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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Homeopathic Breast Enlargement Page 6 of 6

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Then why are so many people on this blog trying to get this thing done. There are many people like me who think that such thing can be done even if we don't have it naturally. So i want to find a solution to it which is safe for me.
Foram last decade
You have to understand the principles of homeopathy.

It is a medicine system for ILLNESS. If you have
something wrong with you as far as weight, periods,
and consider anything else that is not 100 percent well-

Medicines for those things will help you overall and
if breast size is small due to some imbalance then
medicine can help here.

When you take a medicine for something you are not
sick with- it will cause side effects, which can be

Unethical people will and do advertise things like take
xyz tonic to get hair back, grow your penis , enlarge
your muscles in 2 weeks etc.So many people think
homeopathic medicines are like some super vitamin or
wonder drug to get these results. It is a lie. It is up
to you to research what is in things you take and see
what effects they have-

For instance a man was on here, who was taking
some supplement from the gym and it had Lycopodium
( a digestive remedy among other things) in it to grow
his muscles fast. He ended up with bad digestive problems
that he never had before in his life.

What you don't know-- can hurt you. And most of
these posts do not understand that homeopathic remedies are
a medicine and they will cause problems if there is no
real cause to take it.
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 07 Nov 2013 19:16:39 GMT]
simone717 last decade
Thank you so much for your understanding w.r.t to homeopathy. In my urge to get things done more, i have thought that this will be my remedy to my problem.May be i have not got through the core of homeopathic but truly respect and understand its use to where it needs to be truly used. I know that good, nutritious food and healthy lifestyle will bring the all the good in me but in hurriness i thought of taking a faster route.Will try something different from now.
Foram last decade
those who are claiming these homeo medicine worked for them and enlarged there Boobs should post Before and After pics as prove Let us see if they are telling the truth :) :)) :))) ;)
yokla last decade
Hi , iam asma and iam glad to join here with you i need some information about homeopathic breast enlargement for my self i want to know what can i do at first plz help me iam waiting u reply me soon! Thnx alot
Asma malik last decade
Hello, i am anammika and m 22 yrs old but even at this age my breasts havent developed properly. i am takin homeopathy treatment since more dan a year but no improvements. can u please suggest me some medicines that wud solve my problm?? i've lost my self confidence and day by day m getting more and more frustrated because of this problem of mine. please suggest me some good medicines.. i have almost lost all my hopes on this problem. i really need some proper guidance :(
Anamika Jadhav last decade
hi sana 75 pls tell what should I do for breast enlargement
rhea homeo fan last decade
AoA! My age is 24 yr but im quite skinny and my breast size is 30 can u plz suggest me any medicine plzzz im really worried...
Zeenia 8 years ago
i am a 28 yr old female getting married in 2 months.I wish to increase breast size. The lower half of my body is fat. I have about 22 grey hair arising from one spot at the top of my head. My hair also feels pulled at hair line in spite of tying loosely. Lots of hair fall and my previously straight n silky hair has become wavy and frizy. My face and neck are very dark n dull compared to body. I have dark circles and syringomas under eyes. My sight I feel has recently deteriorated. Cannot focus on far objects and I get headaches and eyes feel heavy. Feel pressure behind eyes. Palms and soles of feet are very rough and I also have bad breath. I do not sleep very well in spite of getting 6-7 hours , i feel tired when I wake up. Prone to short temper, depression and cry easily. I eat a balanced diet, but prefer non veg. I gey stressed and nervous very easily and not very confident. When I get stressed, my stomach feels knotted and I feel nauseous. I am very reserved and like staying at home.I feel lazy when it comes to taking a shower and getting dressed. Pls suggest remedy
reddniharika 8 years ago
Most affected mirackle product i found its boobpop.No side effects,at all. I tried various items, but this product feels the most effective one!!!!!!!!!!
cathrinah 7 years ago
Hi sana.. could u plz help me out.. I'm 5'9" tall indian girl.. nd I'm also flat chested.. I'm a hypothyroid patient but I'm very skinny and underweight.. bcos of hypothyroid and pcod i have irregular periods and immense hairfall... plz suggest me some homeopathic medicine for breast enhancement..
Appy 7 years ago
I am a 27 year old Caucasian woman with very deflated, emaciatinf breasts (32A/32AA), I have had two kids, currently have premenstrual spotting for 5-7 days until my period hits and ultrasounds have shown polycystic ovaries , I am also 5’9” 127lbs and have always been extremely thin. I have been diagnosed with hashimotos disease and Lyme disease and the only medication i am on is T3 for my thyroid and I take supplements for my liver, kidneys, probiotic, and digestion. I suffer with periods of anxiety and depression. I am also spiritual as I am Christian and listen to my body when something is not right. I really would love something that would help me to gain weight and at least a cup size of breasts. I have also had some good results wirh some homeopathics and not such good results with others. Same with Chinese medicine. Herbs for enhancement also seem to hurt my cycles. Please help me to gain some breast tissue and thank you.
Mlaw489 7 years ago
Hi ,

I am Having 23 yrs , My Breast size is too small(30).
My parents are searching alias for me. Before marriage fix I would like to increase my Breast size.
Please suggest me any medicine which will help .

Geetha2 7 years ago
Look up correct weight for your height. If you are under weight
Breast size will be small as breast tissue is fat tissue.
simone717 7 years ago
hi sana anu here my sister has flat breasts and she feels quiet bad for this can there be ny help to increase the size may be very little but with no or minimial side effects.
she is very skinny, has an average diet, eats minimum junk food, does not has any major problem but sometimes has a little back pain, she is tall, and childish in nature and yes her age is 21.
let me know if you need any other information waiting for your reply.
anu8 7 years ago
Google her height and what her weight should be for that height. Breast is fat tissue and she will have to gain weight to gain breast size.
simone717 7 years ago
AOA Sana i m 41 mother of two kids. My breasts are saggy n wrinkled.
Please suggest me some drops.
shaggy 7 years ago
Dear Dr. Hasnaat,
I am Sandhya, Female, age 25, student, single, weight 74.5kgs, height 5ft 6in, country India.

Although I am overweight for my height/age, I am pretty much flat for my built. Most of my fat resides on my back, belly and arms. I would very much like if I could grow a round well-shaped chest. Could something be done about it?

Currently, I am taking berberis aquifolium mother tincture 10drops thrice daily for my pimples as advised by a homeopathic practitioner. My room-mate uses berberis aquifolium mother tincture 50drops, thrice, 8hrs apart, and she has grown to be quite fair. My major concern is to have a clear lighter complexion and have well rounded chest. Also, if something could be done about hip dips, I have a violin like shape which looks odd.

Idon't have thyroid issues as per my last test, I however will get myself checked soon. My periods are irregular and I am allergic to dust and am lactose intolerant. As for my bowel movement, I feel constipated and for which I take psyllium husk. I am slightly anaemic. My bp is 112/80 incase you need to know. In the past I suffered from typhoid, jaundice (twice) and chickenpox. Whenever the weather changes I get mild cough and cold to fever. I have a slight weak eye sight. Met with an accident twice, one 4yrs ago and another last year, I have a lot of scars, pigmented and bumpy. Also, my skin easily gets tanned. The slightest exposure gets me dark.
tirk_sa2601 6 years ago

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