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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Natrum Phosphoricum

Natrum Phosphoricum

Currently I am using homemade Natrum Phosphoricum. It works excellent.

Phospho-soda (or any brand name containing Sodium Phosphate) is available as non prescription on all pharmacies for just $3 or 4

I use the one available at Wal-Mart stores ‘Fleet Phospho-soda’ below is the link.


I add about 3 drops of it in the Mineral water and Naturm Phos (approximately) 3 to 4 X is ready.
To obtain 6X one can put about 5 drops in one liter water or just use common sense. 3X also works best.
  girilal on 2006-06-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You found the easiest method of preparing remedies.The whole theroy is changed.3 drops in mineral water and it is 3x,5 drops in mineral water it is 6x.It means for 12x,11or 12 drops,for 30x,29 or 3o drops,for 200x,199 or 200 drops/Interesting.Very easy.Keep on,i will follow you.

sajjadakram635 last decade
That is to layman's term. To be precise one can take some time with measurements.

This brand named Phospho-soda ia already some dilution of about 1x.

1 drop is about 1/10 CC.

so 3-4 drops of it in about 300cc of water is close enought to the homeopathy dose.

One can take some time to arrivce at precise conclusions but on my patients this Nat. Phos is working very well. One bottle of Phoso-soda can make several gallons of Nat. Phos in potency.
girilal last decade
Is this real? Wish you told us an year ago. I already spent $100 on just Nat. Phos. Finally I stopped giving it to people and was about to order it again.

Thanks kuldeep.
hoolio last decade
balle balle !!
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
I would like to congratulate Girilal on his research on making Nat Phos in the manner that he has described above. It is possible that his discovery can perhaps revolutionize the treatment of GERD and other gastric diseases throughout the world.

Members of this forum may be aware that I have consistently promoted the use of Nat Phos 6x for almost all gastric complaints as I had discovered that it was by far the most effective remedy which far surpassed the drugs that are used in medicine. Some years ago gastric complaints which were usually based on hyperacidity were treated with drugs based on Aluminium Hydroxide with brand names like Gaviscon, Gelusil and Aludrox and in the recent past more sophisticated drugs based on Omeprazole -- Prisolec, Esomeprazole -- Nexium, and Cimetidine -- Tagamet were introduced. The antacids neutralized the production of acid and helped the stomach to pass the food into the gut while the more sophisticated drugs inhibited the production of acid and helped in maintaining the balance of the digestive juice in the stomach which also helped the stomach to pass the food down the gut. Both these drugs helped by balancing the digestive juice to the level when the Pyloric valve would open thereby passing the food down into the Duodenum.

Natrum Phosphoricum operates in a different way by changing the pH of the Lactic Acid in the gastric juice and thereby accelerated the passage of food into the gut. I shall copy below some information on Nat Phos which quotes the research of Dr Schuessler below.

Hyperacidity is not usually recognized as the origin of many diseases in the body. I have no medical qualifications but I have been able to collate the following that may be of interest:

GERD ( Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease). This can lead to Barrett's Esophagus and later even to Cancer.

Hiatus Hernia. This is a disease that occurs after some years if the patient is not successfully treated for Hyperacidity.

Asthma. I have spearheaded the treatment of this ailment using Nat Sulph 6c in the wet dose on this forum. This disease affects about 12% of the world's population and many cases have been tracked down to Hyperacidity.

Anal Fistula, Fissure and Abscess. This is a common ailment which owes its origin to Hyperacidity.

Obesity. This is an ailment that affects 65 % of the population in the US alone. I have discovered that Nat Phos reduces the weight of the person using it by about 1 pound per week. Please read my article entitled 'The Ultimate Cure for Obesity' on:


I would like to stress that this list is by no means complete and it is my hope that more research will be made by those who have the facility to do so using Nat Phos as I am convinced that this simple remedy which anyone can make at home can revolutionize the concept of medicine in the world.

It is my hope that at least now the world media will wake up and use the information that both Kuldeep and I have provided on this amazing remedy Nat Phos and ensure that many millions throughout the world are instructed to use Nat Phos in the manner that Kuldeep described and thereby improve the level of their health.


Sodium and Phosphate ions are to be found in our body in the muscle, nerve and brain cells, in the blood corpuscles and in the tissue fluids. According to Dr Schuessler, Nat Phos splits the lactic acid, which is produced by the work of muscles into carbonic acid and water. The carbonic acid is absorbed by the sodium phosphate and brought to the lungs where it is eliminated in the process of breathing. If Sodium phosphate is lacking, there results an excess of lactic acid and consequently a sour taste, heart burn, sour stools, vomiting of sour, caseous matter, particularly in babies who are overfed with sugar and milk. If lactic acid reaches the lymphatic glands, the albumin of the3 lymph coagulates and the gland begins to swell. In the initial stages of swelling of the lymphatic glands therefore, Nat Phos has a healing effect because it can split lactic acid. Mat Phos further assures that the uric acid of the blood which is formed by the splitting up of the albuminous substance is kept in solution and secreted by the kidneys. Should this not be the case, uric acid dill be deposited in the joints. The sequels are Rheumatism. Gout, Sciatica, Lumbago. In the gall Nat Phos saponifies the fatty acids which have been consumed with the food. It is hence indicated against digestive disturbances resulting from excessive consumption of fat. Nat Phos also dissolves Cholesterol.
Joe De Livera last decade
I noticed a few errors in the paragraph above which I copied from The Handbook of Biochemistry by M M Quershi

