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For Dr TUI or Dr Anuj Shrivastava Page 2 of 2

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Is this something new?
And you were confident and fearless lady but now depressed? I thought you have been depressed and anxious for something like 20 years? Was I not understanding you correctly or I have been missing something here?
Tui 5 years ago
In any case, if you are having aggravation, just stop taking the remedy until it's subsidies and report back later.
Tui 5 years ago
Hello Dr Tui,
Sorry for creating confusion. Yes, I have suffered from depression and anxiety for about 20 years. I was 18-19 then when it started. I was in anti depressants for 7-8years after that. Later I stopped taking those medications as the side effects were not very good. Then, I started doing Yoga and breathing exercises which helped me about 50-60 %.
After marriage I came to the USA. For 3-4 years I was not that much depressed. But gradually I again became depressed and anxious because I couldn’t see my present and future securities with my husband.
So I decided to try Homeopathy and since then, my depression is off and on.

Lately, I hadn’t feeling too much Sad or felt pulled down or lethargic until the day before yesterday. I had been experiencing more anger and frustration than depression for the past few months.
Regarding saying confident and fearless, as far as I remember, after I started taking Sepia 30 about 2-3 weeks ago, I developed a feeling like “ I don’t care what people think about me kind of attitude “, so I was doing things fearlessly and I thought that was my confidence as well.
But for the last 2 days I have been feeling down and my head is so congested and burning as well. I have stopped taking Sepia 30 again. I just took one dose after you suggested me to take it, the second time ( by that time I was already feeling depressed)
Today, i am not as depressed as before but still so Sad/down and still have so much of head congestion and pain. I have a very bad memory,
Also any kind of Sad Song always stick inside my mind as if it tries to tell me I am sad. No matter how I try, the song does not go away.
I hope I could explain my situation more clearly this time. .
Thank you for understanding and helping me out.
depression1 5 years ago
Ok. Just stop taking the remedy until it subsides and start again with sepia 30c, just one dose daily.

Let me know if you started to feel sudden depression like this again. You may need to take the remedy every other day or every few days or change the potency to 6 or 12 c or go up to 200c.
Tui 5 years ago
And can you tell more about this head congestion? I know that you have been having this for a long time.

Is it the pain like migraine headaches? And where exactly are the pain and congestion? The whole head?
And when do you feel the head congestion? Any specific time of the day?
What makes it feel better or worse?
And what triggered the pain and congestion?
Tui 5 years ago
Hello Dr Tui,
Sorry for the late reply. I have started taking Sepia 30c again from this evening. I will be taking it every evening as per your suggestion and will update you the outcomes.
My head congestion is always there when I am sad, depressed and frustrated. When I am too much disappointed or disturbed it hurts as well. And its not a migraine kind of headache. Its my full head which gets foggy. When it’s congested, it’s very hard for me to find the correct words while speak. I have to pressurize my mind to find the words and my memory deteriorates as well.
My congestion gets better when I take any remedies. It gets worse by and bad news or sad news or if someone tries to control me or command me.
Any negative emotions trigger my headache.
My short term memory is very bad all the time. I have a feeling like I am having hearing loss as well on my right ear, may be because of too much anger and pressure in the mind.
I had a huge hope towards my husband that he would give me a better life than I was having before marriage but here I am like a “from the frying pan to the fire”. He is the most hopeless person for me. My dream has been shattered, my future is not secure. I cannot trust him for anything. And on the other hand I have this aweful disease which pulls me down from time to time and thus I cannot see myself securing my life by myself. That’s why I am always negative and complaining. If I were a strong headed person I wouldn’t have to rely on my husband or somebody else. I am afraid of my own disease.
I am sorry, I feel like keep on writing and pour all my frustrations and disappointments.There is nobody to show me any right ways. I feel so trapped inside my own emotions and tensions.
I know I have to control my emotions but its really hard. Its really hard to be happy when you know there is no financial securities around you for your future. When you don’t have financial support from the person you spend your whole life with.
depression1 5 years ago
You may start with Naja 200c one dose every 3 days.
And stop sepia for a while and report back anytime if you feel anything different.
Tui 5 years ago
Hello Dr Tui,
How are you doing?
I have been sick (cough and cold) for the last few days and I had been taking some over the counter cold medicines. I stopped taking them since yesterday afternoon. I am little better now but I am still drowsy and don’t feel like doing anything. I hate getting cold viruses as the medications when I take for it make my mind don’t work. I feel like I am taking any sleeping pills. Even if the medications says non-drowsy I feel too drowsy and feel like I am floating in the air and I am not in the real world. I am nauseous and can’t taste or smell any food. Thus don’t feel like eating. It’s like a hangover for me. I feel so depressed and handicapped and helpless. Even if its just common cold and fever, I feel like I am having such a dreadful disease which can’t be cured.
My head is so congested and foggy at the moment.
Please suggest if I can take any homeopathic remedies for this situation or what homeopathy remedies can I take if I have cold and cough ?
I appreciate your help in this regard.

