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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Gut candida

Hello, are candida nosodes effective for gut candida? Please advise.
  Anu15 on 2025-01-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
No.Google the best diet to starve the candida. Find a good probiotic that has 7 or more strains to repopulate your gut with the needed strains to get balance back. Drs now suggest that probiotics be taken for 2 months after antibiotic use - You may have to experiment with the probiotics to get what works for you. Also there are many good candida cleanse products- Do the research and try one.
simone717 2 months ago
Thanks for your response. Sorry for the scant information in my original post. Im a long time candida sufferer, at least about 10 years now. I have researched and tried several diets, supplements, and probiotics with no significant success. The gut dysbiosis and the candida infection is chronic and stubborn. High-strength probiotics (as well as lower ones) give me severe reflux. Additionally, the yeast mutates and eventually becomes resistant to the supplements. Thus reading a bit about the like cures like and some of the recent research done on nosodes, Ive become interested in trying them, specifically the candida albicans nosode and the R82 drops.

Im curious as to why you think the nosodes are not effective? Has it been your experience or perhaps another reasons that you believe the nosode is not effective?
Anu15 2 months ago
I have seen cases on here where the nosodes made it worse. Every time.
simone717 2 months ago
Could it be aggravation?

When using natural antifungals, thats certainly been the case with me. I get worse before the intensity of the infection reduces (which for me is a good sign) until the supplement stops working due to fungal resistance. I have been searching the forum extensively for candida issues, but other than 2-3 posts I havent found much. (Need to search more I guess) In one of those cases, I saw the nosode suggested by Anuj Srivastav.
Anu15 2 months ago
this is false. the candida nosodes do work, and the diet doesnt work. you have it completely backwards
brianMP 2 months ago
yes, ive had good experiences with it. I suffered from antibiotic overuse and got candida. 12c, 30c and 100C (if you can find it) helped me
brianMP 2 months ago
Brian, can I ask if you have used the candida nosode yourself. If so, in what potency and dosing? Unfortunately the diet alone hasnt helped me. And the resistance of fungus to both prescription (Rx) and natural supplements is a huge concern.
Anu15 2 months ago
Thanks for sharing your feedback. I too was given a lot of antibiotics and that completely messed up my gut.

For the 12c, 30c, and 100c potencies, can you let me know your dosing. For example, did you take the dilution as drops or globules? If so, how many drops or globules and how frequently? I have been toying with the idea of starting with the 12c and see how it goes.
Anu15 2 months ago
i used a product called aqua flora but i do not think it exists anymore.

it was a liquid bottle with 100c candida albicans. I followed their instructions which basically said take it once a day. I did that and it cleared most my problems in 5 weeks.

After that, I ended up visiting a proper homeopath to address issues that caused me to take the antibiotics in the first place. hope that helps. like always, take a small dose, wait a day or two, and re assess. If it works right away you will know. If it works, you can take a dose or two doses a day i think.

im not a pro, but this is what i did that helped me.
brianMP 2 months ago
That approach makes sense. I might try something similar. Thanks much for sharing your experiences.
Anu15 2 months ago
Perhaps the ppl on here that got worse were overdosing.
I have had this and also family members. I got better from a strict anti candida diet of protein, vegetables and no sugar.
My relatives did the diet and used a candida cleanse supplement to heal.
Hope what you try works for you.
simone717 2 months ago
Thanks Simone
Anu15 2 months ago

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