Natrium Phosphoricum

Sodium and Phosphate ions are to be found in our body in the muscle, nerve and brain cells, in the blood corpuscles and in the tissue fluids. According to Dr Schuessler, Nat Phos splits the lactic acid, which is produced by the work of muscles into carbonic acid and water. The carbonic acid is absorbed by the sodium phosphate and brought to the lungs where it is eliminated in the process of breathing. If sodium phosphate is lacking, there results an excess of lactic acid and consequently a sour taste, heart burn, sour stools, vomiting of sour, caseous matter, particularly in babies who are overfed with sugar and milk. If lactic acid reaches the lymphatic glands, the albumin of the lymph glands coagulates and the gland begins to swell. In the initial stages of swelling of the lymphatic glands therefore, Nat Phos has a healing effect because it can split lactic acid. Nat Phos further assures that the uric acid of the blood which is formed by the splitting up of the albuminous substance is kept in solution and secreted by the kidneys. Should this not be the case, uric acid will be deposited in the joints. The sequels are Rheumatism. Gout, Sciatica, Lumbago. In the Gall, Nat Phos saponifies the fatty acids which have been consumed with the food. It is hence indicated against digestive disturbances resulting from excessive consumption of fat.
Joe De Livera last decade

To my humble opinion this is not right.
On homeopathic remedies is a number and a letter. For instance 6C. The 6 means that the potenciy is made six times and the C means that with every potency the dilution was a hundred times. Potencies can be made by stamping the bottle on a hard surface or the palm of your hand.

Just adding drops of any remedy in more or less water will not make proper remedies

Regards, Sjaak
Sjaak last decade
One can use commonsense and one's judgement to prepare any remedy.

Book of Homeopathy is also called Materia Medica, means Medical properties of the materials. In the begining homeopaths were making their own remedies later of Pharmcutical mafia took over and homeopathy stopped.
girilal last decade

If you read the information that Girilal has given you will note that he has used 5 drops of Phospho Soda in a liter of water which has worked in the same manner as the potentized remedy. I presume that he used a teaspoonful as the dose.

You are absolutely correct in your statement about C being Centesimal and X being Decimal but what Girilal was doing was to share his discovery that Phos soda can be used instead of the triturated tablets which I and all homeopaths have used for many years to help patients with gastric ailments.

The great advantage in using his technique is that millions throughout the world can use the liquid Sodium Phosphate or even the salt crystals to make the remedy. When this is read in context with the multi millions who suffer from hyperacidity and other related diseases throughout the world, you will appreciate the great favour that Girilal has given humanity as it is not necessary any more to go to a Homeopathic pharmacy to get the remedy. All one needs is to get the liquid or the crystalline Sodium Phosphate which is universally available throughout the world and one can then make the remedy to help control gastric problems including Hyperacidity, GERD, Flatulance, etc not forgetting that Nat Phos is also the Ultimate cure for Obesity.
Joe De Livera last decade
How very interesting. I will be going down to my local Walmart today and get the Fleet Phosph-soda.

Question about mixing and how much to take.

Per Joe DeLivera I have been taking Nat Phos 6X. Can you tell me precisly how many drops to use and how much water to put it in to come close to my 6X.

Also, can you tell me how much do I take at a time. Currently I have been taking Nat Phos 6X 3 tablets after each meal for acid reflux.

Give me specifics since I am totally new to homeopathic and don't know the basics when it comes to taking remedies.

Thank you so much. This will be much more cost effective for sure.
goingdownhill last decade

If a remedy works who cares if it isn't exact science. It like cooking. After a while, one does not need to use measuring instruments. We just use our intuition and to our surprise we end up hitting just the perfect amount.

Girilal has helped many strangers right on the spot throughout the world. Think of all of the money on plane tickets he has saved himself because he isn't running home to his laboratory to prepare a remedy with exact science.

If he saw you lying on the ground somewhere dying where there are no doctors and no ambulances, he could prepare a remedy for you within seconds. And you'd be up on your feet just as quickly.
Pat2006 last decade
Very right !!
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
this is very funny..ignorance is not only bliss but democratic ....pat and others of the like---allo/anti path medicine has its roots in your words...as does methods being presented here.....if patients interest was utmost--then there would be no compromise from the ideal...less one sought to impliment their way---and this becomes priority...dont confuse the giver of medicines or infromation real intentions with some altruistic value---you would see much differnet approach when patient is valued over the giver of medicines own interest.....but may be better not to question and just accept ....
John Stanton last decade

If you are such a great homeopath why are you wasting your time coming to this site?

