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Can & How To Homeopathy Cure Dental (Jaw) Cysts. 2


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Jaw cysts

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am using the Hekla Lava for a jaw cyst in my daughter's mouth. My daughter is 15 years old. Those cysts have been there for almost 3 years. The molar with the infection above the jaw cysts has a filling. I was advised by dentists to have it pulled out as it has a mild but chronic infection underneath, but I refused. That molar would flare up occasionally when my daughter is too tempted to eat junk food that has lots of sugar and refined grains sometimes. The molar would stabilize again once she sticks to a balanced diet and takes hypericum 30C, oregano oil and colloidal silver for a few days. That molar could stay fine for as long as she stays on a good diet. So, she could be fine for many months or even a year. It depends on what she eats. The jaw cysts never go away though. They are very deeply buried underneath the molar. She cannot see them but she can feel them when pressing with her fingers on her lower right jaw from the outside. They don't hurt, neither does the molar as long as it's stab;e. When it flares up, the molar hurts and the gum swells.

I received Hekla Lava 6DH instead of 6X. As far as I understand, This potency is mostly used in Germany where frequent dosing is desired, or where acute situations arise with frequency. In those cases it's recommended to use 5CH, 6CH, 7CH, or 12CH, or any of the mid to low DH potencies.

Kindly advise on the following:
1. What's the right dosing for my daughter's jaw cysts using the Hekla Lava DH?
2. What is DH potency equivalent to?
3. How can I kill the chronic infection in the molar?

  NeveenKorayem on 2019-11-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hello Naveen,
You did not say since how long you are giving her Hekla and what is the response.

Please clarify it. In case you are giving it for quite some time and improvement is there but relapses, then she needs to be given some constitutional remedy in high dose to break the barrier.

In case of a flareup it is safe to give her Calcarea sulph 6c and Natrum Mur 6c alternately twice each in a day for 3-4 days. This will take care of any localised infection.

How ever still you need to give her a constitution remedy to take care of any deep rooted problem and permanent cure.
daktersaab 5 years ago
daktersaab said Hello Naveen,
You did not say since how long you are giving her Hekla and what is the response.

Please clarify it. In case you are giving it for quite some time and improvement is there but relapses, then she needs to be given some constitutional remedy in high dose to break the barrier.

In case of a flareup it is safe to give her Calcarea sulph 6c and Natrum Mur 6c alternately twice each in a day for 3-4 days. This will take care of any localised infection.

How ever still you need to give her a constitution remedy to take care of any deep rooted problem and permanent cure.⚠Please tick why you are reporting this post:Duplicate postArgumentative / Attack on another memberContains explicit or inappropriate contentPrescriber requesting offline contactPost is trying to sell somethingPosted under a false (duplicate) user name.Off topic for this thread.   Report Post     ♡+Endorsing posts shows your approval of this forum member and this particular post. Click the red button to endorse.Endorse Post  
NeveenKorayem 5 years ago
I really appreciate your prompt feedback.

I didn't give my daughter the Hekla Lava yet. The one I have now is in the potency of 6dh. I received it by mistake instead of the Hekla Lava 6X I ordered. Would appreciate if you can guide me on how to use the Hekla Lava 6dh please as I don't understand this potency and don't know what it's equivalent to either.

I will surely try the combination you prescribed above and will try to find a constitutional remedy as well.
NeveenKorayem 5 years ago

You got the right medicine.
There are usually two scales of potency. Decimal ( the dilution ratio is 1:10 ) which is written as x potency and also justD or DH.
The second scale is centimal potency ( the dilution ratio is 1:100 ) which is written as C or CH and in India & Pakistan just the number is put like 6 or 30 or 200 etc. For centimal potency.

Therefore what you got is the right thing that you wanted.

My experience with Hakla in cyst is also good so you may certainly try out if you decide to do so. But you will have to have patience as it will take time to act.

Good luck,!!!
daktersaab 5 years ago
I am sorry I couldn't reply earlier and thanks for the clarification.
So, how do you suggest I give the hekla lava 6DH for the jaw cyst? How many times per day? For how long? Dry dose?

Thank you. Your advice is much appreciated.
NeveenKorayem 5 years ago
You may give her three doses in a day 6hours apart. Give her for about ten days and observe the improvement.
In principle as soon as the medicine start showing some effect it should be stopped and let it work.

Therefore ten days are good enough to show positive results.
Good luck
daktersaab 5 years ago

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