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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chalazion, acne rosacea

I'm from Poland, i'm 23 girl. Since one year i have acne rosacea and also chalazions on both eyes. What remedies do I need (maybe Arnica, Silicea, Hepar, Suplh). I took medicines like antibotics ( e.g. Differin, steroid, tetracyklin, hormones)and nothing. I have problems with liver like Cholecystis. And also i have hiatal hernia. Please, give me advise how to remove chalazions, which I had since one year. I take hot compress, but I don't see change. I'm afraid of surgery, cos there is no solving my problems, when next chalazion will grow.
  Victoria_Antares on 2006-05-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I'm afraid that when a sty hardens into a chalazion, there is no way to reduce it other than by surgically scooping it out. This is not as painful a procedure as you imagine and takes only a few minutes.

You can prevent new styes from forming by using Arnica 30c preferably in the wet dose. This is made by inserting 3 pellets of Arnica 30c or 2 drops if you have the remedy in ethanol, into a 500ml bottle of spring water which you can get from a supermarket. The bottle is shaken hard (succussed) before you sip a teaspoonful twice daily. This daily dose will ensure that you will not be bothered by new lesions. You can lower the dose to just once nightly after your have had your chalazions removed surgically and reduce your dosage of Arnica to just once daily taken at night. You can use this remedy very safely and you may like to know that I have used it daily for the last 10 years.

For your Hiatus Hernia you can use Nat Phos 6c (biochemic) tablets. Dose 2 tablets after lunch and dinner. Eat small meals and avoid fatty food especially at dinner. This remedy too is very safe in use and you will discover in about a month that you do not need it any more.
Joe De Livera last decade
I'am still afraid of surgery, cos i'm afraid of complication after surgery. In polish hospitals noone takes care of clear conditions. Many patients were infected e.g. hepatitis and even AIDS. Maybe is anyone other to give me natural method of removing this chalazion. My chalazions aren't tough, and in the evening they became very red. Only in the morning they are quite invisible.
Victoria_Antares last decade
Your statement is a serious indictment of Polish hospitals but you can always have your minor surgery done by consulting an opthalmic surgeon privately.

You may like to know that I have had this same surgery done only 5 times over about 10 years ago and you are given a local anaesthetic to the eyelid which dulls the pain. The chalazion is scooped out and the eye is packed with an antibiotic ointment which is kept in situ for 24 hours and is removed by you the following day when all is well. The unfortunate problem with this ailment is that the stys recur time and time again and this is when I discovered that Arnica 6c prevents them recurring. I have been taking Arnica 6c daily since 1996 and have effectively stopped them forming permanently. I have noticed that if I do not take Arnica for about a week the eyelids again start to have that familiar pain and if no action is taken with Arnica the sty forms with the uncomfortable results that you are familiar with. My chalazions were the size of pepper corns and were an absolute horror to behold !

Your description of your chalazion may leave a possibility of trying to reduce them with Homeopathy.

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This thread gives you more information about treatment of stys and a remedy that someone mentioned is ANTIM TART 30c which gave dramatic results in a few hours. Other remedies are Silicea 6x tablets dose 2 tablets twice daily and Hepar Sulph 30c twice daily.

I would also recommend that you foment your eyelids to soften the chalazion.
Joe De Livera last decade
If you want to get help for your condition got to
Dr. Shah knows his stuff and he may be able to help you.
Suzy528 last decade
I have mild rosacea and a chalazion plus blepheritas.

The chalazions and the bleph concern me more, as the rosacea is mild. I was prescribed Staphysgria by a homeopath... but I have heard people with rosacea getting worse from it?

I would like to try Arnica, but understand Arnica increases blood flow... which is bad for rosacea.

Also Silicea and Hepar seem to get good result with the eyes. Recomendations for me? Thanks.
bshaffner last decade
I have a great result to get rid of a chalazoin try this...

1. Wash with antibacterial soap..I use Dial...

2. Epson salts mixed with boiling water...applied with wash cloth do hot compresses, be careful, do not burn eye area..I wring it out in a big towel so don't burn my hands...I do it morning and night...you can even reheat the unused mixture later...buy at any drug store cheap get the big one like $2.75.

3. I apply neosporin ointment just a dab at night rub in complete until it disappears (do not get in the eye)...

The combination antibacterial kills infection and espon salts help draw it out...

I looked up everything I could to avoid surgery because it seems everyone who has had surgery gets more..I think by popping them the infection spreads...so I wanted to avoid that at all costs and Wow the first thing I tried worked like a charm....

It takes like four days to see any results... at first it gets less red but then by fourth day starts to shrink and slowly it is like totally gone in a little over a week to a week half....I found information on boils which is the same as a chalazoin a clogged oil gland...some stuff I also found but did not try because the above has worked wonders for mine...but in case you might like to know whatelse I found...

1. Castor oil applied to cotton ball tape on over night said this would work in like two days to drain a boil...also I found info on site about dry eyes that Refresh Endura eye drops has castor oil in it and it helps meibomian gland orifice obstruction which is the gland responsible for chalazoin so it is safe for the eye..

2. Pure tea tree oil drop applied after shower or bath..

3. Turmeric capsules, not sure what this is, it is suppose to be all natural, came highly recommended..450 mg a day...

4. Pototoe slice applied for 30 minutes, help draw out infection.

5. Burdock root tea...I drink plain old hot lipton tea and use the tea bag after it makes my eye feel better and very soothing, but I believe the above I used is the reason for the resolution of my chalazoin...

My chalazoin was big like a pea (upper lid), red, hard, but had no pus...and with the Epson salts, antibacterial soap and neosporin antibacterial ointment is just about completely gone...Underneath mine was like a white spot which is practially gone also...I have only started this regimen a week and a half ago myself but I got so excited that it has disappeared I could not wait to share the news with others since these things are so unsightly....Please try the above first if that does not work for you then try something else otherwise you will not know what works for you...But you will be super happy you did...I am like totally amazed I found away to get rid of them first try... I know I should have been a doctor...he he...Have a great day and please try it you won't be disappointed...Best Regards...
Redhotrx7 last decade
hi, well i guess just like others i too have a chalazion in both my eyes...its been there since 5 months...cosmetically this looks bad...i cant wear any eye make too...but i happen to read abt redhotrx7 recommended...she has suggested epsom salt boiled in water...well all these days i was only doin plain hot water compresses, but now i hvae begun the epsom salt one too....pls pray this works for me just the ay it worked so miraculiously for u....
jess111 last decade
Hi Everyone!!! If You Have A Chalazion You Must Not Try To Pop It!!! Do Not Go See The Doctor Unless The Described Method Does Not Work!!! Buy Some Ginger In Its Raw Form At Your Local Grocery Store, You Will Find It In The Fruits & Vegetables Section, For about 5-10 Cents You Can Buy Enough!!! Take It Home Go In Front Of A Mirror, Slice The Ginger With A Knife And You Will Notice What Looks Like Water Left On The Blade, Sweep Your Finger Across The Side Of The Knife To Pick Up The 'Water' And Gently Apply It To The Lump On The OUTSIDE Of Your Eyelid, Make Sure You DO NOT Get Any Of The Liquid From The Ginger In Your Eye! I Had One Of these Things And I Heard Ginger Worked So I Tried This Method And In ONE Week, After ONE Application, It Was Completely Gone!! It May Take More Than One Application (If Its Really Bad, You Tried To Pop It, etc.) Please Be Careful, Remember Not To Irritate or Play With It Aside From The Treatment, It Needs To Be Left Alone! Good Luck!
Teddy123 last decade

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