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Severe bowel problems after total colectomy a few years ago and another surgery for hernia repair 1 year ago. Page 4 of 8

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anuj srivastava 3 years ago
I will.
Why do you think Calc Ph it' s not the one I need?
Everything matches from mind to all the symptoms.
liliant 3 years ago
Then try CP 6X ie cell salt.
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Hi Anuj,
Sorry to bother you again. I need your advice.
I took Aconite for about 2 weeks and for the last 2 days CalcareaPhosphorica 12CH. After that I started to need cold water, sweet, spicy food, and I got a little boil close to my rectum. I know now that I got into Sulphur finally. I know Sulphur shouldn't be taken after Calcarea. This morning I had CalcPh so later in the day I took 1 dose of Aconite 15CH and later 1 dose of Sulphur30. Is that ok or should I take anything else before I continue with Sulphur.

Thank you so much for your help.
liliant 3 years ago
Till such time you are feeling good it is OK.

Have calc carb 30 ones a day for a week and see.
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
So should I switch to calc carb now, or stay on sulphur until new symptoms are coming up?
liliant 3 years ago
Do not repeat Sulphur frequently.Switch to CC.
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Sorry, I just saw your replay today.
I went back to Calc Phosphorica next day. After one dose of Sulphur I went back into sensitive to slightness touch, cold tip of nose toes and fingers, numbness on my abdomen( as I have a big scar from my surgeries, it's all numb to touch, allays been). After Sulphur I needed needed cold water so bad and lots of water, something that I never did. Never drink cold water, just room temp and not much at a tine.
Right now I'm taking CALCPH 12Ch, can't take more as it forcing the bowel to much, gets me distended. Feels like it's the right one on many symptoms but still have lots of problems. I guess it'll take time to get better and the weather doesn't help. We have a few cold days, then rain for another few and warm, going all over and at every change of weather I'm up and down. I started taking a bit of antidepressant, ( I used to take but stopped it) as it helps me being more stabile. and I'm a little better for now. We'll see how it goes.
Thank you for letting me know.
liliant 3 years ago
Hi Anuj,
Happy new year and all the best to you and your family!

I was reading more to see if I can find something that would help my condition.
I think I need Tuberculinum and probably after that Calc Ph if is still needed. What I have on my intestine is intestinal mesenteric tabes, I had the intestine attached to the abdominal wall and these are the spots that I'm having problems right now with, it's a big area too. I don't know if I should take first Thuja to have the TUB act better. Also I don't know what potencies I should get. I need your advice again. I have to try it to see if it works, hopefully I'll get better.
Thank yuou so much, Liliana
liliant 3 years ago
I was looking at Bacillinum and it might be more indicated as is complementary to Calc Ph.
liliant 3 years ago
Wishing you and your family a VERY HAPPY AND A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR.

I recommend GRAPHITES 30 for a couple of weeks and CALC FLOUR 6X.
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Thank you, same to you!

I tried Graphites but it gets me worst, same as the ones I tried before. I have it at home, Calc Fluor too, but they don't help.
I was reading about Bacillium more and from what I know from my mom, when I was about 2 years old I god a weird infection I think with diarrhea and big swollen neck lymph nodes they had to get me in the hospital but I don't know more. Also before I started to take homeopathic remedies I know a few times I had some break out as ring worms on my left hand, they went away and got back a few times, it usually happens when I get dehydrated on my bowel. I'm saying I might need nosodes because when I first startd to take CalcPh I felt so good for about 3 months, a very big change, started to work a bit, to go out, almost like a normal person until it didn't work anymore. I feel like something is missing to get better and I don't know what.
liliant 3 years ago
In which potency did you take GRAPHITES?

anuj srivastava 3 years ago

Cold feet and hands tip of nose dry deep in the back of my nose, my eyes are worst by light at night specially , worst in general by cold, high and dry heat and humidity, eyes spasmodic blinking, pain on sternum on the right side worst, pain by the liver worst, in front and goes to the back if I can't eat, feels better if I press with my hand on my back. When the bladder is full right side of the ureter is painful, like same the rectum, that is because the stool accumulates in the rectum, after bowel movement the pain goes away. Lost about 8 lb in 2 months. All this symptoms I had them before taking CalcPh , they got away except the bowel movements like every 2 days and came back all back as soon as I got depressed when my puppy died. The good effect of the remedy lasted about 4-5 months, all this time I improved every single day. Now if feels like I have the same symptoms, nothing changed but it's not working as is used to. It's the only one that helps a bit but just to keep me standing and moving around the house.

