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Bed Wetting



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Bed wetting14Re: Bed wetting18 year old nightly bedwetting and regular pants wetting245-yo girl, constipation, encopresis, bedwetting5Nocturnal bed wetting1bedwetting17.5 years old boy bedwetting37 yaers old - bed wetting2511year old son bedwetting18bed wetting4


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Bed wetting in children

My daughter is 5 years old. She is suffering from bed wetting by passing out urine during sleep even after 1hour of sleeping. Kindly any body suggest the homeopathic medication for it.
  pkb2090 on 2006-07-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Any gum or teeth problem , is faced by your child
freeconsult last decade
Any thing in yours child body smells foul or putrid ?
freeconsult last decade
Bed wetting is caused by fear.

A fear that child has about something concerning the relationship of the mother and the father, or the other way around. most children are sensing the problems parents have, even if they are not told - children sense can sense it.
Bed wetting is a fear that the family might be hurt - in a way such as divorce or even physical abuse. It is in fact a fear of not being loved i.e. the fear that mommy does not love daddy.

Fears are easy recognised by children up to the age of 6 to seven afer that the lying taught by the parents will destruct these senses and the child becomes a copy of the parents.
Tell the child that IT is not the cause of tension between you and your partner, and tell your child that you love it. and that all will be fine.

in case you need more information that will explain bed wetting, just drop me a line

Alexthink last decade

Equisitum is general remedy for bed wetting in children

u can use it is 30 potency every night before sleep

u can also email me

take care
Dr. Hasnaat
Hasnaat last decade
Yes, my child has teeth problem and no body smell. If there is any other querry please ask and suggest the remedy.
pkb2090 last decade
Dr. Beek,
It is not clear that a child being innocent, how she will sense about the parent's relationship and how it will effect in bed wetting. Kindly take some more pain to elaborate your suggestions.

pkb2090 last decade
dear PKB2090,

Hear is the link to a small article on Bed wetting, which I believe you've already read.

However, over the past 15 years several parents I have consulted me with the above problem of their children, and it has been confirmed that the fear children have for their parents is the cause that leads to bed wetting.

Even grown ups in situations of extreme fear are wetting their pants. Fear creates a spasm and blocks control from the head, this leads to a spontanious release urine.

forgive your fear for your husband/partner and the child will stop wet his bed.
Alexthink last decade
what is the teeth problem pls elaborate. Any bad smell from mouth pls clarify.
freeconsult last decade
The teeth problem is cavity in the teeth and there is always bad smell from the mouth. Kindly suggest.
pkb2090 last decade
Dr. Beek,
Your Thinking may be true. Thanking you for your valuable suggestion.

pkb2090 last decade
Pls take

Krosotum 200,
30 no. globules,
5 globules once daily for five days

and report the response or lack of response.
freeconsult last decade
Due to typing mistake 'KREOSOTUM" was wrongly typed as 'krosotum' which the forum may please take note of.
freeconsult last decade
use these homeopathy medicine
EQUISETUM HYEMALE 3X,VERBASCUM THAPSUS 3X three time a day each medicine five drop and BELLADONNA 200 5drop daily at night only 20 day insallah ur daughter is cure with 20 days
alrahim last decade
I tried KREOSOTUM 200 for 5days. But there is no result. Kindly suggest.
pkb2090 last decade

Sepia 200,
30 no. globules ,
5 globules twice daily for 5 days

Report response or lack of response.
freeconsult last decade
Bed wetting -in some children it takes a couple of months and some it takes six months.
You start giving her-
1 Causticum 30 -1dose in the morning
2 Kreosotum 30 -2doses
3 Sepia 30 -2 doses
Kreosotum and Sepia alternate
Keep a gap of minimum three hours in between each dose. do not gine her anything to eat and drink 15 mins before and after the doses.
The effect would start showing after two weeks of medicine
Is she very excitable chid, gets angry very soon and is violent. Does her urine smell a lot.
you can gine this information. But you can start with the above medicines right away
robina last decade
Hi, I am a Mother of 8. My oldest three (ages 10,9, and 8 are all bedwetters. None of the younger siblings (who are out of diapers) have troubles. The only thing that we can think of that is different about the children would be that the oldest three had their imunizations as babies. The younger ones did not.

We havebeen trying to find something to help for year now. We have tried a homeopathic blend from Natures Sunshine that contains Ammonium Carbonicum6x,Cina 6x,Equisetum hyemale 6x, Benzoicum 8x, Verbascum shapsus 8x, with purifed water and glycerine. It is in drop form and they have been on it a couple months. Does anyone know of anything that will take effect any quicker? I used the software on this website to see what it said and it recomeded Belladonna. I just have no idea what potency, how often ect.. or even if it will work. My children will be heading to a competition and will be sleeping with other boys their ages. They are very nervous ad stressed about this. We have been trying but I can't seem to find anything that will help them.

We have alo tried not drinking after 5 8:30 is bedtime)

Waking them at midnight and again at 2. Some nights we catch it most we do not and it is so hard to keep that up for the Parents.

We have tried alarms, but the alarms do not sound some nights and sometimes theboys will sleep through it.

All three are hard sleepers and are had to wake.

One of the boys has accidets durring the day on occasion.

Any advice?

Like I said, the only thing different between all of these boys is the fact the oldest three who have the problem have been imunized. Theygo to the same school. Same teachers, same friends, same family, Parents who work as a team in raising the boys. No worries about ever seperating, ect....

