The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Can’t sleep, no erection no libido have to sleep better
cannot sleepHi am so worried from the whole day of work and have negative thoughts I am taking nix vomica for 3 days till this hasn’t worked for solving the problem to sleep. I was used to sleeping by 12 till March or April somewhere on may my shift was started to be 6 in the morning for which I had to wake up 5 in the morning so I would barely get some sleep so this became a schedule after this I was given a night shift so in which by body sleep timing was changed drastically, and after those two weeks I started again with the shift as first , when I did That I couldn’t sleep for a good time, as I was using alcohol I was getting super mad about everything then I stopped using the alcohol which I don’t use anymore , now I don’t know if it is the withdrawal or the body changes which is not getting me sleepy at all, but I am facing the problem to a higher extend as this has started to reflect on my life overall so please help me getting my sleep back, I also think the thought started to run real fat whenever I try sleeping
Inhuman2493 on 2019-01-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I need a very deep and and detailed history/symptoms. In your own words. ++ answers below ones as well .........
A) constipation history if any B) headache if any. C) weakness or restlessness, which is more. Select one only.
D) your detailed daily routine, like active or sadantry life style etc ... E) what experts say about it ? F) Any addiction of tobacco, or alcohol, or meat or any vaccinations ..
A) constipation history if any B) headache if any. C) weakness or restlessness, which is more. Select one only.
D) your detailed daily routine, like active or sadantry life style etc ... E) what experts say about it ? F) Any addiction of tobacco, or alcohol, or meat or any vaccinations ..
♡ Ibrahim3 6 years ago
Hello, I also sleep very badly now. Generally, playing sports very well affects sleep, when I was engaged in athletics, I had a good dream, but now there is plenty of work and no time, so the regime gets lost. I was looking for add-ons, I tried a lot of things, I stopped for a while at, now I have been sleeping for almost 8 hours, and try zinc for libido.
Ihu 6 years ago
Disruptions to your sleep routine, coupled with daily stress, can take a toll on your body and mind. To aid relaxation and improve sleep, Delta 9 sleep gummies could be a helpful addition. They are known to encourage calm and support better rest, which might help you manage the effects of shift changes. Pair this with habits like a regular sleep schedule, deep breathing techniques, and limiting stimulants like caffeine in the evening for greater results.
johnfurr 2 months ago
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