Arsenic 30c one dose.
Should I keep dosing it like this?

These symptoms appeared during a 21 day course of antibiotic that were given to me to handle an infection.

It's as if the antibiotics suppress the bacteria into the system and cause all these problems..

Kindly helop dear Dr please.
[Edited by syria on 2019-02-28 10:47:59]
syria 6 years ago
Dr Reva, no homeopath takes me case, I tried a lot of different ones...

There's a local one in Paris who gave me Lachesis 5ch, 15ch and 30ch and I feel it made things worse.

Back and spine pain are at its worse, worse than last year. Very very.painful especially when I wake up.

Rheumatoligst confirmed its a psoriatic arthritis from the spondyloarthritis family and wants me to start Methotrexate. :-(
syria 5 years ago
Ok. Please give a day or so (no medicine for now)
Lachesis is a brave and risky prescription
Reva V 5 years ago
Hello Dr Reva.

What's the next step?
syria 5 years ago
Thank you for your patience

For your bone spur, please take Aurum Met 30, once a day for 2 weeks. If you see any difference around that area (like reduced pain or sensitivity etc), please stop taking and write here.
Reva V 5 years ago
Thank you.

So for now the priority is the bone spur, right? The back pain on spine, we'll see that later?
syria 5 years ago
Will update for your back pain
[Edited by Reva V on 2019-04-14 22:58:01]
Reva V 5 years ago
Take Calc Carb 30 as needed for back pain. You can start with once a day and report
Reva V 5 years ago
Hello Dr Reva.

Sorry I wasnt able to come on the forum too much.

The pain was very bad three months ago with severe back pain.

I met a local homeopath who suggested :

Tuberculinum 1000 once every week for z month then once a month

Rhus Tox - Bryonia - Phytolacca 200 once every morning

Ruta - Calc Phos - Symphytum 30 twice a day

All this for three months.

I'm now at two months of treatment.

Left bunion pain is almost gone, but stiffness is still there as I think bone spur isn't dissolved, but there's 0 pain almost.

Back pain is in control, although some mornings it does hurt.

I feel it hurts when the day before, I have had yogurt, especially yogurt and banana mixed. Every time I mix both of these ingredients, the next day I have back pain and stiffness. Could there be a link? Even yogurt alone causes back pain the next day. What's your view on this?

And what's your view on the treatment he prescribed?
syria 5 years ago
These are good medicines (called specifics in Homeopathy). The repetition is way more. Tuberculinum 200, once a week is the strongest and scariest of all the other medicines.

Identify all the food that causes the pain (Aggravating cause) and keep them away. report to your doctor.

Cooling agents (banana, yogurt) seems to aggravate pain. Your body need to be warmed up. Early morning bath, before sunrise, should help to warm up the body. Bath as cold you could tolerate, through a very gradual transition. Start with a little colder (say 2 deg lower in a week) in a week and take it to colder side over months, so your body could adopt. Gradual transition is very important.
Reva V 5 years ago

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