When I got sick before the surgeries I lost about 50lb, never been that skinny in my life. Wasn't a fat person but that was a lot of weight loss. Got it back with antidepressants, but as soon as I get a bit depressed I'm loosing weight very fast. Couldn't eat anything anymore, just mostly meals with lots of fat like vegies with dips or some kind of eggplant deeps or and in my good days sweets but same thing had to have lot of fat like cream, not necessarily too sweet but very fat. No meat for months, when I got better I started do eat some grounded meat cooked in some meals, or a bit of salami, but no meat like barbecue. Still don't eat meat very often and same thing has to be like minced meat.
liliant 3 years ago
I have been trying to figure out the reason for selecting the remedies.

Have been reading since I got the post,but in vain.

Which symptoms led you to select them?

What are your current issues?

Faeces ascend to chest .
- Faeces were lodged in rectum and would not come away.
- Faeces remained after stool
- Inactive, rectum were .
- Inactivity of bowels .
- Lodged in rectum and would not come away, faeces were.
- Obstructed, rectum were .
- Obstructed, by folds of mucous membrane, rectum were
Power in rectum to expel stool, there were no
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Faeces ascend to chest .

- Faeces remained after stool

- Inactivity of bowels .

It's on the intestines, they don't pass certain areas, like strictures, obstruction or narrow intestines after any food that doesn't have fat to distend them.
Once it passed these points on the right side of the bowels it's moving and because it's empty it gets constricted like closing, getting narrow. Water doesn't help, only fat food to keep them distended. They removed tick adhesions from between the intestines and the rest is left on them acting like adhesions too, to me it feels like they might be inside the intestines too. It's not the rectum. There are faces remaining after stool that are passing like a short time after the first movement but they are left because the upper part on the right side is feels like is closing, getting narrow and the stool is not pushed further. I have to put hard pressure on the left side of the lower bowel to help them pass, even gas is not passing through.
liliant 3 years ago
And the part that is affected it feels thicker, I can feel it in the bowel.
liliant 3 years ago


anuj srivastava 3 years ago
Also weak chest, when I drink water I can feel cold on the right side as soon as it touches the stomach, never drink cold water, just room temp. Sinking sensation after some time of eating, like the bowel drops on the right side.
liliant 3 years ago
I will. I read Lachesis too, not really me.
liliant 3 years ago
Is it dangerous to take 1 dose of Bacillinum30CH?
I read about Tuberculinum that it is if the intestines are not performing well.
I would try one dose to see if there is any good change. They say it works fast and if its the right one I should see changes in days.
liliant 3 years ago
You are sensitive to homeopathic remedies,there is no harm in trying though.

Go ahead.
anuj srivastava 3 years ago
I will when I'll get it , I'll let you know how it went.
Thank you!
liliant 3 years ago
Hi Anuj,
I'm back with some new developments.
I took Bacillinum30CH30 once. Not many symptoms after so I went back to CacPh12. It didn't help much so I went to 15Ch for a few days. I got constipated really bad so I went up to 20CH. Had a bowel movement after 3 days ( after I took the 20CH had the bowel movement). It forced so much the bowel that everything inside felt painful and inflamed so bad. I took 1dose of arnica for inflammation and pains and the pains in the bowel got better but all my muscles in my body hurts. Started with low back pain going up the spine and every muscle in the body. They are a little better by walking slow, worst when laying in bed. So I took a dose of Ruta20Chthat felt like got them worst. After that I took a CalcPh 20Ch and got some relief. If feels like I'm getting a cold, sneezing, a bit warm, but no fever, just muscle pain and sneezing. Should I get another dose of CalcPH? It got better for a short time but everything came back.

liliant 3 years ago

anuj srivastava 3 years ago
I have Mag Phos6x I have to get Silicea.
Is it ok to take Silicea if I have the mesh after hernia surgery?
To me if feels like RUTA, all the muscle pains and pains over the shin bones, end of bones, but I took 1 dose and it did not help.
liliant 3 years ago

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