I am not surewhat more I can say, but any help would be very much appreciated.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post.
MommyofMany last decade
Dear patients of bedwetting,

The comments and medicines prescribed above are very useful but I would like to explain some main causes of bedwetting. Before taking any medicine, please first assure the cause of this ailment. Normally peoples think that this is a general disease but actually it is due to some special cause. Here are the same for facility of reference and correct selection of medicine.

1. Fear
2. Dreams
3. Worms (in children this is main cause which is alway ignored)
4. Weekness of urinary system
5. Any other particular symptom.

I request the partents of the patient, to observe their children,and explain cause so that proper medicines is prescribed.

Dr. Mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Thank you Dr Mafooz.

Out of your list My children say they have...

1. No fears unless it is the fear of people knowing they wet the bed. There is no reason for fear in the family or environment away from home either.

2. They all say they only dream sometimes and when they do it is about flying, being on a boat, or other good things. None are scary to them. One says he has had the dream that he got up to go to the bathroom once but actually found himself wetting himself. Another said the only time he had a bad dream was after he saw a scarey movie on TV before bed when his Uncle came to be with them for an hour. They just usually don't talk about dreams so I had to ask.

3. We wondered if they could have had parasites, so we had them tested. They were found with a worm but it was treated and retested to come out negative two years ago. We just tested recently because a girl at the school was found to have worms and it was still negative.

4. Only one of my boys has accidents durring the day and has to run to the bathroom often. The other two can hold on for awhile. It just seems that when they are sleeping they just can't seem to wake or don't feel the urge. Our son with a week blatter is practicing control of his blatter while in the bathroom to eliminate. He hs been doing much better, yet still has nightly problems.

5. We don't see any other symptoms. They all sleep fairly heavily, and we can wake them to find (sometimes) that they are already wet before midnight, and do so again between midnight and morning.
Most of the time the smell of urine is strong in the room in the morning, but all three sleep in the same room together, so that may be why. They can wear diapers or pull ups and overfill them most nights. Lately they have been doing better on that betwetting tonic we have been using (Not overfilling the pullups), but it does not seem to be totally kicking the problem after 3 months time.

As I said in the first post. The only thing that the three boys have in common that the others do not is the fact that they were vaccnated as babies. They had other reactions to the vaccines also, but they have nothing to do with bedwetting that I know of. They were all brestfed babies. Two till 7 months, and one till 18 months. Each one of the boys who were weaned at an earlier age were still nursed after the 7 month mark, but supplimentally fed with formula. It was due to having another on the way right away that I had weaned them. They all seem to have the problem to the same extent though.

If there are any other factors that may be of help, please let me know and I will be glad to give you the info. I just appreciate the help.

I have the Bell 200c on the way. Thank you for everything. I will keep in touch.
MommyofMany last decade
Sarsaparilla 200 is almost specific remedy
Dr Rizvi last decade
actually bedwetting is easy to get rid of. i used eft on my 4 year old and it worked within 1 week. eft or emotional freedom techinique,
EFT is based on a new discovery that has provided thousands with relief from pain, diseases and emotional issues. Simply stated, it is an emotional version of acupuncture except needles aren't necessary. Instead, you stimulate well established energy meridian points on your body by tapping on them with your fingertips. The process is easy to memorize and is portable so you can do it anywhere. It launches off the EFT Discovery Statement which says...

'The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system.'

And because our physical pains and diseases are so obviously connected with our emotions the following statement has also proven to be true...

'Our unresolved negative emotions are major contributors to most physical pains and diseases.'

look up eft and you will come across gary craigs site. there is where you can read testomonials and learn how to do it for free.
your child is five so talk to her aabout her bed wetting. ask her how she feels about it. why does she think she is wetting the bed. just feel her out and let her talk about it and ask questions when appropiate and do the eft while yoou talk. you will be amazed at how well this works.
i was spanking my child for bad behavior which was the cause for his bedwetting.i think it made him feel unimportant or insecure. anyway i figured that out with eft and i don't spank him anymore and he does not wet his bed. that is why it is important to talk it out. but i agree it is usually based on some type of fear.
let us know if you try this and if it works for you. email with any other ?'s but the site should answer them all for you
rana1968 last decade
Use the following medicines for Bed wetting,hope it will work.Otherwise Urine Analysis should be done.
ferrum Phos 6x
Kali phos 6x
Nat phos 6x
1 tablet each three times a day.In the second week dosage can be decreased(thrice to twice).

Dr Tahira last decade
Some time its work, in old book of imam sautee he prescribed

give bath to child before goin to bed ,then mother or father boa woozoo----write with your finger on right thigh ADAM in arabic alfabet, and HAWA on left thigh same
yes it works try it if u like it.
if not laugh on me &urself.
purdaysee last decade
i am sure the children are very stressed about the whole situation and we certainly as parents compound it and make it worse by doing some of the things we do to try and prevent an accident. now it is truely a fear of there friends finding out. so try eft. all you have to do is let the children talk about their fears as you do the tapping. just keep going over it untill their fear has lessened. just take it one day at a time. and if all the children can participate together or seprately that is okay too. just google eft and find gary craigs site and you cna learn it right away. it works!!
rana1968 last decade
A few experienced homeopaths always advised a few doses of Sulphur for bed wetting prb. It can be tried also.
srisri last decade

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