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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Binge Eating


I need help with my binge Eating. Since I was little I remember being overweight. I love starchy food like chips, bread and rice. crave all these foods cold (rice, bread) I managed to lose weight several times in my life with the help of diet pills but always manage to put the weight back.
my binging is out of control, I eat for days everything on my sight and then an extreme feeling of regret and shame takes over follow by a couple days of dieting and the cycle repeats.

during these binge episodes my asthma gets really bad and the need for the inhaler increases to 6 times a day.

I eat until sick and even like that I continue. I hate being fat but my binges control my life.
  tillixxi on 2021-06-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Tell me
Age, M/F,
Any other health issues
What are the triggers that make you go for the junk food
What do you tell yourself to keep on eating knowing fully that you shud stop
Do you feel hungry after finishing the meal
How do take water throughout the day
What activities do you keep thinking and doing while eating
What food items you can’t resist even if you are full

Nux Vomica 30 02-03 drops in water / 03 pills thrice a day half an hour before meals

Firstly do not do anything while eating tv cell reading talking
Just concentrate on food
How is the flavour looks feel taste and keep analysing if you like these four things about whatever u r eating
People keep watching TV or cell and they r not aware that the hands are mechanically putting food in their mouth and once the food is in the stomach the it is beyond your control the body has to carry out metabolism use it or store it
Do not eat at all if u r in a foul mood it is poison
The most dangerous food for weight watchers is Sugar then starch and fats because sugars are straightway sent to blood no digestion is needed
Starch needs less digestion than fats
Kaps 3 years ago

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