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hepatitis b its permanent cure

8 years ago during nasal surgery i found i have acute hepatitis b, there was no irritation until last two year,, i found last year i have lot of gas creation in my belly, thought this is normal, but sixth month ago i have pain in left side of my belly, just near to stomach with excessive gas passing, no diarrhoea but little lose stool,, i thought i have gas problem i go to alopathy doctor mention that i have acute hepatitis before and ge give me test,, like blood = positive, sgpt=56, dna test result inactive,, last time pain goes left to right,, feeling like something stuck in right side,,, just for one day then everything okay,,, after five month those feeling come back this time no pain in left but it is feeling something stuck in right,,, after meal belly got more swallow,,, someone advised me take homepathy medicine,, carduuss marianus pentarkan,,, i was only taking this medicine last two weeks but belly swallow still remains pain little reduce but feeling of blocking in belly,,, what can i do now,,, I'm from bangladesh,, I'm 29 years old,, 5 feet 8 inch im little healthy person weight 83 kg,,
[Edited by brightkhan1 on 2020-02-06 18:18:14]
  brightkhan1 on 2020-02-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Exactly where is the swelling? Upper right side or around or next to the navel? Or below?

What other symptoms do you have? Fatigue, weight loss? Nausea, etc?

Any other health problems?

Are you taking any medications?
[Edited by Tui on 2020-02-06 22:09:13]
Tui 5 years ago
swelling is in upper right side, I have no nausea, no weight loss, I feel little tired not too much, most of time belly swallow after meal. after passing gas belly swallow little reduce but blocked felling upper right side or heavy feeling or weighted feeling..
I'm taking caduus marinus pentartkan two times 10 drops daily from last one weak
[Edited by brightkhan1 on 2020-02-07 01:43:17]
brightkhan1 5 years ago
Start with Sulphur 30c one dose every morning and Lycopodium 200c one dose in the evening.
And continue with Carduus marianus.

1 dose is 2 pills or 2 drops and report back in 10 days.
Tui 5 years ago
Started the remedy from last 7 days, I feel lots of improvement just little discomfort in belly and gas, should i continue the medicine more than 10 days.
brightkhan1 5 years ago
Yes, continue.
Tui 5 years ago

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