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Arrhythmia and chest tightness 1indigestion/bloating/flatulence/angina/bradycardia/arrhythmia/dizziness 3Heart Arrhythmia 2Arrhythmia 9Arrhythmia 2


The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Last month, I felt palpation/ Arrhythmia as doctors told me,

i went under ECG.Dr reads ECG as the one valve(left) is bigger

Dr given me allopathic prescription of muscle relaxant & Etizola 0.25 mg in night ( anti depression)

but, i am okay, now. sometimes withing 4/5 days I feel once in a while the heart beating faster when ever i do some physical activity only.

so, kindly prescribe me the medicine for enlarged heart valve/ palpation.

I am 40 years old male, weight 80 kilo, height 5'8", No Sugar, No BP no other Chronic disease.

I request you kindly prescribe some medicine.

  meharban Ahmad on 2019-02-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Patient age, gender, marital status, country / city.
1- constipation history if any ? 2- headache if any ?
3- must select one option whic is more from below
a) restlessness .. b) weakness
4- your detailed daily routine ? hourly basis. Morning to evening.
5- is it a reoccurring problem ? your current problem i mena.
6- your were physically inactive or active just before this problem ?
7- do you feel more thirsty or thirst-less ?
8- do you feel more cold in body or hot mostly ?
9- any foul smelling gases ? abdomen ? if smelly please mention.
10- when your suffering or pain or symptoms aggravate / increase ?
and when/how ameliorate / feel better ?
11- do you have had B.P or problem ? if yes controlled or not ?
not ?
Had anyone in his family sufferend or died from c-ancer or T.B ? only consider his father, father's brothers, grandfather ..
Had anyone in her family suffered or died from c-ancer or T.B ? only consider her mother, mother's sisters, grandmother.
13- Select one option ONLY which is more / dominant
a) Fear (anything if any but dominant if .. b) Anger (if dominant only and mostly) c) Greed (if any dominant) d) Pride. Any pics of affected area OR reports ? you can attach or email me.


1- Broiler chicken (white hen which forms in 30 days almost)
2- contaminated water
3- microwave oven.
4 fruits ripen from chemicals.
5- Old aluminium pots. specially with black dots at the bottom.
Best1 5 years ago
Patient age-40, gender- male marital status- married, country- India / city- new delhi.
1- constipation history if any- no ? 2- headache if any- no ?
3- must select one option whic is more from below
a) restlessness .. b) weakness -yes
4- your detailed daily routine ? hourly basis. Morning to evening. - wake up around 5-6 am, and go to 10 hrs long office job, eat on time, and sleep well
5- is it a reoccurring problem -yes ? your current problem i mena. Yes
6- your were physically inactive or active just before this problem ? -Active
7- do you feel more thirsty or thirst-less ? - No
8- do you feel more cold in body or hot mostly ? - No
9- any foul smelling gases ? abdomen ? if smelly please mention. -No
10- when your suffering or pain or symptoms aggravate / increase ? No
and when/how ameliorate / feel better ?
11- do you have had B.P or problem ? if yes controlled or not ? No
not ?
Had anyone in his family sufferend or died from c-ancer or T.B ? only consider his father, father's brothers, grandfather ..-No
meharban Ahmad 5 years ago
OK. As symptoms are not clear. But the first remedy will make them clear. Just try Nat.mur 200c .. 4 drops in a separate disposable glass with some water in it. Shake well before use. Take 10-11 am ... No more no repeat.

Don't eat or drink anything thirty minutes before and after taking the medicine.

Follow all 5 precautions in my first message. Update after 4 days.

You can check the person's profile to whom you are handling your case.
Best1 5 years ago
Dear sir,
It's 4days now, and it has effected as good on my symptoms

Please advise
meharban Ahmad 5 years ago

best1 is suspended for spamming.

If you have seen overall good effect from nat. mur 200, you may continue a few more doses. Every dose separated by 10 to 12 days.
maheeru 5 years ago

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.