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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

hearing loss

1, i've never had the best hearing
2, was sickly till age three
3, had tonsils removed at age 3
4, my mother was a smoker
5, ear infections subsided after tonsilectomy
6, experienced severe allergies as an adult (about 1998-2000)
7, traditional doctor prescribed frequent antibiotics
8, clariton did nothing to relieve symptoms
9, allegra suppressed symptoms but i got a monthly sinus infection blow up
10, saw homeopath for a couple years
11, after many remedies (he never wanted to give the names. very stingy with information.) one finally worked.
12, homeopath felt the old house i lived in with probably moldy duct work was a large cause.
13, probably true
14, in 2001 had to stop seeing homeopath due to the high cost
15, i had moved and my allergies could be controlled by vit. c and quercitin
16, my hearing suffered more than usual with pregnancy in 2001-2002
17, got better after birth
18, loss of hearing was much more severe with second pregnancy in 2004.
19, hearing returned a bit once baby was born, nov. 2004.
20, but continues to be a problem
21, it varies
22, whenever i have a cold my ears pop a lot and i can often suddenly hear. everything is so loud. it never stays for long though
23, my aunt, a former nurse, used a technique to remove my earwaxh. my uncle needs it done every 4-6 weeks and he is a blood relative. makes me think it's in the family
24, you use deborox for several minutets. then take a 60cc syringe filled with warm water. tilt hear over sink and empty water from syring into ear canal. must have correct angle to get the right pressure. it succeeded in removing flakes and then chunks of wax from each ear. finish by putting a mixed drop of vinigar and rubbing alcohol in each ear to prevent infection
25, worked some for a brief period.
26, that was two weeks ago.
27, i already can't hear again. talk radio must be at level 60 on the bose radio for me to hear what they say.
28, people have to speak up and repeat themselves frequently.
29, when i'm in a group i can't hear people that are 10 feet away.
30, i have a lot of post nasal drip for the last two weeks. getting better, but still there.
31, i am always tired, don't get a ton of sleep.
32, i am very busy with my two small children, providing childcare for two other children and numerous volunteer activities.
33, have just begun taking quercitin again today.
34. am nursing six or more times a day. if i forget my prenate vitamins my whole body feels it.
i look forward to reading responses. thank you for your time!! blaky
  katricesmom on 2006-06-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
what is your age.
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Hi sir,

This is manikanta.

i am having an hearing loss in both ears.

15 years back in left ear white discharge came and immediately i visited the ent specialist in guntur.
he had given some ear drops after that white discharge disappear and slowly hearing capacity goes down, we did not identified from last 8 years onwards it is 90db.

in case of right ear , in 2008 it is 25 db and from last 2 years onwards it is also decreasing now it is 55db.

for right ear i am using nano hearing aid.

And finally from last 2 years i am having tinnutus problem in both ears.

please suggest me any homeapathy medicines that can cure me.

ANd i consulted so many doctors in homeopathy, genenaral medicine,ayurvedic,accupunture but no use.

please suggest me any medicine and save me life.

now a day i am going depression and thought of getting suicide.

Thanking you sir,

yugeshmani 7 years ago

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