P.s. I have been taking Sepia 30 till yesterday, (until I saw your post)

I will take Naja 200 as per your advice now and will stop taking Sepia.

For your information Sepia was helping me to some extent regarding my hatred towards my husband. I was less hateful towards him. And also my mind was too busy coping with this cold viruses. My mind is not clear and sharp at the moment because of the sickness. I used to take Bryonia 200 before when I suffered from cold viruses. Can I still take it now ? Will that clear out my hangover feelings ?

Please advise
Thanking you.
depression1 5 years ago
You can take Bryonia but if it doesn't work, try Gelsemium.
Tui 5 years ago
Hello Dr Tui,
I had been taking Naja 200 every 3rd day as per your suggestion. I couldn’t feel much benefited by it but recently for about 10-12 days, I have been experiencing extreme hatred, extreme anger towards my husband and inlaws. I was feeling too much irritated and frustrated as well.
I was having too much of negative thoughts and feelings about my husband. I have been strongly feeling betrayed by my fate that I had to marry this person.
So, I stopped the remedy now and I am about20- 30% better than before now. Those extreme negative thoughts were making me depressed and furious at the same time.

At the moment I have a huge head congestion, not just because of my depression problem but also by this virus outbreak news. I am little anxious now but not panicky.

Please suggest something how can I.ease this anxiety if it gets worse.
depression1 5 years ago
Take Calcarea Carb 200c one dose every 3 days for a few weeks and report back.
Tui 5 years ago
If you already tried Calcarea Carb but it didn't do much, try Lac caninum 200c, one dose every 3 days for a few weeks.
Tui 5 years ago
Hello Dr Tui,
Hope you are good.
As per your suggestion I tried few dosages of Calc Carb 200. But It helped me on my anxiety and depression by 30-40 % created due to this outbreak. It didn’t help me much on my frustration given by my husband. After that I have been taking Lac Canninum 200 every 3rd day. Its been 4 dosages already, I don’t know what should I expect from the remedy but I still hate my husband too much. I yell at him all the time. I am not talking nice to him. I get irritated on whatever he says. I get angry all the time. I feel like, I don’t like him but I have to spend my whole life with this kind of person who cannot give me any assurance about any betterment in life. I do not have courage to leave him and stay alone although I do everything to run my family. I am too much stuck in this situation and I don’t see nobody to help me out here. I am so frustrated.

And Now on the top, i have been having this issue: I feel both of my overies and my Uterus so swollen, So tender. Because of something happening in my reproductive organs, I am bloated all the time and nauseous occasionally. I am not able to eat properly as I feel full easily and bloated the whole time. I feel gaseous as well but my gas gets trapped insidemy body and makes me uncomfortable.
This usually happens right after I finish my period and lasts for few days but this time it has lasted long. it’s not going away. Please help !!
depression1 4 years ago
FYI, Tui said a few weeks ago that he was not going to be on here for awhile- his practice got too busy in NZ.
[Edited by simone717 on 2020-04-17 19:31:17]
simone717 4 years ago
Stop all the remedies for now and just take Natrum carb 1M one dose a day for 3 days and report back in a few weeks.
Tui 4 years ago
Hello Dr Tui,
I have ordered Nat Carb 1M online but it seems like, its going to take time to reach me. Can I have any Substitute in the meantime? I have following remedies handy with me. FYI I had already stopped taking remedies about 5-6 days ago. Now I am 50 % better than before regarding gas or gastritis problem.

Please suggest if I can take any of these for my upset stomach problem?
Lycopodium 200
Pulsatilla 200, 30
Bryonia 200
Colocynthis 200, 1M
Mag Phos 200
Ars Alb 200, 30
Phosphorus 200
Gelsemium 200
Nitricum Acidum 200
Apis Mel 200
Rus Tox 200
Sepia 200
Aconite 200
Stramonium 200
Thuja 200
Causticum 200
Hyoscyamus niger 200
Lachesis 200
Viola Od 200
Trantulla Hisp 200
Calc Carb 200

Thank you.
depression1 4 years ago
Hello Dr Tui,
I am sorry to disturb you in this busy time. Please suggest further as my depression is kicking me again.

My past issues:
I am about 80% okay now regarding my stomach problem. I am only uncomfortable when I lie down. My Ovaries and Uterus are not sore any more.

Experiencing now:

But since this morning, I am experiencing Depression again. These days I think too much about my future securities. I think too much about my unhappy marriage. I hate my husband for not thinking about future securities, for not thinking about our daughter’s future. He always have some excuses for not doing anything significant in life. He does not work hard to achieve something good in life. My expectations in life were to have a financially secured life with a hardworking and intelligent person. But here we are too poor to fulfill any dreams of our daughter or fulfill my dreams. I needed a person more mentally strong and capable than myself. But here it’s the opposite. And I can’t change my fate now.

I am too frustrated and feel like nothing correct has been happened with me. I have been unhappily married to this guy for 15 years now. I still think about how people forced me to get married to this person, even thought I said “NO” when I got his proposal through a relative. We girls always have social pressure in our society when we get to certain age. We have to get married by certain age, no matter what. I never liked this person but I had to marry him. I could have forgotten about that if this person was tolerable. But he irritates me with his deeds and behaviors.

