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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Period problem


Female 37. I need help with my period. Earlier last year I had seeked help to extend my period beyond 2-3days and to make the cycle normal to be over 23days. I followed the remedies, it made the period lighter and had extended to 3days and cycle 25days at most. I was asked to try sulphur which I did but turned out I was to take Hepa sulph which I think made the problem worse. Now the period has lessened significantly. I only get in the bathroom, it doesnt soak the pad while sitting or sleeping.

How do I fix this? Please advice.

previous post: https://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php...
  soul123 on 2025-01-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
At what age did you get the first period?
How long did your periods last in your younger days?
When did things go wrong and if there is anything you can connect to it?
Not a doc1 last month
Around 12 yrs of age.
It was around 7 days, 10-15 yrs ago.
I dont remember exactly but I think I took a birth control pill for one day which was unnecessary.
Also moved countries, so not sure which of these is the cause.

I was getting large volume until last year when I took sulphur it decreased it.
[Edited by soul123 on 2025-01-19 16:22:54]
soul123 last month
Please take one dose Calcarea Carb 200 . It may require four or five doses at long intervals for complete cure. Do not take any other medicine or more than one dose.
Do not take medicine when the periods are on. Expected time of cure will be around six months.
Not a doc1 last month
But the thing is I am not fat and flabby. I am thin, just the belly is out maybe due to gastritis. I am lactose intolerant. Potato, chips, milk, chickpeas, fatty food make me very flatulent. I dont squander or wear expensive clothes. I like to drink warm things. I dont have a big head. My period is not heavy (volume has decreased significantly, I need to increase it).

I am sensitive to cold weather, easily get cold if go out in cold. I get cold like symptom and feel hopeless after insult/fight. Blood pressure is low around 104/67.

Shouldnt I take Pulsatilla, sepia, thuja, arnica, phosphorus or thuja?

I have tried the following in the past year:
Nat mur
kali phos
nat carb
ars alb
kali sulph
nat phos
carb veg
calc carb
nux vomica
soul123 last month
Have you had your blood checked recently?
CBC-complete blood count.
It sounds like you may be low in iron .
I would try cell salts - there are 12 homeopathic remedies considered cell salts (minerals) when taken up to 12x potency.
They are low potency and contain micro mineral amounts. The cell salts add in or delete what is out of balance in the cells- They were developed by Dr Schuessler around time of Hahnemann.
Often using the correct salts at the start of something resolves the problem.
For instance , taking Ferrum phos (iron) a few times a day at start of a cold usually stops the cold right away, but has to be done in the first days.

For you- I would take Ferrum phos 6x, Calcaria phos 6x,and Cal Flourica 6x
3 tabs of each twice a day for two weeks- then see how the next cycle is.
FYI- you may click any user name to see bio and threads of who you talk to on here.
[Edited by simone717 on 2025-01-18 19:39:26]
simone717 last month
I do have the biocombination 28 tonic which has 3x of each mineral, I took it for a few days but didnt notice any difference in acidity so stopped. Is there a combination tonic with 6x?

I havent had blood work done recently but I have had it done every year and the results were always normal so doctors wouldnt advice anything. Since I am suffering for a long time, I have therefore turned to homeopathy. I have also started ayuverdic meds recently, is it safe to take homeopathy and ayuverda on the same day?

Is it a good idea to try Pulsatilla for period problem to increase quantity? I cant afford to go into menopause so early.
soul123 last month
For many, and for me the bio combo never did anything- But the right cell salts individually work. The cal flour and cal phos help to regulate hormones. The Ferrum phos is to help your energy increase bc you sound low.
I think it’s important to know what is doing what-
And do one thing at a time. You might want your hormones tested- to get facts. I recently helped a woman who was not sleeping well and then decided to take melatonin for sleep She got worse ,started racing heart off and on and very stressed.
The answer was low iron-from her diet and melatonin leaches the iron from the blood. She started ferrum phos, changed diet, stopped melatonin, and was fine in 48 hours.
[Edited by simone717 on 2025-01-18 22:49:55]
simone717 last month
I will try to get Ferrum phos 6x, Calcaria phos 6x and Cal Flourica 6x. Is 6x best or 12x?

What do you recommend for gastritis and flatulence? Is it safe to take Ayuverda while using homeopathy?
soul123 last month
You have taken so many medicines that it is now difficult to determine which symptoms are natural and which are medicine induced. When people present themselves with this kind of picture or where there are no individual subjective symptoms present, many times going back to the symptoms of early years provide clues to the proper remedy.
Periods starting early(12 years), lasting around seven days suggest you may be Calcarea Carb. Calcarea carb has bloating like lycopodium. About the other symptoms of Calcarea carb you say you dont have I would like to point out that nobody has all the symptoms of any medicine. The provings are a collection of symptoms of many individuals and as such no patient can have all of them.
Sulphur, Calcarea Carb and Lycopodium are in a series. First Sulphur then Calcarea Carb then Lycopodium. As you have already taken Lycopodium you can go to Calcarea via Sulphur or Nux vomica. You should not take Calcarea carb after Lycopodium.
Not a doc1 last month
Yes it is safe to take cell salts with Ayurveda-
Use 6x.
I would not take a remedy of any Kind while doing Ayurveda- The two will not work right together and you will not have clear outcome .
For gastritis
You can add in Nat phos 6x and Mag phos 6x( the cal phos will also help with this)
But - when did this start?
What is your normal diet?
If you are too acidic -you will have to change diet forc2 weeks- google alkaline forming foods - eat mostly that for two weeks-no citrus, junk food,
Spicy food- Bc our cells have to be alkaline PH- If they get to Acidic PH
Ppl have reflux, stomach pain , etc- Eating alkaline for 2 weeks let’s your cells Reset-
Homeopathic remedies will not cure anything if diet is unhealthy.
[Edited by simone717 on 2025-01-19 00:47:29]
simone717 last month
Stomach issues started after taking medications that had effects similar to antibiotics for a very long time, due to medical negligence. My system got messed up and I am now trying to recover healthy gut flora.

