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Posts about Chalazion

Chalazion1Chalazion1Son with Chalazion62 year old (and 3 months) chalazion96 years old with a chalazion10Chalazion71HELP! 4yr old daughter has a chalazion2chalazion5Scar tissue of chalazion4Chalazion8


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

3 year old style/chalazion

My son yesterday said his eye was bothering him I could tell it was starting to swell. He had another chalazion on the other eye last month. This am it woke up like this. Last night I gave him staphys 30c and apis 30c and cell salt silica and it woke up 100% worse. HEs not complaining of pain. What can I give him and what can I give him so this stops happening?

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  Namreh14 on 2024-05-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Give a dose of Nux Vom 30 and a feedback.
anuj srivastava 5 months ago
not any better
Namreh14 5 months ago
Repeat Nux.
anuj srivastava 5 months ago
eye is still pretty swollen and red. He is not in pain but it is swollen.
Namreh14 5 months ago
Repeat Nux.

Start Kali Mur 6x and Ferrum Phos 6x three tabs three times a day.
anuj srivastava 5 months ago
sorry I already put him to bed, but before bed I noticed he had yellow gunk (tiny bit) in corner of eye with chalazia. I flipped his lid up and saw the huge ball/puss and Im pretty sure its slowly draining. I did give him hepar sulp and put him to bed. What should I do if he wakes up and its still draining?
Namreh14 5 months ago
anuj srivastava 5 months ago
he woke up i didnt see anymore liquid it is a tiny bit less. Do I give anymore product? He did have a cough at night but not during day as well. It is still red and swollen and it does hurt when i touch it he says.
Namreh14 5 months ago
anuj srivastava 5 months ago
I just looked at his eye and realized there are 2 chalazions next to eachother one did drain then there is another one there that is not drained. his outer eye is much less swollen but what should I give to get the other one to drain?
Namreh14 5 months ago
Give what has been recommended and a feedback.
anuj srivastava 5 months ago
will continue thank you
Namreh14 5 months ago

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