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Under care of Freehomeoforall, Freehomeoforall please look again my casesoftware deleted my previous posts, Page 2 of 4

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take 3 doses of Nux Vom 30 after every 3 days
3drops+half cup water at night before going to bed
Continue Acid Phos
If you are better with Silicea 12x then continue it like as before.Sometimes Biochemic needs time to show the result (2 to 3 months).
Continue Cal Fluor 6x (Not 12x)
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Right. Thanks
alik 5 years ago
I am using regularly Acid Phos. Cal. Flour 6x 6 tabs thrice a day.

No further noticeable changes but i am not disappointed. I have commitment to complete course of medicines.

After urine, or after travelling very thin transparent fluid extract before and after urine.
Secondly, i have much sweating in underarm even in cold weather. Odour and yellow spot on clothes. You can see image

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alik 5 years ago
Yellow colour? Where? Only under arm?
When from it starts?
Please stop all the medicines from now. Come back after 7 days.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Almost 4 years back it was srarted (much sweating in underneath feet and underarms). When clothes dry, it becomes yellowish from underarms. Shirts look very dirt. Even in night, when i only wear half sleave comfortable t-shirt, sweating occur and with odour.

A little bit pain is occurring in cyst. Any other medicine in addition to Cal. Flour?

Light but noticeable pain occuring in left shoulder joint.
alik 5 years ago
Did you stop alopathic anti depression drug?

Please give full details of your present condition.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Right. Here is detail:

General overview;
Anti depressants is continued up to one or two months more. I talked to alopath. Ha agree to reduce.

Depression is at minimal value not completely vanished. Some anxious thoughts occurs randomly about future worries like wish for Earning a PhD physics and past regrets like conflicts of job. All these make me sad. But i fight with all with hope, positivity and determination.

Daily routine:
Sleep at around 10 p.m. sleep straight facing upward, without any side turning. Its habit of 12 years otherwise disturbed.
Awake up very early in morning to travel about 2 hour in morning and evening. Successfully awake, catch vehicle but daily miss breakfast as i am single individual. This travelling is the result of conflict past 6 months. Sleep for 6 to 7 hours. Get up not fresh now like past when highly energetic at tge start of Acid Phos. It was not psychological. I really felt energy. Interestingly, at night i am not tired.

Breakfast around 10 a.m is a cup of tea and a biscuit. Lunch is well sufficent. Also take dinner. Also take some time daily or weekly a mixture of olive and almond oil. Tea twice a day. No othe thing i eat.

At dawn, empty stomach i took Acid Phos regularly. At 8 a.m, anti depressant, then cal. Flour 6x 6 tab thrice a day after meal.

Digestion is weak not good like with Silicea.
Sever constipation. Hard and dry stool on alternate day. Semen falls with stool.
Eyesight is weak (far)
Sweating daily underarms
Although season is winter but feel much cold.
Urine drop fall but less.
Cyst is sometimes painful otherwise not.

Past three four days, pain occurs in left shoulder joint which spreads downward. Simimar pain occured in right shoulder 2 years back and motion was ceased.
Little bit stammering in tough situations.
Not gaining Weight.

Overall routine disturbed due to travelling. Before that i started jog and joined gym but now quited due to tough routine and less time.

Beard is growing Premuture grey. Sometimes click produce in knee joint while sitting or bending.

Hope i have reported all.

More u can ask
alik 5 years ago
Take a dose of Hepar Sulph 200
3 drops+ 3 spoons water
In the morning in empty stomach.
From next morning:
Continue Silicea 12x
5 tablets 3 times a day.
Stop any other for next 7 days.
Come back after 7 days
freehomeoforall 5 years ago

Please also suggest for underarm sweat
alik 5 years ago
Hepar Sulph and Silicea may help. Please continue accordingly. As your sweats is making a yellow colour on clothes, I want to see the action of Hepar Sulph.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
I have taken one dose of Hepar Sulphur 200 accordingly. Next morning, I have continued Silicea 12x.

I have to report on Sunday.

I am currently writing for my extra laziness and too much sleep in morning. I, very dufficultly, get up in morning. My only goal to catch bus in morning. No excercise, no game and no breakfast. Infact this is self cruel.

I am hopeful that you will tell me a remedy to control my sleep and laziness. I want to do a lot for myself and others but always have less time, less energy-efficient, less sleep.

I have sensed sympathy and healing in your words. Therefore, i contact you again and again and write my problems here.

Any remedy may be effective
alik 5 years ago
Ok. No need of any medicine for your laziness.

*Go to bed before 11pm.
*Forget all what you does that day before going to bed.
*Keep in mind that it is time to enjoy sleeping

I believe you can. You can prepare yourself. You need to take rest.
Developing yourself is important. But taking extra pressure is not good at all.
Try to make a change of your routine.
If You have extra pressure to rise early in the morning, it will harm you.
Why you have to run for bus?
If it is for workplace, make an accommodation near your workplace.
Don't give extra pressure to your mind and body.
You can. I think you can. I believe you can.
We shouldn't follow the routine what affects our mind and body.
*** Routine shouldn't make our life, we should make routine. Mind it.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Bundle of Thanks.
Thank you from core of my heart.

You have given me remedy in your words. This was the reason I wrote you.

May Allah bless you. Great whish that may you have a blessed, long, happier and prosper life ahead.

I will follow your suggestions.
alik 5 years ago
1 morning dose of hap salphur 200 and next 7 days silicea 12 x course has been completed.

No distinguishable changes seen. I am not sure but I think underarm sweating is comparatively less.

Constipation is better.
alik 5 years ago
Continue Silicea 12X
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Bio chemic medicines may take time.
If you feel well, you may continue.
But you should change your life style to have a permanent solution.
Please try to follow previous post about routine.
"Don't give extra pressure to your mind and body"

Good Luck
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
After finishing your alopathic course for your mind, see what happens.
I think after changing your routine which supports your mind and body, may cure you. Believe it that, no medicine is needed more. And I believe that.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Thanks for everything.

I will strictly follow the routine and keep updating after one or two months.

I wish I could also do something for you.

Currently I have sincere prays for you.
alik 5 years ago
Be always religious and keep in touch with God. All happiness is in that. Earth may leave you but not God. Keep belief in you, keep belief in God.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Thanks a lot.
alik 5 years ago
Can I continue Acid Phos and cal fluor?
alik 5 years ago
Continue only Silicea 12X
But from now: 6tablets 2 times a day after meal.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
All other medicines are ceased temporarily or permanently?

Cyst is not settled yet.
alik 5 years ago
Silicea may cover all.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Hi Dr
Hope you will be fine.
I have worked on my routine. Believe me, your suggestions are proved to be very helpful. I am much better person than previous. New report is:
I didn't visit allopathic again because he was not willing to reduce medicine yet. I did it myself without informing him. From 75 mg, i have come to 19 mg and in next week, I will cease it permanently.
Currently taking no homeo remedy.

Some minor things I want to discuss.
After completion of stool, i have another huge urge to urine and much urine comes. Is there any relation of urine and stool. It looks like stool blocked urine and when I pass stool, urine also comes after 2 or 3 mins after finishing stool.

Plz tell complete course of Gangliyon cyst. It is not settled yet. It is same. You may add remedy to Cal Fluor

I feel much cold/shivering. Is there any multi vitamin remedy

Thanks a lot
alik 4 years ago
Also i have black circles around my eyes from last 6 to 8 years.
alik 4 years ago

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