The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Aggravation from Rhus Tox 1m ? Poison ivy ?
Is this possible ? Or coincidence .I took it on Aug 8th for pain , menopause symptoms. I started off with a couple bumps on my right bicep that we’re intensely itchy and in the fold of the elbow . Out tea green oul on it and it vanished in a few days . I shrugged and carried on . By the 17th I had an itchcy mark on my left knee . I scratched it by didn’t think anything of it as I’ve been in the garden and I harvested veggies , weeds , stinging nettle etc . We also live on 100 acres but have never had any issues in 20 yrs here . I have not had poison ivy in 44 years since I was 8 and I was treated by a homeopath at that time . (I did however suffer from fairly severe excess as a kid and that too was treated successfully by anhomeopath)
It continued to be itchy between the 17 and today . I was wearing jeans ð so I forgot about it until it itches the. dabbled some Oil of oregano and tea tree oil on it and forgot about it until 4 am each morning !!! I want to scratch my leg off !!
As of the 24th today it’s gotten larger on the knee - about the size of 2 dimes side by side and it’s raised . Teeny blisters by the looks of things . It has spread to underneath the fold of the left knee. Perhaps from Crossing my legs ?
And the itch is SO intense - it feels
Like it’s everywhere yikes . One little spot feels like a 6” diameter itch!!! So worried it will spread . I have charcoal and vit c powder on it right now .
FWIW the Rhus Tox really helped the muscle, leg and joint pain but now I’m having hot flashes which I rarely have - super annoying and exhausting !
Interesting is that I also gave my 19
Yr old the same remedy in the same day and recorded it - for his excruciating back and shoulder pain and other complaints . He too had itchy rash on the inside of his arm following the remedy BUT he works felling and clearing trees . He said it was nothing just a bit of poison ivy but that he is immune (so is his dad) .
But could we both have had an aggravation to the remedy ? Or I just picked it up from him Maybe or a surface he touched ?
Needless to say I am hesitating taking another remedy if this one is just clearing something?
Any thoughts ?
wendypape on 2020-08-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If you or son have ever put creams or anything on rash in the past the 1m could be aggravation and pushing it out. 1m can last for weeks -
I always start with test dose of 30c- you can tell in 24 hours if it
Is helping or doing nothing- then try one more 30c
Or go to 200c.
[Edited by simone717 on 2020-08-25 04:57:09]
I always start with test dose of 30c- you can tell in 24 hours if it
Is helping or doing nothing- then try one more 30c
Or go to 200c.
[Edited by simone717 on 2020-08-25 04:57:09]
♡ simone717 4 years ago
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