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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Eczema in 3 year old

My daughter has several food allergies, she eats all organic, brown rice, veggies, avocado, fruits, soaked almonds, dates, fresh coconut, etc. She drinks glass bottled spring water. After eating fish or any type of meat she gets bloated and her stool is very loose. When she sweats and at night she gets very itchy, her problem areas are wrists, big toes, inner elbow, behind knees, behind her thighs, and knees. She has not been able to sleep since she was a year and a half. She also has fresh veggie juice every night, takes probiotics, CQ10, bee pollen, enzymes before meals and blue green algae. We use coconut and hemp seed oil in her food. We use nothing on her skin and bathe her once a week.
  jentati on 2006-07-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
To Jentati

You can give your daughter Arnica 6c in the wet dose which is made as follows:

Insert 3 pellets of the remedy into a 500ml bottle of spring water. Shake the bottle hard every time before you give her 1 teaspoonful twice daily.

I note that you give her many food supplements including probiotics, enzymes etc. If you wish to use my therapy I would prefer that you STOP all of them for 2 weeks within which time her eczema should show improvement. You may like to know that in some cases improvement has been noticed in just 3 days.

I note that you bathe her only once weekly. I would suggest that you do so daily as bathing is necessary to soften the dead skin. Do not use any soap but you can use Johnsons Baby Shampoo on her skin instead.

If she suffers from the gastric problems you report you should avoid giving them to her till her eczema in stabilized and I shall indicate other remedies to help this problem. I do not wish to complicate matters by suggesting them to you now as they may interfere with the Eczema therapy.

Please report response in a week.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Joe,

I do agree with your point about bathing everyday, as it moistens the skin and loosens the dead skin.

But as this girl has several allergies, maybe she shouldn't use Johnson's baby shampoo (or any other soaps) on her body while bathing. It could cause an allergic reaction.

What are your thoughts?
stickyfingaz99 last decade
I wash her private areas, hands, feet and hair everyday but can't submerge her into the water...it stings her and she screams...we even have a filter on out shower. Her eczema spots are really red and she scratches them so that she has open wounds; not really layers of dead skin. I use a natural shea butter soap. I don;t understand what you mean by 'eczema stabalize' she does not have that 'wet,oozy' eczema, instead some parts just get flared, red, and itchy and she scratches and sometimes a scab forms. Please let me know what other info. might be helpful.
jentati last decade
You will have to play it by ear as this child seems to be a real problem case. It is a great pity that she was not treated by a homeopath earlier but I suppose it can be said that it is better late than never.

I have given you the general rules to be observed and you can experiment around them. If she screams as you state when she is immersed, this can be due to the chlorine in the water and you will have to find some other means to soften her skin which I believe is part of the therapy.

I must frankly admit that I have not treated a case so advanced from what you have described of her skin. And she is only 3 years old !

What I meant by stabilizing her eczema is to wait till she shows some improvement in her ailment before we treat the bloating in her stomach.
Joe De Livera last decade
I'll purchase the arnica today, I stopped the enzymes and probiotics already. We have a chlorine filter on our shower, we have taken her to natural springs and sometimes I spray thermal water on her skin.
jentati last decade
Joe, am I supposed to purchase the Arnica Montana?
jentati last decade
I am glad to note that you have discontinued her daily dose of varying food supplements which may have been the cause of her chronic Eczema. Any one of them may have been the cause of triggering a reaction and from what you have described of her present state, the less said the better.

I am indeed appalled at the many tablets that citizens in the US take on a daily basis in the fond hope that they will give some benefit to the user. Nothing can be farther from the truth and I hope that this message will be read by those who are interested in my theory that as long as one eats a varied home cooked diet, there is no necessity for any additional input in terms of those ubiquitous tablets which usually cause more harm than good. It is just that mindset that must be changed and I would recommend that those who read this post stop their intake of the so called additive tablets for a week and verify for themselves whether or not they feel any difference in the lifestyle.

I hope that you will get the Arnica 6c ASAP and give it to your daughter as this can perhaps be the beginning of her cure from this disease which in her case is as far as I can see, the most advanced case that I have treated.

And all this at third hand without my ever having set eyes on the patient !
Joe De Livera last decade
Joe, I purchased the Arnica this afternoon. My daughter also decided to have a bath today, with warm/cold water (her skin is sensitive to heat-hot water) since most of her wounds were healed. I will continue with the bath and keep you posted with any changes after the Arnica. Thanks, Jennifer
jentati last decade

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