Why not go make money doing it?

You're a big fake and you know it.

So quit critizing others and spend time on working on your own self.

You have the typical attittude of my way or no way just to control others.

Don't you ever have anything encouraging to say about anything?

And leave ignorant people alone cause afterall they are the ones you take advantage of.

So quit biting the hand that feeds you----the ignorant people you take advantage of.

You must have had parents who spanked you all the time cause that is the only way you know how to get attention.

You can fool some people some of the time but eventually they will catch on to your non-intelligence.
Pat2006 last decade

You are obviously calling girilal ignornant also.

Aren't you?
Pat2006 last decade
no pat --i am just calling you ignorant and those whom feel your words are respected----you only include others in your own demise..

as far as methods used and presented---what else would one expect...we know the ideal--if we settle for less---then we get less...i am learning not care (slowly) the ridcules things i read --concerning what is mis represnetd as homoeopathy...but thats life and my lesson---

pat --you remind me of happy face or paris...(when your mad)...

funny you bring up spanking---so either you are right or you are wrong---if right that is very insightful on your part and dserve more credit than i have given you ---if wrong --well then it only reinforces what i seem to know of you..

what do you wager on this?your honor? of course no way i can prove either way o you...but i do know the truth of your spankig referal....and if you are wrong---maybe something you need get off your chest..some past hurt...just tell it how it is...for me i had a father hate issue for long time...never gave me reason --just thought he wasnt around enough--and i fed this for lots of years---well anyway after died---didnt really mourn --well i was treated homoeopatically--and i realized i miss my fatehr--and do love him--too late yes? but such as it is...yet i finally recognized this---and now i trust in something not know before---i say things like i say them--and get response like you give-----not always friction..so there --i am as freakig real as you will meet--i dont lie--argue yes--lie never...my ego gets hurt--so what--pat you have lots anger--maybe your father issue--hard to talk about i know...but be amazed with truth---dont ever be afraid be wrong---i tal/write strong--but am very emotion person-----this is me though...

there you go ---jokes and wise prophets --feed --and think you are safe..
John Stanton last decade
For your information.

I don't bother reading what you write.

I just scheme through what you write.


So don't even think you are getting any attention from me.

I just ignore you same as everyone else at this site.

So don't think you are getting any attentionl

And you are the one who is angry person who projects that on to others.

No, I am not bothering to read what you have to say.

Go get your negative attention from somewhere else.

You have no business trying to be a homeopath when you are so mentally deranged and angry.

Go away!!!!

[moderator comment: Pat2006 has been banned a while ago.]
Pat2006 last decade

You can't accept the fact that a lot of people have an ill opinion of you and you have to lump everyone into one person.


Go away!! You're no good to anyone!!

Some people at this site are too chicken to say what they feel about you.

Spend some time learning how to speak and write English.
Pat2006 last decade

You have to allow others to have their opinions instead of personally attacking them. No good comes of this. You are showing your weaknesses.

To follow others blindly and not question is not how homeopathy was originally created.

Please read the Organon. Then you will understand.
London Gal last decade
Dear John, All I did is told the way to make Natrum Phoshporicum 3X and 6X. I am not promoting the idea to use it as tonic.

My sole objective is that if one needs Naturum Phos, one can have it immidiately.

Atleast It works better than Pepto Bismol and it worked upon me also.
girilal last decade

Use ten drops of Phospho-Soda in one liter mineral water or 5 drops in 1/2 liter water to get 6X.

Make sure to shake up bottle very well. Take a teaspoon of the remdy.
girilal last decade
Take one tsp after each meal.
girilal last decade
There is no right or wrong in homeopathy.

What ever works works.

So many people treat the organon like the bible. They take the parts that suit them and ignore the rest AND THIS INCLUDES JOHN STANTON IN A VERY BIG WAY

Why not take the entire organon into consideration?

There are a lot of different schools of homeopathy out there and no two agree with each other.

John is not expressing any opinions here. He is merely trying to take choices away from others.

Let everyone choose what they want.

If you don't agree with a homeopath, so be it.

Just don't use homeopathy to hurt others like John Stanton does with his anger.

John Stanton uses homeoapthy to hurt people with his anger in the same way that some people with AIDS use it to hurt others.

He is just jealous of Girilal's inventions.

And John won't attack Girilal because girilal will just ignore him.

But I'm taking an opporutnity to express what others won't cause they are too chicken.

John is jealous of other things too and the other homeopaths here know what I mean.
Pat2006 last decade
And the rest of the day I'm going to just laugh at John cause he is just a big joke.
Pat2006 last decade
Pat, John is not Jealous of anybody - not that type. Only ideals and are different. This is not communism, his ideas are equally welcome here for all.
girilal last decade

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