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Joint and muscular pain Page 3 of 3
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Mother is taking Pulsatilla for last 4 days.
Pain increased in Elbow, shoulder joints, legs, stiffness in back and low back and sometimes there is sparking in both heels. There is stiffness all over the body while starting movement from rest position, like after waking up in the morning.
To summarize, the pain is increased overall by about 25%.
Pain increased in Elbow, shoulder joints, legs, stiffness in back and low back and sometimes there is sparking in both heels. There is stiffness all over the body while starting movement from rest position, like after waking up in the morning.
To summarize, the pain is increased overall by about 25%.
Uzoom 7 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 7 months ago
I shall get Colchicum tomorrow and start then.
Symptoms means disease specific symptoms or personality based symptoms?
She has very limited disease specific symptoms--
The pain is in every joints and muscles more or less. Sometimes here sometimes there. Sometimes at 2 3 places at the same time.
Agg of pain while Lie-down on bed is very prominent. Then she feels stiffness while rising from rest period.
Complaints of pain and numbness increases from overwork or household work for a long time.
I think she is better when occupied with light or mild work with moderate body movement.
Please mention if other specific types of symptoms needed.
Symptoms means disease specific symptoms or personality based symptoms?
She has very limited disease specific symptoms--
The pain is in every joints and muscles more or less. Sometimes here sometimes there. Sometimes at 2 3 places at the same time.
Agg of pain while Lie-down on bed is very prominent. Then she feels stiffness while rising from rest period.
Complaints of pain and numbness increases from overwork or household work for a long time.
I think she is better when occupied with light or mild work with moderate body movement.
Please mention if other specific types of symptoms needed.
Uzoom 7 months ago
She is vey much fretful in buying sharees or dresses for her. Most of the time she needs to exchange it.
She is talkative over small mistakes of family members ++ (e.g. if we misplaces something or if we bring unfresh vegetables form market).
She is possesive over me.
My father is suffering from dimentia. He always does something wrong or unexpected things and mother gets angry and uses abusive words most of the times in anger, but she cares for him otherwise. At that time she talks a lot over same topic.
She is joyful and likes to talk with people, she likes to listen music of morning live tv shows.
She likes fish very much, likes curd if not too sour, likes mild spicy foods. Rarely asks for sweets (rasgullas).
She takes warm tea. She cant eat anything hot.
She perspire a lot, Cant tolerate hot. Needs fan to keep herself cool. She cant tolerate excessive cold also. She wraps herself to protect from cold air in winter. But she enjoys winter over summer.
She is workaholic, always finds a work to do if her body permits.
Thats all I can tell about her.
Please ask me once, if I am missing anything.
She is talkative over small mistakes of family members ++ (e.g. if we misplaces something or if we bring unfresh vegetables form market).
She is possesive over me.
My father is suffering from dimentia. He always does something wrong or unexpected things and mother gets angry and uses abusive words most of the times in anger, but she cares for him otherwise. At that time she talks a lot over same topic.
She is joyful and likes to talk with people, she likes to listen music of morning live tv shows.
She likes fish very much, likes curd if not too sour, likes mild spicy foods. Rarely asks for sweets (rasgullas).
She takes warm tea. She cant eat anything hot.
She perspire a lot, Cant tolerate hot. Needs fan to keep herself cool. She cant tolerate excessive cold also. She wraps herself to protect from cold air in winter. But she enjoys winter over summer.
She is workaholic, always finds a work to do if her body permits.
Thats all I can tell about her.
Please ask me once, if I am missing anything.
Uzoom 7 months ago
Give COLCHICUM as of now.Above symptoms of little value.
♡ anuj srivastava 7 months ago
One of my relative have similar problem of gout. Should I start a new thread?
[Edited by Oahi1 on 2024-07-16 07:16:47]
[Edited by Oahi1 on 2024-07-16 07:16:47]
Oahi1 7 months ago
She is taking Colchicum for last 4 days. Also taking Kali Phos and Mag Phos cell salts.
Overall pain has increased by about 50% than before.
Pain in lower body parts-thigh, knee and calf have increased, previously there was not that much pain in these areas like now.
