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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Diabetic & cystic acne Page 2 of 2

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Hi Dr. Joe

I have been trying the Arnica 30c for the past 16 days and havent noticed any difference. 3 pellets into 500ml of water, shaking it, and a teaspoon 2-3 tmes daily. The only thing I think I am doing wrong is still drinking cola, well specially diet coke becasue I am diabetic.

How long can I keep using Arnica 30c? Is it dangerous if I keep taking it for more than 16 days?

Anyway, Ive been taking cinnamon with my meals, sometimes its almost a whole teaspoon for my lunch with rice. But, I havent noticed a decrease for my blood sugar. I am using Arnica 30c and cinnamon and not seeing any difference with my acne nor my blood sugar levels.

Am I doing anything else wrong other than still drinking cola?
fousee last decade
It is perfectly safe to take Arnica for as long as you live. I have taken it for the last 11 years daily and feel that it has helped me in many ways.

You seem to have used the Arnica for your Diabetes correctly but if you can get the Arnica in Ethanol the purity is guaranteed. You will then use only 2 drops in 500ml water.

You must not take 1 teaspoonful Cinnamon as this is an overdose and may be the reason for your Diabetes not responding. Stop the cinnamon for a few days and report after you have got a fresh stock of Arnica.

Diet Coke must not be used as it still has cocaine and other drugs all of which can antidote the Arnica.

You are advised to drink water and at least 4 ltrs daily.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thanks for the advice, I will give it another try for a week or two.
fousee last decade
[moderated. images removed because they are too big. Please ensure images are less than 468 pixels wide. Text reposted on behalf of fousee.]

I just wnt to make sure about some things. I've been using the Arnica 30c for the past three weeks and i dont see any difference yet to tell you the truth.

I just want to know if I am doing it right. The 3 pellets you say, are called globules and are having a hard time dissolving in the water. I shake the water for 5 min straight and they still havent dissolved yet.

Here are some images:
moderator last decade
The fact that you discovered that the Arnica pellets did not dissolve may be a clue to the remedy not reacting for you.

Let us try another method which is to use the Arnica pellets directly under your tongue twice daily. I presume that they will dissolve and if they do not you are advised to get a fresh supply from a different source.

You have not indicated your blood sugar levels before and after treatment and also if you take the standard drugs for your diabetes.
Joe De Livera last decade

Ok the pellet dissolved under my tongue. Had a slight sweet taste to it.

Anyway, for almost 2-3 weeks trying the water arnica, my blood sugars werent close to normal. I went to my diabetes doctor today to keep my sugars under control. I have changed my dosage but thats it.

I take insulin.
Short acting insulin and long acting insulin.
fousee last decade
As you have realized by now, your Diabetes is now being controlled by your Insulin and the Arnica 30 with the Cinnamon powder.

It is now up to you to use the minimum of Insulin units and keep up the Arnica and Cinnamon powder which you must not exceed 1/4 teaspoonful twice daily.

I note that you use 2 types of Insulin and your doctor will be best able to advise you on which of the 2 types you should use.

You MUST check your blood sugar if possible daily for a short time till you are able to strike the balance between the Insulin and the therapy I have indicated.

Please keep us informed of your progress.
Joe De Livera last decade
Arnica 30c and cinnamon will have no affect on the blood sugar of TYPE 1 diabetics... continue to use your insulin as regular. The insulin producing islet cells in the pancreas of a TYPE 1 diabetic are completely destroyed, the pancreas has no ability to produce insulin, so how could these natural remedies stimulate it to produce more insulin? it can't. Be careful who you listen to, diabetes is best controlled with the help of a medical doctor.
dante58 last decade
My daughter had a pepperoni pizza face of embarrassment. She wanted ProActiv and I said theres got to be a less chemically cheaper alternative. Well dermalmd blemish serum is it! Her face cleared miraculously!
QuiinHome 7 years ago

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