The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Lifetime Problem
Hello,A problem I have had most of my life is with my size and weight.
Mostly my weight being too low or underweight. I am living in the US and grew up here. I am adult and 38 years old male. I have always been thin and low in weight. Currently, I weight about 110 pounds or 49 or 50 kg. I am about 57 or 58 at most in height or 170 to 173 cm.
This is a huge problem in my life. The biggest for me. I have a lot of other problems too, reflux issues, sleep issues, etc, but this is also a big deal for me and these things are probably all related or make the issue worse.
I do not know if this issue can be solved or helped by homeopathy, or it requires other things? Maybe herbal things that can help, or other things I do not know about. Maybe lifting weights again and trying to eat more again? Maybe lifestyle changes. Diet changes and forcing myself to eat more. Having patience, etc.
I am hoping someone on here can tell me if they think homeopathy can help or it might need something else? Or a combination of things.
I have the same weight as most girls and not adult men. Even girls who are 120 pounds or 110 pounds like me, or less, are considered very thin. So, imagine myself, a guy at my height and that weight.
Also I live in the United states, where it is definitely not normal to be thin for any person, let alone how thin I am. I am thin and very low in weight. And I am a 38 yr old man. I have tried everything.
This has really messed up my whole life. I do not feel good in any way, whether it is mentally, emotionally, physically I feel tired all the time and weak. Not good for my confidence. I have never had a woman partner, or been in a relationship I mean long term. I think this is the reason for all of it. I dont feel attractive at all as a man. Not a manly body.
My parents want me to find a woman and get married and have children. I have always wanted this too with the right woman. But I know I cannot attract anyone like this. I also have had sexual issues, or ED or impotence problems most of my life. Even since teenager years. I really want to have kids and Im getting older and I think that I physically cannot get my wife pregnant because of all these issues.
Anyway, my life is a real mess. This is a very difficult case I understand. I feel hopeless too. I will let anyone ask questions and I can provide more information. I have had reflux issues for a long time, I remember as far back as teenage years, thats when the issues started for my dad too. I inherited it from my father. Acid reflux issues, throat reflux or LPR reflux, always clearing my throat, always full of mucus in my nose and throat which is also called Post nasal drip it seems. Digestion and stomach issues. Sleep issues. I have trouble falling asleep. I never wake up feeling refreshed.
I appreciate anyone who has read all of this and wants to try the case or has advice to help me. Happy holidays to all of you.
Thank you so much. Please help. My life sucks. I hate being negative but it is just the truth right now. Thank you.
mysteryman on 2024-12-28
05 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HOUR BEFORE DINNER.FOR 3 NIGHTS.
Dose five (5) drops/pellets , taken at the same time 3 Times daily.
Take the remedies until symptoms are improved.
Keep all doses 30 minutes before or after food, drink and teeth brushing.
♡ anuj srivastava last month
I just wanted to know before I start taking them, why did you choose these remedies? And why in this order? It is a lot of remedies to take at once, so I wanted to know the reason why before I do this. I think I have all of these. If I dont have the cell salts, I can get them easily.
I have taken these remedies in the past. Nux 30 and Nat 30 and higher potencies. I dont think I have ever taken those specific cell salts. So, just to clarify, from day 4 and on, I would be taking all 4 remedies as prescribed until symptoms improve right?
I also want to let you know that last week I took Lycopodium 1M once time. 2 pellets in an ounce of water and I drank it all after it disolved. Lyco seemed to have helped a little with my sleep, but not even close to 100% relief. I feel a little better waking up in the mornings, a little more refreshed than usual. But thats about it.
I chose to take lyco myself because it seemed to relate to a lot of my symptoms, digestion/stomach, sleep issues, my parents being very difficult and dominant people in my life, especially my mother. My dad is like that in a different way. I think my mom effects me more. Being a chilly type of person, most of things match in Lyco. I was thinking that was my constitutional remedy.
Anyway, that was last week. I dont think it has even been a full week or 7 days yet. Should I just let Lyco work and see what happens? Or can I start taking these remedies?
Please let m know? Thanks!
mysteryman last month
Homeo Bazaar
Above are Indian sites from where you can get all homeopathic remedies.
Austrian Site
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2024-12-29 02:53:33]
♡ anuj srivastava last month
I have no problem getting homeopathic remedies. they have stores here that sell it and I can get them easily or order online. I have Nat and Nux in different potencies. I have probably taken Nat up to 1m and Nux up to 10m before.
But u are making it sound like Nat is my constitution remedy. I am not sure about being dominated. I mean that my parents are very difficult, they are not easy going. They criticize. They do not let us do what we want. They are controlling. They are also stubborn and negative most of the time. And yes this is how I respond to parents and others in the work place who have more power over me.
I actually do not respond this way to my parents too much, because I am more of an obedient person, but as an adult I started to stand up for myself.
So, you didnt really answer my questions and just posted links to where to buy remedies. I hope this gives you more information about the feeling of a dominant parent or strict parents or being controlled. Also, my mom compares me to other people, or others my age, which is one of the worst feelings for me. And messes with my confidence.
mysteryman last month
I prescribe like that.
I have Nat and in different potencies. I have probably taken Nat up to 1m and Nux up to 10m before.When you give our symptoms you should pen down the remedies you have taken and the potencies.
