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Hello, digestive upset and low weight makes me think of this. There are free videos from Dr Peter Osborne on youtube and Ive learned so much from him. Best
geauxp 5 days ago
That’s why I asked if you got tested(skin) for allergies. I have relatives with dairy, gluten, egg allergies-Digestive huge problems, depression, a lot of mucous issues, sleep issues. There was a person on here from remote Canada area- she was suffering all the above- no remedies worked.
She could not manage a long trip to the dr. I asked her to stop eating eggs- she did that for a week and all her symptoms disappeared. You need to know what if anything you are allergic to.
She could not manage a long trip to the dr. I asked her to stop eating eggs- she did that for a week and all her symptoms disappeared. You need to know what if anything you are allergic to.
♡ simone717 5 days ago
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