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JustSayin2 - whats the next step? Page 3 of 6

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Silicea, or any other homeopathic remedy, will work if there are symptoms already present that are compatible with the remedy. If this condition is not met, remedies will cause the very symptoms it once cured. This is the basic principle of homeopathy (like cures like) as to why remedies work and this is why one must be cautious before taking remedies.
You have taken Silicea 200c and then Sulphur instead of Hepa Sulph as advised. So you have already taken 2 remedies with very little symptoms similarity to yours for them to be curative in your case.
Arsenicum was mainly recommended for mold, which doesnt seem to be the cause here.
Wait for the symptoms to resolve of its own.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2023-12-27 04:48:36]
JustSayin2 last year
Yes I had taken Sulphur30c instead of Hepa Sulph.
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-01-14 04:22:59]
soul123 last year
I am noticing less hair fall than before. I have taken 3 doses of arnica200 so far every week. I have also stopped tea/coffee. I feel that ever since I started taking coffee regularly last year I noticed more hair fall.

2days ago I was exposed to covid and today have been feeling chills, runny nose, sneezing. Should I take anything?

Also its been over 30days and my period hasnt started. Is the delay due to the spotting I had experienced mid cycle? Do I need to worry about this?
soul123 last year
Try Nat-m 30c.
JustSayin2 last year
I dont have Nat-mur 30c, but I do have it Natrum choloratum (natrum muriaticum) 200c in liquid form, never used it. Should I go ahead and use 200c or do I need to buy 30c pellets?
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-01-15 04:43:51]
soul123 last year
If you can get a quick delivery of 30c pellets, then go for it.
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-01-15 10:47:11]
JustSayin2 last year
I took 200c like you adviced last night and I got my period now yay.

It will take more than a week to get 30c. Should I order?

I forgot to mention throat feels tickly and constricted although can breathe, upper palate also feels weird. Started coughing since yesterday and got light green sputum once upon waking up. Nose feels closed when laying down, it also feels congested while sitting up. Taste also felt bad in the morning when I had fried egg, it tasted rotten. There are two very dry red spots under my lower lip and below nose.

Last covid I had was 4 months back.
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-01-16 04:13:48]
soul123 last year
I am not worried about covid so much, its becoming better. I am just worried about my period right now. Period came after 36days not counting the mid cycle spotting.

Period came this morning, but now the flow seems to be stopping and is light compared to my normal cycle where it would be heavy for 2days straight and then light on the 3rd day. Do I need to take another half tsp?

Do I need to use Nux Vomica to get rid of the effects of any meds I have taken so far that might be interfering with the flow?
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-01-16 04:15:25]
soul123 last year
Dont do anything at the moment, Nux-v will also antidote Nat-mur, so dont take it.
You have only taken single doses of Sil and Sulph which caused this condition, their effects will wear off with time, no need to take anything. Remedies can be used if the problem persists.
JustSayin2 last year
ok its second day and period seems to be gone now. Hopefully its normal again soon.
soul123 last year
How are your other symptoms?
JustSayin2 last year
I am seeing less hair fall than before. I still have one more arnica dose to take coming week, let me know if I shouldnt. Body hair is still present. Gas is still there. Conversation problem still present, while speaking half of the sentence that should be at the end, I end up saying it first which confuses me and others. Difficulty paying attention continuously to what others are saying, I feel lost in conversations so stay silent and have difficulty expressing myself. I have difficulty gathering my thoughts to be prepared to tell the story, but I only end up speaking 1 or 2 sentence, unable to think quickly on my feet.
Small amount of period was coming in episode today starting and stopping.

flu/covid is getting better, productive cough still present. mild red dry skin rash on the dorsum of both hands. upper eyelid giving a sunken look, going more inside the socket.
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-01-18 06:59:45]
soul123 last year
Postpone Arnica by another week, then stop taking it for a month.
You say the gas is still there, do you mean trapped gas in the body that makes you burp when massaged?
When did you last take Thuja and Sepia and in what potency?
Hows your cough?
JustSayin2 last year
I have Rash with dry skin on back of both hands since yesterday. It feels like burning/itching alot since last night on the dorsum of both hands goes upto fingers.

Cough is gone, covid lasted a week so feeling better now, just sensing a distinct smell since yesterday like some weird perfume/scent is stuck somewhere inside the nose and comes out when I have cold since past 2 years. When I blow out my nose, I noticed a black specks in mucus came out once this time but I have seen it few times in the past.

Just flatulence not so much burping.

I have not tried Thuja yet as you didnt mention it again after I bought. I took Sepia back in mid-August.

I have had 2 doses of sulphur, 1 before silicea then one after.
I feel like silicea and sulfur messed up my system, I must have overdosed on the meds. Should I take Nux to zero everything out then restart everything again? Period only lasted a day, second day was just spotting, so I am worried about this.
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-01-20 03:33:23]
soul123 last year
Try single dose of Merc. 30C (Mercurius Solubilis) ½ teaspoon dose.
Don’t apply any kind of cream or ointment on those rashes. Have you had them before?
You dont need to use Nux-V, it wont help to antidote Sulph or Sil.
JustSayin2 last year
I had applied anti-itch lotion as it was itching badly preventing me from sleeping. I have seen red rash on hands before but not itching. I have had itching mostly on legs few years back. Also 10 years back the skin on my palm was peeling one day all of a sudden maybe from contact to something, but it had healed after a week.

I have taken a dose of Merc30, back of hands are still itchy. I didnt apply anti itch lotion again but I will have to if it doesnt stop itching.
Do I need to take second dose of merc30?
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-01-21 02:41:50]
soul123 last year
No, you dont need to take another dose of Merc.

You should have made a new post with the update instead of editing your last post. By chance i saw your edited post today.
Has the itchy rash improved or is it still the same with the same set of symptoms?
[Edited by JustSayin2 on 2024-01-24 05:31:50]
JustSayin2 last year
Thank you for looking over my last post, I didnt realize I should have made a new post.

Rash is better now, its gone, no itching. But my nose is congested (feels closed) and I have been sneezing since yesterday. What do you suggest here?
soul123 last year
Try Carb-v 30c, ½ teaspoon dose.
Did Merc help or did it get better on its own?
JustSayin2 last year
The rash and itchiness was present the day after taking Merc and gradually disappeared. I only used anti-itch lotion once on the second day of the rash so I am not sure if merc helped.

I will take carb-v for sneezing and nasal congestion.
soul123 last year
I took Carb-v yesterday, my nose has opened up and I only sneezed once, also didnt see any hair fall today so thats a good sign.
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-01-26 01:42:39]
soul123 last year
Glad to hear that.
JustSayin2 last year
Yes thank you for your guidance and help!
Last night while I was laying down I felt one nostril was open but the other was partially closed, so I was thinking do I need to take a second dose of carb-v?
soul123 last year
No need to take another dose Carb-V.

After getting up, do you still have this problem?
Which side was partially closed?
If the problem only occurs after lying down and only on one side, you may need a different remedy.
JustSayin2 last year
Its less during the day as compared to laying down. I dont know whats triggering it whether its cold or allergy. And for the past year it tends to occur after sneezes. Left nostril is the one thats affected. I also have a deviated nasal septum. I used to have severe nasal obstruction, until I stayed in a room with central AC which helped with the air flow and I noticed this nasal issue was gone. But I am no longer staying at that place so no central ac, and because of winter keeping window down. The blockage is not as severe as it used to be but when I get cold/allergy and nose blocks up, it makes it hard to breath.
soul123 last year
Try Thuja 30c, ½ teaspoonful dose.
JustSayin2 last year

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