They do not let us do what we want. They are controlling.Means they are dominating.
I actually do not respond this way to my parents too much,peruse the u/m paras and respond.
history of taking on too much at a young age, having too many expectations placed on them, too strict parental control. They try to live up to these expectations and make a tremendous effort to perform exceedingly well. They set for themselves high standards or goals that are near impossible to achieve and drive themselves to try and accomplish them. In that sense, they reach out for perfection, and almost finish themselves in doing so.
Over strict parents impose all their desires on the child and do not allow him to think or do anything on his own. He cannot take his own decisions, to the extent that he is not allowed even to decide what clothes he should wear. If he starts taking his own decisions or does not live up to the expectations placed upon him, he will be punished cruelly. So he tries to live up to these expectations by being obedient and angelic in his behaviour, and by being excellent in his work. But he begins to develop a lack of self-confidence, and becomes nervous. He is irresolute, because the outcome of his decisiveness is usually a severe punishment. If the domination persists and he is compelled to put up with it, he starts reacting with cruelty, malice, want of moral feeling, and antisocial behaviour. Here he may also develop a tremendous overconfidence with contempt for others.
So, you didnt really answer my questions I SEE NO REASON WHY I SHOULD.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2024-12-29 06:07:46]
♡ anuj srivastava last month
So does that mean Nat mur is the best remedy for me? Should I take Nat Mur 10m since im pretty sure ive taken 1m before. I cant list all the remedies ive taken from the past. There are way too many. But most recently, I have only taken the Lycopodium once.
I can take the remedies like u prescribed meaning all 4. But please let me know about the potencies to take for Nat mur and Nux Vom? Should I take Nat 10m? And how? and should I take Nux vom 10m?
mysteryman last month
This is the fourth remedy which reflects your personality.
But only NM has Emaciation and poorly nourished on account of digestive disturbances.
NM strongly recommended start with 30 potency three times a day.from day 4.
♡ anuj srivastava last month
Thanks again! Happy new year to you!
mysteryman last month
mysteryman last month
mysteryman last month
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2024-12-30 07:52:30]
♡ anuj srivastava last month
Nux Vom 30
05 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HOUR BEFORE DINNER.FOR 3 NIGHTS.
So, we are doing a liquid dose right?
Step 1: Dispense 5 pellets and drop into an ounce of water.
Step 2: Wait for pellets to dissolve fully in the water so you do not see pellets anymore.
Step 3: Take the first sip (1/3rd of it)
Step 4: Wait for 15 mins and sip the next 1/3rd
Step 5: Wait 15 mins and take last sip.
Is this correct the way I have the steps? Thanks
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mysteryman last month
Step 1: Dispense 5 pellets and drop into an ounce of water.
Step 2: Wait for pellets to dissolve fully in the water so you do not see pellets anymore.
Step 3: Take the first sip (1/3rd of it)
Step 4: Wait for 15 mins and sip the next 1/3rd
Step 5: Wait 15 mins and take last sip.
♡ anuj srivastava last month
So, on day 4, when I start taking Nat mur 30. Do I also stop taking Nux? Or still continue to take it?
When you say, take at the same time 3 times a day for Nat Mur, do you mean like if I take it at 10 am, 3 pm, and 8 pm, and then I keep taking it at the same times everyday?
mysteryman last month
, do you mean like if I take it at 10 am, 3 pm, and 8 pm, and then I keep taking it at the same times everyday?Approx the same time.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2025-01-02 07:57:13]
♡ anuj srivastava last month
The meds seem to be helping with energy levels and sleep. Nux vom especially seems to help with sleep and feeling better overall. But nowhere near 100 % better.
I am on day 5 and yesterday I started taking nat mur in place of nux. The nat mur doesnt seem to be helping as much as nux, but it has been only 1 full day of nat so cant really comment.
Another thing I want to say that is really a big problem is irritation in my stomach and bowels. I always have this, for breakfast, lunch, and dinners. Anytime i eat, and whatever I eat, it does not matter, I have this issue. I have a bowel movement right after eating and it is very annoying, irritable, with cramps, and not a pleasant experience. Sometimes it is while I am eating, I have to stop and go for bowel movement. I dont finish my food because of this. It really sucks and is very annoying. Sounds like irritable bowels and irritable stomach at the same time.
If there is anything to help with that please let me know. So frustrating. I cant eat anything without pain, urging to bathroom, and its effecting my life so much. Getting ready in mornings for work, during lunch time, etc. I think this is all related.
My biggest problems...Sleep - stomach/bowels - weight
mysteryman last month
Please help
mysteryman last month
mysteryman last month
mysteryman last month
Thank you
mysteryman last month
♡ anuj srivastava 2 weeks ago
I will continue taking it. I should probably get the 200 right? I can get it whenever you say and that should make a huge difference. I also felt really hungry this morning, so it looks like it is improving my stomach or digestion, and I am having more of an appetite.
Let me know on the Phos 200? And also should I continue to take the salts like calc phos and ferrum phos?
Thank you! God bless you! I think u found my remedy. I looked it up in detail as far as a constitution and it seems to really match. Also, I can see how you and me both confused myself for nat mur instead of phos.
mysteryman 2 weeks ago
mysteryman 2 weeks ago
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