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JustSayin2 - whats the next step? Page 6 of 6
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Hi Justsayin2,
I think I figured it out why my nose closes up and I sneeze continuously. It is due to food being left outside for few hours and then I develop those symptoms. This would be food poisoning so I believe wouldnt Arsenic album help in this case?
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-04-08 04:24:19]
I think I figured it out why my nose closes up and I sneeze continuously. It is due to food being left outside for few hours and then I develop those symptoms. This would be food poisoning so I believe wouldnt Arsenic album help in this case?
[Edited by soul123 on 2024-04-08 04:24:19]
soul123 11 months ago
I dont see the connection. You can try Ars. to find out, otherwise Kali-p or zinc is indicated for sneezing after eating.
JustSayin2 11 months ago
Hi JustSayin2
I have an update. I firmly believe that I am allergic to seafood, I had shrimp rice and I was sneezing the next day. Also I have been taking biocomb28 twice a week. I have taken one dose of kali sulph 30c and nat phos 30c 3 times now in the past 3 weeks. I am known to have vitamin b12 and vit D deficiency. I think trying to lower acid has lowered my vitb12 as I have been feeling very sleepy almost every day for the last 2 weeks. I took an energy drink today that had vit b12 and I felt better today and not tired or sleepy, so I believe I am running low on b12. Gas is still present even after 3rd dose of nat phos 30c which I took once a week for 3 weeks, should I increase the dose? Is there a homeopathic med to replenish vit b12 and D deficiency. When I search, I am finding Arsenic album to manage weakness tiredness and kali phos, also zinc for numbness tingling and merc sol and ignatia. What do you suggest here?
I am also intolerant to potatoes and milk.
I also know for sure I have Acanthosis nigricans, theres darkness on the back of my neck, armpit, knees, folds of stomach, groin, and on the knuckles (after taking silicea, sulphur it made it darker on the knuckles) and upper lips.
I also have mild melasma/cholasma on face the way hyperpigmentation (brown patch) is going from nose to cheek to dark circles and dark upper lip and side of forehead.
I also feel less motivated to get ahead in life, I feel defeated, finding it hard to study and lack of desire to get ahead, I am very behind in life.
What med do you think could fix all these issues please?
I have an update. I firmly believe that I am allergic to seafood, I had shrimp rice and I was sneezing the next day. Also I have been taking biocomb28 twice a week. I have taken one dose of kali sulph 30c and nat phos 30c 3 times now in the past 3 weeks. I am known to have vitamin b12 and vit D deficiency. I think trying to lower acid has lowered my vitb12 as I have been feeling very sleepy almost every day for the last 2 weeks. I took an energy drink today that had vit b12 and I felt better today and not tired or sleepy, so I believe I am running low on b12. Gas is still present even after 3rd dose of nat phos 30c which I took once a week for 3 weeks, should I increase the dose? Is there a homeopathic med to replenish vit b12 and D deficiency. When I search, I am finding Arsenic album to manage weakness tiredness and kali phos, also zinc for numbness tingling and merc sol and ignatia. What do you suggest here?
I am also intolerant to potatoes and milk.
I also know for sure I have Acanthosis nigricans, theres darkness on the back of my neck, armpit, knees, folds of stomach, groin, and on the knuckles (after taking silicea, sulphur it made it darker on the knuckles) and upper lips.
I also have mild melasma/cholasma on face the way hyperpigmentation (brown patch) is going from nose to cheek to dark circles and dark upper lip and side of forehead.
I also feel less motivated to get ahead in life, I feel defeated, finding it hard to study and lack of desire to get ahead, I am very behind in life.
What med do you think could fix all these issues please?
soul123 10 months ago
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