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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

2 year old (and 3 months) chalazion

My beautiful daughter has a chalazion on her lower right eyelid. It doesn't seem to be causing her any pain and her pediatrician wants to prescribe oral antibiotics but my gut is telling me something else is at work. Please help?

I took the photo while she's sleeping. You can kind of see it under her eyelashes.
  Michelleriver on 2015-04-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The picture didn't get uploaded here. Please email it to me.

In the meanwhile, give her Silica 30, one dose a day for 3 days. Report back daily on the status.

If possible, take daily pictures too.
fitness 9 years ago
I attached another photo
Michelleriver 9 years ago
Close up photo

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Michelleriver 9 years ago
The chalazion got bigger last week and finally dried up. I used some frankensence oil very lightly applied to the base of the bump and it seemed to dry it up. But now there's one forming on the other side of the lower lid and one forming on the top lid.

My Silica 30 just arrived in the mail today (we live in the middle of nowhere) and I gave her one before her nap.

I'll update in 3 days.
Michelleriver 9 years ago
What diet is she on
fitness 9 years ago
Here's a normal daily diet for her:

- oatmeal, blueberries, shelled walnuts, raisins, a tsp of brown sugar and almond milk in the morning for breakfast

- carrots for snack

- hummus and bell peppers for lunch with some fresh berries

- rice, vegetables and grilled chicken for dinner

- no sodas, very little processed sugars, no cows milk

- we eat out once a week and she'll eat multi grains with cheese

- she drinks a lot of water throughout the day
Michelleriver 9 years ago
Imo, its either the almond milk or the raisins which are causing this. The US sourced almonds are mostly GM.

Cut back on these for a few days to confirm.

You can replace almond milk with either cow or rice milk.
fitness 9 years ago
It's a possibility. She's been eating raisins since she was about 9 mos. and almond milk is actually a new addition- we just started getting it about 4 weeks ago which isn't when the chalazions started (2 weeks prior) but I will remove both and see what happens. :)

I didn't know the almond milk and raisins were GM. Thank you for this info.
Michelleriver 9 years ago
Not the raisins, just almonds are GM mostly.
fitness 9 years ago

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