I mostly eat healthy food at home. I dont get reflux like I used to but mostly just flatulence now which is getting to the point where if I cough and I am gassy, fart sound will be heard (kind of like incontinence but just sound). I would like to treat this before it gets worse.

I just noticed I have five phos 6x by schwabe which basically has all of the phos you recommended so I think I just need to buy Calc fluorica.
[Edited by soul123 on 2025-01-19 02:51:52]
soul123 last month
See how the cell salts help- the cal phos, mag phos and nat phos help a lot. Try the nat phos twice a day for a few days- you have to watch the nat phos bc if you take more than needed you will start to feel acidic- then stop.
The other ones you will not have a problem with.
simone717 last month
How many tablets should I take of five phos 6x and how many times?

Do I need to get Calc Fluor 6x?
[Edited by soul123 on 2025-01-19 03:09:29]
soul123 last month
Take 3 tabs 2x day for a week.
yes-get cal flour 6x -take same way.
simone717 last month
Thank you!
soul123 last month
Will these help with improving decision making? How long will it take to show results?

Any way to replenish gut flora?
[Edited by soul123 on 2025-01-19 20:40:09]
soul123 last month
You should be able to notice something after a week or so.
Cell salts are very tiny micro minerals- It takes some repetition to start building up response. You have to be patient and remember to take them.
As far as gut flora- you need to figure out if you have
Any lactose intolerance to dairy products- bc as we get older many have a problem with gas etc from dairy-the other thing is candida- if you have regular diet with a lot of sugar- you have to stop sugar intake to low- look up candida diet- You can get tested for it- do a cleanse diet and also find nd a supplement for candida cleanse- The probiotics for gut flora ?there are tons to try but ppl have to experiment -
If you are doing Ayurveda -I would start with cell salts,diet changes and see how your body reacts- there is no way to predict.
simone717 last month
Also the lactose intolerance and candida contribute to foggy thinking. fYI.
simone717 last month
I have tried candida spit test many years back but wasnt sure how accurate it was so didnt think much of it but I think I tested positive. Is there a test that you recommend?

I do like sweets and take sugar with tea which I have gotten addicted to recently so I think it will be really hard to quit. Will tea have any effect when taking cell salts?
I do think I get gassy after taking anything sweet also I am lactose intolerant to dairy products, I was hoping this could be cured.

I have taken candida supplement for a month in the past which I dont think was enough.
soul123 last month
The real candida test is a blood sample taken by your MD.
Tea is not going to affect cell salts but black tea more than a cup or two a day is very acidic. The sweets are hard to stop bc the candida lives off the sugar, so try to cut down by having some protein first which helps stop craving. I think the lactose intolerance is something you have to accept-
I have it and can switch to lactose free milk, and other lactose free dairy-
I still have cheese in small amounts and it’s not a problem. The candida takes awhile to get under control, so I would do the supplements again .
simone717 last month
I will try that, thank you!
soul123 last month
Notadoc, I dont think Calcarea carb suits me. I am thinking more like Baryta Carb will as I sometimes feel I might have autism from all the vaccines and medications I have taken in the past. I am not short but medium height 5ft2, I have difficulty holding conversations in a group setting, I have nothing to say, I become forgetful, its embarrassing that I dont know how to talk. Other sign and symptoms, I have swollen lymphnodes under my chin, difficulty making decisions, forgetful, inattentive during conversation or in classroom, lack social and emotional maturity, confused and childish behavior at times, fearful, hairfall, scanty menses, get cold easily, nasal congestions, tonsil/adenoid problems in the past, I feel deaf sometimes unable to hear others during conversation.

Do you guys think I should try Baryta carb?
[Edited by soul123 on 2025-01-21 04:30:04]
soul123 last month
We think of Baryta carb in cases of definite mental retardation and developmental delays. From your communication I do not find anything to suggest mental retardation, on the contrary you seem to be reasonably intelligent person.
Autistic people are not mentally retarded.
You have mentioned now that you have swollen lymph nodes, hoe many are there and which side?
Do they form a chain?
I still think you need Calcarea carb but you may need Tuberculinum as an Intercurrent remedy on account of the nodes under the chin?
Is there any history of Tuberculosis or type 2 diabetes in the family?
Not a doc1 last month
I have one about one inch submandibular nodes on both sides. They are single and do not form chain. There seems to be some near clavicle and inguinal area which I could not feel but one of the doctors when asked told me.

My grandfather died of Tuberculosis but I never met him in my life yet doctors gave prophylactic TB meds when I was a child and my gastrointestinal health and immunity went downhill from there.
[Edited by soul123 on 2025-01-21 11:55:25]
soul123 last month
As you have tubercular history in the family it will be beneficial to have one dose Tuberculinum to see if you have inherited the tubercular tendency. If it acts then presence of tubercular tendency will be confirmed and will have to be repeated at long intervals. Four to six doses may be necessary to clear the tendency. You will need Calcarea carb if Tuberculinum does not act or you shift from Tuberculinum to Calcarea carb.
You will have to allow the medicine to work undisturbed, no other medicine may be taken.
Not a doc1 last month

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