I think my mind/brain has become too sensitive to tolerate his behaviors now.
I feel so Stuck in this trap.

I also left him few years ago, but couldn’t stay alone in life. It was so difficult for a single mom to handle everything when the child was too young.
So I had to surrender that I was wrong to leave him. I had to beg him to come back and he did come back after 5 years.
So when I think of leaving him again, I get scared. I may beg him again to come back. I fear of any Bad Happenings in my life anymore.

Please help me calm down my jittery nerves. I shout a lot now. I just don’t want anybody to bother me. I don’t want to talk to him and any of his relatives. I am handling everything by myself, my work, my home, my daughter’s education and yes his stupid behaviors as well.
My head is burning. It’s like some acid burning inside my head. It’s congested and feels like squeezed.

I don’t want to change him because I know I cannot. But I want to be mentally strong to handle and ignore these small things and move on, no matter whether he is with me or not.

Please suggest something.
depression1 4 years ago
Please order Kalium bromatum 200c and take it once a day for 3 days.
Report back after 7 days.
Tui 4 years ago
Hello Dr Tui,

How are you doing.
I took 3 doses of Kali Bromatum 200, as per your advice. Its been a week now since I took the last dose. I felt about 30-40% calm in the first few days.
Current condition:
I don’t think the remedy is helping me that much. I am depressed again and feel no excitement in my life. I still feel I am trapped in this marriage so badly. Everyday I think about those people who were responsible for making this marriage happen. I don’t have any communication with my side of people and my in-laws. I want to stay aloof.
I feel everybody is responsible for my ill fate. I blame everybody else because I am weak and can’t get out of this environment. I am helpless here. I don’t have any guts to take out any solution than being depressed and furious all the time. Hatred for my husband is inside my mind all the time (Just like my mom had the hatred towards my dad). My dad was a failure too and my mom also couldn’t come out of the dark situation so she also was too furious about almost everything. My mom still hates my dad. And I am doing the same thing with my husband and I am not able to cope with the situation.
I have a PHD degree holder 55 years old husband who does not have any Careers so far. Never did any jobs. Not interested in working for future securities. Do not want to realize what his responsibilities are. Has a daughter but always fights with her. Works as a part time UBER driver despite having a PHD degree from a University in the USA. He is really A carefree person.
I didn’t wanna be like my mom but I ended up being like her because of my situation.
I feel like its too much of an ill fate, yet I can’t get out of it. I want someone to give me a way to live a healthy and happy life.

I am always fearful about being alone (as in partner) Loneliness is the most scary thing for me that’s why I am tolerating all of my husband’s irresponsible behaviors.
He recently had a mild stroke and was half paralyzed, because of his carelessness( consumption of alcohol and not being careful about his diet as he already was a hypertension patient). I am fed up with him more now. Because even he didn’t have a stroke he never was a responsible person and never cared about our future but still I always hoped that he would do something for us one day, so I stuck with him. Its my weakness that I never could stand up for myself. But now as he being a handicapped he is not going to give me and my daughter any kind of securities.(physical, mental and financial) He is more dependent on me now which irritates me a lot. I had always dreamed about a strong headed and hardworking husband but I got exactly opposite.

I want to be strong and care a damn about any of his behaviors. But this is not happening either.

I am so depressed and frustrated. My head is burning like anything. I am suffocated inside this relationship but I am dreadful to take any action. I always think of running away but .....

My nature:
At home, I show off as I am bossy but inside I am not emotionally strong, I am too vulnerable. Outside home I am not that confident. I am timid and feel dumb sometimes.
I can’t see people suffering.
I was a very good student before and I was very good in Mathematics. But now a days I feel like I can’t do even a simple mathematics. My brain is not sharp enough now to solve any mathematical problems. I am always stressed out and overwhelmed with responsibilities. Feel physically tired as well.
I talk rude to my husband and sometimes to my daughter too. My nerves are jittery and feel like they will burst if I put more stress on them.
I fear of insanity. I feel like my situation is the worst in the world.

I explained as much as I could to you. Thank you for listening.

Please help me.
Thank you for all of your help in timely manner. I appreciate it.
depression1 4 years ago
Please help me Dr Tui,

I am depressed and frustrated. I feel like I am trapped into something that I cannot get out even I try hard for it.

My head is congested and burning.

I fear of bad news and I fear of insanity.

I feel so tired mentally and physically.

Please help.

Thank you.
[Edited by depression1 on 2020-06-20 16:36:01]
depression1 4 years ago
Hello Doctor Tui,

If you are not busy and still taking cases, I would like to update my recent condition.
For the last 3-4 days I have been feeling better than before. I am not as depressed and frustrated as before and also not hatred towards my husband. I think those strong feelings were the aggravations from the Remedy Kali Bromatum 200.
What I am feeling right now is the head congestion and head burning and little irritation.

Please let me know if you Still can help me and guide me ?

Thank you for your help so far.
depression1 4 years ago

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