The same symptom- aggravation from lie-down is present.
Overall pain has increased by about 50% than before.
Pain in lower body parts-thigh, knee and calf have increased, previously there was not that much pain in these areas like now.
The same symptom- aggravation from lie-down is present.
Uzoom 7 months ago
Hello Sir, sorry for such late feedback.
Actually she was moderately better and she is continuing Mag Phos and Kali Phos.
Last remedy she took was Colchicum and after the initial aggravation she was moderately better for these days. Now for last one week the pain has increased in almost all body parts in shoulder, arms, specially in thigh, knee and low back area. She can not stand at a stretch as if there is numbness in thigh and legs. She has disturbed sleep and after lie down on bed it takes time to fall asleep.
Please provide your valuable suggestion about current remedy.
Actually she was moderately better and she is continuing Mag Phos and Kali Phos.
Last remedy she took was Colchicum and after the initial aggravation she was moderately better for these days. Now for last one week the pain has increased in almost all body parts in shoulder, arms, specially in thigh, knee and low back area. She can not stand at a stretch as if there is numbness in thigh and legs. She has disturbed sleep and after lie down on bed it takes time to fall asleep.
Please provide your valuable suggestion about current remedy.
Uzoom 6 months ago
Hello Sir.
My mother took Colchicum 30 for the first 2 days and there was much aggravation thereafter, so she stopped taking Colchicum. Within 3-4 days only the aggravation diluted but after that she did not feel better in comparison with before taking the remedy.
She is continuing cell salts only.
Its almost 2 weeks she took last dose of Colchicum but the complaints are almost same i.e. pain in different parts like shoulder thigh etc and the are coming and going. sometimes here sometimes there. She is having numbness and pain in low back if she stands for a long time.
Looking forward for your advice.
My mother took Colchicum 30 for the first 2 days and there was much aggravation thereafter, so she stopped taking Colchicum. Within 3-4 days only the aggravation diluted but after that she did not feel better in comparison with before taking the remedy.
She is continuing cell salts only.
Its almost 2 weeks she took last dose of Colchicum but the complaints are almost same i.e. pain in different parts like shoulder thigh etc and the are coming and going. sometimes here sometimes there. She is having numbness and pain in low back if she stands for a long time.
Looking forward for your advice.
Uzoom 5 months ago
Give one dose of Colchicum and see.
♡ anuj srivastava 5 months ago
Hello Sir. She had taken one dose as per your suggestion. But nothing changed. Then after one week she took 2 doses for the consecutive 2 days but nothing changed-- neither aggravation nor any improvement.
At present the pain is mostly in lower part- in low back area, thighs and in heels. Pain of shoulder is less than before. She is having disturbed sleep( not due to pain, she cant tell any particular reason for her sleeplessness).
I think she was better than now when you prescribed Sulphur(except the aggravation part of Sulphur at the end).
Please give your suggestion.
At present the pain is mostly in lower part- in low back area, thighs and in heels. Pain of shoulder is less than before. She is having disturbed sleep( not due to pain, she cant tell any particular reason for her sleeplessness).
I think she was better than now when you prescribed Sulphur(except the aggravation part of Sulphur at the end).
Please give your suggestion.
Uzoom 4 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 4 months ago
Hi Sir. She took Coffea for 5 days and then stopped as improvement was seen. Now continuing the Cell salts only.
Presently Sleep quality is improved than before but no change in pain. Along with the pain of the mentioned parts in my last post (almost everywhere--shoulder, back and in lower body-thigh, knee), new addition is- pain in middle spine area. This may be due to her Scoliosis which was diagnosed from her X ray report previously. Also there is stiffness and spasm in the toes and foot of both leg.
Kindly prescribe accordingly.
Presently Sleep quality is improved than before but no change in pain. Along with the pain of the mentioned parts in my last post (almost everywhere--shoulder, back and in lower body-thigh, knee), new addition is- pain in middle spine area. This may be due to her Scoliosis which was diagnosed from her X ray report previously. Also there is stiffness and spasm in the toes and foot of both leg.
Kindly prescribe accordingly.
Uzoom 4 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 4 months ago
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