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Posts about Libido

Female Low Libido3Great results of lycopodium 200 for erection and libido3ED with Loss of Libido1Heavy head, weakness, week digestion and low libido6Please help -- anxiety, depression, cognitive impairment, loss of libido3Low libido6Low Libido1DR. Sharma? Menopause, Insomnia, Eczema, fatigue, NO libido1low libido3Why every lady wants to decrease her libido1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

High Sex Drive Libido Lust

Hi there,

Just wondering if there is a remedy to specifically target High Sex Drive Libido. I sometimes suffer from high amount of passion and lust and would liek to work toward being celibate or having a lower sex drive at least. Wondering if there is a remedy to help me with this.

Thank you.
  pseast on 2020-06-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Some more details required to select your medicines
A.Singh 4 years ago
It is very important to normalize libido. One can get into trouble if uncorrected.

Take Valeriana 30 C, dose on alternative night before going to bed. Take total 8 doses in 16 days. If you do not heal, discontinue, but save remedy for future use.

Use also Chamomile tea to drink to calm down.

Also drink Poppy Seeds in warm milk at bed time to get better relaxation. If Poppy seed not available, eat Bagels with Poppy Seeds.

paul_chahal 4 years ago
anuj srivastava 4 years ago
Dear Mr. Anuj,

I have seen many good replies from your side to needful members of this forum. Therefore, I request you to please reply to a question posted by me at https://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php...

Thanks in advance,

Best regards,

Ria Reseter
Ria.Reseter 4 years ago

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