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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hair loss problem pls save me

Hi doctor i am having too much of hair loss . I am really scared now. Two months back i suffered from dengue .Pls give me a solution. I will wait for your reply. Thanks.
  Noyni18 on 2019-01-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I need a very deep and and detailed history/symptoms. In your own words. Do you have this hairfall after dangue ? Do you have had any severe throat problems or pain in bones etc ? Any recent allopathic medicine which causes this if any ? answers below ones as well .........
A) Any constipation history If any. B) headache if any. C) weakness or restlessness, which is more. Select one only.
D) your detailed daily routine, like active or sadantry life style etc ... E) what you like the most ? Tobacco or alcohol or meat or any vaccination in recent history.
Ibrahim3 6 years ago
Hi Doctor,

I need a very deep and and detailed history/symptoms. In your own words.
Do you have this hairfall after dengue ?
Ans: No earlier also it was there Last year I came in Bangalore so after that it increased so much .
Do you have had any severe throat problems or pain in bones etc ?
Ans: No I dont have anything like that.
Any recent allopathic medicine which causes this if any ?
Ans: Not as such but 2months back I have suffered from dengue so that time I had to take medicines .

A) Any constipation history If any. - Yes
B) headache if any. - NO
C) weakness or restlessness, which is more - Not as such .
Select one only.
D) your detailed daily routine, like active or sadantry life style etc ...
Morning around 12 I go to college every day then after coming home I take rest lil bit and around 10-10:30 I take my dinner .
E) what you like the most ? Tobacco or alcohol or meat or any vaccination in recent history.
I like meat . No vaccination in recent history .

Noyni Roy
Noyni18 6 years ago
You have to select one option from point C ..
Ibrahim3 6 years ago
Hi Doctor,

I need a very deep and and detailed history/symptoms. In your own words.
Do you have this hairfall after dengue ?
Ans: No earlier also it was there Last year I came in Bangalore so after that it increased so much .
Do you have had any severe throat problems or pain in bones etc ?
Ans: No I dont have anything like that.
Any recent allopathic medicine which causes this if any ?
Ans: Not as such but 2months back I have suffered from dengue so that time I had to take medicines .

A) Any constipation history If any. - Yes
B) headache if any. - NO
C) weakness or restlessness, which is more -restlessness.
Select one only.
D) your detailed daily routine, like active or sadantry life style etc ...
Morning around 12 I go to college every day then after coming home I take rest lil bit and around 10-10:30 I take my dinner .
E) what you like the most ? Tobacco or alcohol or meat or any vaccination in recent history.
I like meat . No vaccination in recent history .

Noyni Roy
Noyni18 6 years ago
Dr. Reckeweg R89 for hair LOSS .... you can buy this from any homeopathic store. 20 drops of this medicine in some water in a separate disposable glass, 2-3 times a day. At least for 6 months to 1 year. If you have patches you can put some 10-15 drops right overe there rub a little and sleep. It will greatly help in growing follicle. Along with this you must take one or two doses of Kali.mur 200c .. 4 drops only twice a week in a separate disposable glass with some water. Please remember this second medicine only take two doses in any two days of the week. No more no repeat. Only continue R89 for 6 months at least
Ibrahim3 6 years ago
Most likely, it's the STRESS that is contributing to your hair loss problem. Don't take too much stress. If you are thinking too much and that causes stress for you. Our genes play a major role in how well our hair grows. If pre-mature baldness is pre-programmed in our genetic make-up, there is really nothing we can do about it.
georgewhittington 5 years ago

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