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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Blocked Tear Duct

Baby girl Age 3 and a half years old /Left EYE...Blocked tear duct since 2nd month of birth.
Sometimes Tears pooling in the corner of baby's eye.

Whenever she gets flu or cough then left eye gets Mucus or
A yellow or white buildup in the corner of the eye. The eyelids stick sometimes stick together .
Left eye is sensitive to the wind,dust, cold and sunlight.

When antiobiotic drops VEGAMOX given, infection gets clear. Only watery eye problem is left.

Apparent mood of the child is very cheery,happy but sometimes gets stubborn and fussy.
Doctors recommended probing.

Kindly recommend some homeopathic medicine with potency and dosage.
  MissKK on 2022-01-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You posted that after antibiotics the eye becomes watery then how did you deduce that the tear duct is blocked ?
Has it been diagnosed by an eye specialist ?
Kaps 3 years ago

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